of the
Finance and Governance Committee
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
10 minutes after the conclusion of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee or such later time as determined by the preceding committee
Council Chambers, Level 8
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
MEMBERS OF THE Finance and Governance Committee |
Councillor Paul Tully (Chairperson) Councillor Jacob Madsen (Deputy Chairperson) |
Mayor Teresa Harding Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic Councillor Andrew Antoniolli Councillor Jim Madden |
Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda |
3 September 2024 |
Finance and Governance Committee AGENDA
Item No. |
Item Title |
Page No. |
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgment of Country |
Declarations of Interest |
Business Outstanding |
Confirmation of Minutes |
1 |
Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
7 |
Officers’ Reports |
2 |
Procurement - Security Services Contract Award |
17 |
3 |
**Procurement - VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse |
29 |
4 |
**Surrender of 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla |
34 |
Notices of Motion |
Matters Arising |
** Item includes confidential papers
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and
Governance Committee
No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024
That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed.
Officers’ Reports
2. PROCUREMENT - Security Services Contract Award
This is a report concerning the establishment of contractual arrangements for the provision of Security Services including:
• Safe City Control Room monitoring (Separable Portion 1)
• Precinct Concierge and Security Patrols (by foot), mobile patrols (Separable Portion 2); and
• Ad hoc Security services (Separable Portion 3)
A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 1 - Safe City Monitoring Facility (Control Room) CCTV monitoring operations and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd (Supplier).
B. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 2- Precinct Concierge and CBD Security Patrols (by foot), Mobile Patrols, and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Infront Security Pty Ltd (Supplier).
C. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $5,520,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms.
D. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Infront Security Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $9,130,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms.
E. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
3. **Procurement - VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse
This is a report concerning the recommendation to award Tender VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse with the nominated supplier as per confidential Attachment 1 to undertake the construction works for the new Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse.
After an open market request for tender process, an evaluation panel has recommended one supplier for the construction of the Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse as set out in Recommendation B below. The recommendation has been determined by the evaluation panel to offer Council the best value for money.
If Council is satisfied with the nominated supplier, the name of the supplier will be included in the Council’s resolution at Recommendation B.
A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse.
B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier identified in confidential Attachment 1 for the lump sum amount of two million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($2,699,517.90) excluding GST and the contingency amount as listed in confidential Attachment 1
C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
D. That owing to the confidential nature of the recommendations, that once adopted by Council, the recommendations be made public.
4. **Surrender of 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla
This is a report concerning the potential surrender of trusteeship over Reserve land located at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, described as Lot 557 CC3651 to the State of Queensland and recommend the Silver Lining Foundation Australia Ltd to take responsibility of the trusteeship.
That Council resolve to surrender the trusteeship of surplus land at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, more particularly described as Lot 557 and Plan CC3651 (Council file reference number 6221).
Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda |
3 September 2024 |
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(03)
13 August 2024
Councillor Paul Tully (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Andrew Antoniolli and Jim Madden; Councillors David Cullen (via audio-link - Observer), Pye Augustine (Observer), Marnie Doyle (Observer)
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), General Manager Planning and Regulatory Services (Brett Davey), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Treasury Accounting Manager (Paul Mollenhauer), Corporate Governance Manager (Shasha Ingbritsen), Property Services Manager (Alicia Rieck), Senior Property Officer Tenure (Kerry Perrett), Manager, Legal and Governance (General Counsel) (Tony Dunleavy), Learning and Development Consultant (Heather McKoy), Category Specialist (Yuri Flores), ICT Business Manager (Fiona Bristow), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Manager, Media, Communications and Engagement (Mark D. Strong), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Leave of Absence - Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
That a Leave of Absence be granted for Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 16 July 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
2. Review of Chief Executive Officer Delegations This is a report concerning a review of the delegations provided to the Chief Executive Officer. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That the delegations to the Chief Executive Officer as detailed in Attachment 1 be repealed. B. That the delegations to the Chief Executive Officer as detailed in Attachment 2 be amended as detailed in Attachment 3.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
3. Concession for General Rates - 6 Krypton Court, CAROLE PARK QLD 4300 This is a report concerning a request for a concession for general rates from The Salvation Army (Qld) Property Trust for a property at 6 Krypton Court, CAROLE PARK QLD 4300.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(d) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That
having satisfied the criteria in s120 of the of the Local Government
Regulation 2012, as well as the Rates Concession Policy, the property at
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Lease over Freehold Land at 1 Turnberry Way, Brookwater - Oakmont Park This is a report concerning a
proposed new lease over freehold land located at |
Recommendation A. That Council resolve to surrender the existing lease at 1 Turnberry Way, Brookwater more particularly described as part of Lot 124 and Plan SP214127 to Body Corporate for Brookwater Home Owners Club Community Titles Scheme 29222 (Lessee), for park purposes. B. That pursuant to section 236(2) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception at section 236(1)(c)(iii) of the Regulation applies to the disposal of interest in land at 1 Turnberry Way, Brookwater more particularly described as part of Lot 124 and Plan SP214127, for park purposes, because it is for renewal of a lease to the existing lessee. C. That
Council renew the lease (Council file reference number 6214 with Body
Corporate for Brookwater Home Owners Club Community Titles Scheme 29222
(Lessee) in the following manner: (i) by way of a new lease for an initial term of nineteen (19) years at an annual rent of $1.00 excluding GST, payable to Council if demanded and with no options for extension; and (ii) by way of a second consecutive lease that commences after the expiry of the new lease in Recommendation B(i) for a consecutive term of twenty (20) years at an annual rent of $1.00 excluding GST, payable to Council if demanded and with no options for extension.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the matter be deferred
until the September meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
5. Procurement - Cohga Weave Mapping Subscription - 2024 This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to enter into a contract with Cohga Pty Ltd for the provision of the Cohga Weave Mapping Solutions that is operationally utilised as part of Council’s existing spatial services. The exception under section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies due to the specialised nature of the services provided. The proprietary nature of the incumbent supplier’s services means that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available to provide the continued subscription to this suite of services. Further, due to the current implementation of an enterprise spatial solution by Council, it is more costly and disadvantageous to Council to tender for other software solutions when delivery of the enterprise spatial project will provide a comparative solution. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised nature of the services that are sought and it would be
impractical and disadvantageous to invite quotes for the provision of the
Weave Mapping Solution. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number 5251) with Cohga Pty Ltd for an approximate purchase price of $176,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of six (6) months, with options for extension at the discretion of Council, for an additional one (1) x six (6) month period.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6. Procurement - articulate 360 teams licences subscription This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to enter into a contractual arrangement with The Trustee for THE DAVID LOOKE FAMILY TRUST trading as MICROWAY (Microway) for the provision of Articulate 360 licences. The exception under section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies due to the specialised nature of the services provided. The proprietary nature of the incumbent supplier’s services means that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available to provide the continued subscription to the licences. Further, the risk of changing supplier makes it more costly and disadvantageous to Council to go to quote or tender for a similar service. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised nature of the services that are sought and it would be
impractical and disadvantageous to invite quotes for the provision of Articulate
360 licences. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number fA614764) with The Trustee for THE DAVID LOOKE FAMILY TRUST trading as MICROWAY, at an approximate purchase price of $39,063.42 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of three (3) years, with no options for extension.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
7. Procurement - Telecommunications Services This is a report concerning the procurement and recommendation to negotiate and enter into a contractual arrangement with Telstra Corporation Limited for the provision of Ipswich City Council’s Telecommunication Services.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 21786 for the provision of Telecommunication Services to Telstra Corporation Limited (Supplier). B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier at an approximate purchase price of twelve million six hundred thousand dollars ($12,600,000) excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of three (3) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) year and one (1) year term, for the total term of seven (7) years if all extension options are exercised. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. Procurement - Human Resource Information System This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to enter into a contract with SAP Australia Pty Ltd (SAP) for the provision of a cloud-based subscription, support, maintenance and other related ancillary items for the payroll and job application components of Council’s core operational Human Resources Information System (HRIS). The exception under s235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies as the complex integration of the solution provided by SAP means that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available to continue to provide the system. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That pursuant to Section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies as it is satisfied that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available for the provision of the SAP HRIS system and associated components. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference 5083) with SAP Australia Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with an option for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional one (1) year term. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
9. Report - Regulation Advisory Committee No. 2024(01) of 5 August 2024 This is the report of the Regulation Advisory Committee No. 2024(01) of 5 August 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Regulation Advisory Committee No. 2024(01) of 5 August 2024.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
10. Monthly Financial Report - July 2024 This is a report concerning Council’s financial performance for the period ending 31 July 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on Council’s financial performance for the period ending 31 July 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, be considered and noted by Council.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting commenced at 12.23 pm.
The meeting closed at 12.32 pm.
Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda |
3 September 2024 |
SUBJECT: PROCUREMENT - Security Services Contract Award
AUTHOR: Goods and Services Category Manager
DATE: 20 August 2024
This is a report concerning the establishment of contractual arrangements for the provision of Security Services including:
• Safe City Control Room monitoring (Separable Portion 1)
• Precinct Concierge and Security Patrols (by foot), mobile patrols (Separable Portion 2); and
• Ad hoc Security services (Separable Portion 3)
A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 1 - Safe City Monitoring Facility (Control Room) CCTV monitoring operations and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd (Supplier).
B. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 2- Precinct Concierge and CBD Security Patrols (by foot), Mobile Patrols, and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Infront Security Pty Ltd (Supplier).
C. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $5,520,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms.
D. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Infront Security Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $9,130,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms.
E. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd (ACN: 108 335 155) and Ipswich City Council
Infront Security Pty Ltd (ACN: 634 686 892) and Ipswich City Council
A conflict of interest was declared in relation to this matter and further details are set out in Attachment 1. Recommendation to Award.
ifuture Theme
Vibrant and Growing
Purpose of Report/Background
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval of the recommendation to enter into contracts for the provision of Security Services. The Procurement Branch released an open tender to the market with the intention to engage suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to provide the services. The proposed contracts will replace the existing contract soon to expire.
The Safe City and Asset Protection Section of Ipswich City Council is responsible for the ongoing management of 24/7 security services to the City of Ipswich. This includes the operation and monitoring of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV), intruder alarm response, access control, security patrols and general security requirements. This also includes routine mobile patrols for Council facilities and providing security presence within the Nicholas Street Precinct, Ipswich Central, Ipswich City Council administration building and libraries.
The updated scope for security services provides a unified approach to security across Council to deliver value for money and a scalable security service. Additional service requirements have been included into scheduled services for NSP and Venue requirements, as well as previous services conducted ad-hoc. The recent tender also invited our security providers to be a contributing stakeholder to council security requirements providing a unique partnership in identifying issues and finding solutions to public safety and asset protection challenges.
Council sought separable portions for this contract to ensure adequate capacity and ability of suppliers to meet requirements. It was noted in the requirements that each security provider will be required to provide ad hoc services as required, hence each party also being awarded Separable Portion 3.
The selected suppliers provided a high level of understanding of the scope of work and experience identified through their methodologies and provided the overall best value for money to Council by awarding two contracts.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Local Government Act 2009
Local Government Regulation 2012
policy implications
The matter of this report is consistent with the Procurement Policy and Safe City Program Policy. No other policies have been identified that would be impacted.
The current term of the existing arrangement is due to expire 30 September 2024. The incumbent supplier is the recommended supplier for Separable Portion 1 – Safe City Monitoring, and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-Hoc Services, whilst a new supplier is recommended for Separable Portion 2 - Precinct Concierge and CBD Security Patrols (by foot), Mobile Patrols and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Services.
A new agreement is required to be in place, allowing transition of services where required to allow for continuity of services to Council and the community. Should the recommendations not be adopted, there is potential risk concerning on-going service delivery.
The financial implications are set out above within the recommendations and represents estimated total spend over the entire contract term inclusive of all extensions. The proposed estimated future spend is based on historical annualised spend, submitted pricing, Fair Work and Superannuation Guarantee increases and allowances for CPI increases (3.5% p.a.) applied over the contract lifecycle. A contingent allowance of $150,000.00 per year has been included in this value for Ad-hoc service requirements. Operational budget has been confirmed.
Fair work % increases
1/07/2021 |
1/07/2022 |
1/07/2023 |
1/07/2024 |
Total increase |
Super Guarantee |
0.1 |
0.105 |
0.11 |
0.115 |
Super increase % |
0.005 |
0.005 |
0.005 |
0.005 |
2% |
Fair Work |
0.025 |
0.0375 |
0.0575 |
0.0375 |
15.75% |
Total Percent change |
3.00% |
4.25% |
6.25% |
4.25% |
17.75% |
CPI increases
Period |
Indice – Brisbane all groups |
Change (indice) |
%Change |
Total % Change |
Jun-2021 |
119.2 |
5.60 |
4.9% |
Jun-2022 |
127.9 |
8.70 |
7.3% |
12.2% |
Jun-2023 |
136.0 |
8.10 |
6.3% |
18.6% |
Jun-2024 |
140.6 |
4.60 |
3.4% |
21.9% |
Consultation was undertaken with a number of Council Officers / key internal stakeholders at various stages throughout the procurement including the:
- General Manager, Community, Cultural and Economic Development
- Safe City and Asset Protection Manager, Community, Cultural and Economic Development
- Safe City and Asset Protection Coordinator, Community, Cultural and Economic Development
- Nicholas Street Precinct Director
- A/Manager, Procurement, Corporate Services Department
It is recommended Council enter into contractual arrangements with Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd and Infront Security Pty Ltd, pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, for the provision of security services. The term of the proposed contract will be for an initial period of two (2) years, with an option for extension, at the discretion of Council, of an additional three (3) one-year terms. The contract will not exceed five (5) years inclusive of all extensions. Financial terms, or approximate purchase price, inclusive of all extensions if exercised, and risks associated with the recommendations, are set out above.
(a) What is the Act/Decision being made? |
Recommendation to enter into contracts with: - Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd Infront Security Pty Ltd |
(b) What human rights are affected? |
Not applicable
(c) How are the human rights limited? |
Not applicable
(d) Is there a good reason for limiting the relevant rights? Is the limitation fair and reasonable? |
Not applicable
(e) Conclusion |
The decision is consistent with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Recommendation to Award ⇩ |
Tim Steinhardt
Goods and Services Category Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Tanya Houwen
Manager, Procurement
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Ben Pole
General Manager, Community, Cultural and Economic Development
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Matt Smith
General Manager (Corporate Services)
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda |
3 September 2024 |
SUBJECT: Procurement - VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse
AUTHOR: Category Specialist
DATE: 26 August 2024
Executive Summary
This is a report concerning the recommendation to award Tender VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse with the nominated supplier as per confidential Attachment 1 to undertake the construction works for the new Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse.
After an open market request for tender process, an evaluation panel has recommended one supplier for the construction of the Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse as set out in Recommendation B below. The recommendation has been determined by the evaluation panel to offer Council the best value for money.
If Council is satisfied with the nominated supplier, the name of the supplier will be included in the Council’s resolution at Recommendation B.
A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse.
B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier identified in confidential Attachment 1 for the lump sum amount of two million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($2,699,517.90) excluding GST and the contingency amount as listed in confidential Attachment 1
C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
D. That owing to the confidential nature of the recommendations, that once adopted by Council, the recommendations be made public.
There was no declaration of conflict of interest.
ifuture Theme
Vibrant and Growing
Purpose of Report/Background
The purpose is to seek approval of the recommendation listed in this report. Council released RFT VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse to the open market via VendorPanel (VP420044) on Thursday 25 July 2024 with a closing date of Thursday 15 August 2024. On closing of the request, ten (10) conforming tenders were received.
The aim was for Council to seek Tenders from capable building companies to construct a clubhouse and associated amenities.
Construction of a new Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse including but not limited to:
· Light weight framing
· Solar cells
· Rainwater harvesting tanks
· Clubroom
· Change rooms
· Referee rooms
· Unisex & ambulant toilets
· Cleaners room
· Medical room
· Storerooms
· Kitchen & food preparation area with mechanical ventilation
· Services Include: Gas, Data, PA, Security, ETC.
· Showers,
· Disability Discrimination Act compliant access
· New shed
· New access pathways
· Extended parking areas
· Landscaping
Funding has been sourced via a Federal Grant application. The grant is being provided as part of Phase 4 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP). The objective of the LRCIP is to stimulate additional infrastructure construction activity in local communities across Australia to assist communities to manage the economic impacts of COVID-19. A budget of $3,028,000 has been allocated and is being co-funded under Council’s LRCIP allocation ($1,978,000) and, Ipswich City Councils Capital Works Budget ($1,050,000) project # INF05004.
LRCIP obligations are that the grant activities started 01 July 2023 with an expected activity completion date of 30 June 2026. The LRCIP grant requires construction activity on eligible projects be undertaken between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 30 June 2025. Other costs associated with eligible projects may continue to 31 December 2025.
It was determined by the evaluation scoring panel the supplier listed in Recommendation B of the attached confidential report possesses the capabilities and capacity to meet Council’s requirements for the project. The supplier provided good examples of their previous works demonstrating a high level of experience with this type of work. They also demonstrated they have a good understanding of the requirements of the specification. The evaluation scoring members are confident they have the necessary expertise to meet the requirements of the contract, best value for money and recommends them for the award of the contract.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Local Government Regulation 2012
policy implications
The matter of this report is consistent with the Procurement Policy. No other policies have been identified that would be impacted.
The risk to Council if the recommendation within this report is not approved is that Council’s ability to complete the project would be compromised and further investment would be required to retender for services not currently within Council’s delivery capability.
This project is part of the 2024-2025 Capital program and a key project for Council. Council has approached the market through an open tender process in accordance with the local government regulations and is selecting an experienced and well-credentialled supplier to deliver this project to the community.
The cost estimate and spend analysis is outlined in Attachment 1.
The Asset and Infrastructure Services Department as the relevant contract owner have been consulted and agree with the proposal in this report and have endorsed Attachment 1.
It was determined by the evaluation panel the recommended supplier, as per Attachment 1, possesses the capability and capacity to meet Council’s requirement for the construction of the new Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse.
(a) What is the Act/Decision being made? |
The report recommends Council to enter into a contract with the supplier listed in Attachment 1 for the construction of the new Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse. |
(b) What human rights are affected? |
No Human rights are affected by this decision. This is because the tenders are all companies. Further, the subject matter of the contract will not impact on the human rights of any third parties. |
(c) How are the human rights limited? |
Not Applicable
(d) Is there a good reason for limiting the relevant rights? Is the limitation fair and reasonable? |
Not Applicable
(e) Conclusion |
The decision is consistent with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Gavin Wright
Category Specialist
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Wayne Bichel
Building Construction and Maintenance Category Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Tanya Houwen
Manager, Procurement
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Pedro Baraza
Construction Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Graeme Martin
Manager, Capital Program Delivery
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Matt Anderson
General Manager (Asset and Infrastructure Services)
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Sonia Cooper
Chief Executive Officer
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda |
3 September 2024 |
SUBJECT: Surrender of 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla
AUTHOR: Senior Property Officer (Tenure)
DATE: 24 July 2024
This is a report concerning the potential surrender of trusteeship over Reserve land located at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, described as Lot 557 CC3651 to the State of Queensland and recommend the Silver Lining Foundation Australia Ltd to take responsibility of the trusteeship.
That Council resolve to surrender the trusteeship of surplus land at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, more particularly described as Lot 557 and Plan CC3651 (Council file reference number 6221).
· Silver Lining Foundation Australia Ltd
· There were no declarations of conflicts of interest
ifuture Theme
A Trusted and Leading Organisation
Purpose of Report/Background
Council is currently reviewing the potential relinquishment of its trusteeship role (as per section 50 of the Land Act 1994), concerning a heritage property designated as Lot 557 on CC3651. This property, once the Tallegalla State School, features traditional classrooms and a teacher's staff room, along with an annex for educational activities.
Previously, the land was under a trustee lease, which was forfeited by the lessee due to the impracticality in utilising the property. Despite requests to the Council, for modifications to enhance the usability of the buildings and land, the requests were denied by Council, to preserve the property's heritage status.
In 1998, the Council assumed trusteeship, to protect the property's historical value and to offer a community resource. Subsequently, the property hosted private events and was utilised by the Rosewood Assembly of God Youth Group, whilst the Teacher's residence was leased to the public. Australian Crawl (Goodna) Pty Ltd held Trustee Permits from September 2013 to August 2019 for the property.
Although there have been enquiries to occupy the residence, it fails to meet the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 standards, and the Council lack funds for its maintenance. Recently, the Silver Lining Foundation Australia Ltd (SLFA) expressed interest in the property, emphasising its heritage preservation value.
SLFA is actively engaged in delivering a suite of cultural programs across the state, targeting vulnerable First Nations youth and the broader First Nations community. With 80% of the staff being First Nations individuals, these programs are not only managed but also represented by members of the community. In response to the state's youth crime crisis, SLFA has initiated preventative programs, supported by both commonwealth and state government funding. These initiatives are deeply rooted in cultural traditions, guided by local Traditional Custodians and community leaders, and are developed through extensive consultations with local stakeholders.
The proposed initiative is tailored for the residents of Ipswich City and its surrounding areas, with SLFA set to begin its services in the region. The chosen property offers a serene and beautiful setting away from the urban centre, providing an ideal environment for the culturally immersive 'on country' programs.
The following has been considered in the surrender of the Property;
· Statutory influences (restrictions or limitations) - Council as trustee, manage the Reserve for heritage, historical and cultural purposes. Council can apply an inconsistent use of the property, provided it aligns with the land’s intended purpose and does not diminish the purpose of the land. Any divergent use necessitates a Land Management Plan and public consultation.
· Existing usage - The Property has remained unoccupied since 2019, attributed to its specialised nature and the extensive restoration needed to upgrade the Property for occupancy.
· Strategy and direction - The Council lacks a definitive long-term vision or strategy for the property's future use.
· Maintenance - Asset management for the Property is limited, with fire safety measures upheld as per the regulations and maintenance performed reactively to ensure fire safety.
· Spatial distribution - The Property's surrender of the trusteeship to SLFA is expected to significantly affect the local community by initiating vital cultural initiatives throughout Ipswich City.
· Conservation value - SLFA possesses expertise in acquiring and managing ancestral lands through methods that honour cultural traditions, in collaboration with Indigenous custodians and community delegates.
· Property constraints and opportunities - The property’s inclusion in the Queensland Heritage Register presents challenges for its rehabilitation and modernisation.
The Council is poised to declare the land as surplus, recommending that trusteeship be transferred to SLFA, recognising it as the optimal user of the land, to meet the community's needs.
The Tallegalla School stands as one of the few surviving elements of what was once a larger community, having been established on June 10, 1879. It showcases elements of Queensland's cultural heritage that are considered rare, uncommon, or endangered.
For approximately 115 years, the school has served not only as an educational institution but also as a central hub for local gatherings. The settlement of Tallegalla emerged in the late 1870s, following the path of timber workers who initially cleared the area's dense vegetation. By 1880, the region saw an influx of settlers, predominantly German migrants, who claimed fifty parcels of land. The township was officially mapped out in 1872, leading to the development of a community that included a school, railway station, post office, churches, a hotel, and a cemetery. However, by 1997, only the school and cemetery remained.
The school's property was generously donated by Wilhelm Arndt, a local farmer, and was officially surveyed on November 6, 1876, before being designated as a school reserve on August 15, 1878. The school anticipated an initial enrolment of around 50 children, aged 5 to 14, according to its application form. The construction was funded through local contributions totalling £50. Designed by the Colonial Architect FDG Stanley, the school's first head teacher was Edward Dunbar, succeeded by John Marquis. In the late 1880s, head teacher John Watkins initiated a tree-planting project, the legacy of which continues with many of those trees still standing on the grounds today.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Land Title Act 1994
Land Title Regulation 2022
Local Government Act 2009
Local Government Regulation 2012
policy implications
The surrender of the trusteeship of the land is consistent with Council’s Property Acquisition and Disposal Policy.
· In mid-2023, the annual building audit was halted due to odorous concerns and potential biological hazards present.
· Inspection revealed significant rat droppings and the presence of at least one deceased rat, with the possibility of more, indicated by the strong odour.
· Signs of a forced attempted entry were noted at the rear door, where paint appeared to have been tampered with by a screwdriver.
· Safe City expressed apprehension about the safety of contractors required to perform routine fire service maintenance on-property.
· Works and Field Services informed Property Services that repair scope would be contingent on the building's intended future use.
· A directive was issued for an external contractor to undertake the cleaning and steam cleaning of carpets within the school premises.
· A minor gap beneath an external door was pinpointed as a potential access point for rodents.
· To mitigate odours, a deodorising block was placed inside the building.
· Moderate risk of asset failure exists if Council does not undertake refurbishment and repairs to the property.
· It is crucial to ascertain the projected costs for refurbishment and continuous maintenance to balance the investment against other capital expenditures. This financial assessment will aid in prioritising funds allocation and ensuring the longevity and efficiency of the property.
Should the Council decide to keep the property, it is advisable to formulate a strategic plan for its restoration and ongoing maintenance and repair to guarantee its utilisation and long-term viability. Developing a comprehensive asset management plan is crucial to address the property's rehabilitation needs effectively.
It is anticipated that considerable expenses will be associated with the property's restoration, given its historical importance and the mandatory approvals required from the Department of Environment and Science, as per the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
The following internal branches have been consulted and provided the below responses;
(a) Property Services completed property due diligence.
a. Various searches and assessments were completed to ensure comprehensive understanding of the land and its constraints.
b. The whole of the lot is identified on the Queensland Heritage Register.
(b) Community and Cultural Services were consulted and agree with the proposal in this report.
(c) Asset Management were consulted and are supportive of the proposal in this report.
a. There is a substantial amount of rehabilitation required and it appears the Silver Lining Foundation Australia is better positioned to make good and manage the heritage buildings.
(d) Works and Field Services were consulted and agree with the proposal in this report.
(e) Infrastructure Strategy were consulted.
a. No future trunk open space requirements.
(f) Strategy Requests were consulted with the proposal in this report.
a. The school dates back to 1879
b. The entire property is listed on the Queensland Heritage Register
c. Approval from the Department of Environment and Science, as per the Queensland Heritage Act, is mandatory for any modifications to the buildings or grounds.
d. It is advisable to consult with Development Planning to ensure the proposed use aligns with the current zoning.
(g) Natural Environment and Land Management were consulted.
a. Proposal to surrender the property back to the State may proceed without further reference to Native Title (future acts) compliance assessments.
b. Transferring trusteeship of the facility to SLFA may proceed without further reference to Native Title (future acts) compliance assessments.
c. Cultural Heritage Clearance Assessment
i. Not required (as no ground disturbance) – proposed change in tenure only
ii. DSDSATSIP database search results contained in Appendix 7 of the Native Title (future acts) Assessment – No registered Cultural Heritage.
(h) Development Planning were consulted and agree with the proposal in this report.
a. There are no planning concerns with the proposed use.
b. Any proposed building works are required to comply with the Overlay code and state heritage requirements.
c. It is also recommended that SLFA liaise with the Ipswich Heritage Advisor.
Considering the property has been unoccupied for seven years, coupled with the absence of a strategic plan, financial allocation, or asset management, and given the intricate nature and historical importance of the property, it is recommended that Council declare the property surplus to its requirements. Consequently, it would be prudent for Council to relinquish its trusteeship to the State of Queensland and propose that trusteeship be transferred to SLFA.
(a) What is the Act/Decision being made? |
The Recommendation states that Council declare the land surplus to its requirements and to surrender trusteeship of the land. |
(b) What human rights are affected? |
No human rights are affected by this decision.
(c) How are the human rights limited? |
Not Applicable
(d) Is there a good reason for limiting the relevant rights? Is the limitation fair and reasonable? |
Not Applicable
(e) Conclusion |
The decision is consistent with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Title Search ⇩ |
2. |
Property Plan ⇩ |
3. |
Heritage Report ⇩ |
4. |
Heritage Register Map ⇩ |
5. |
Native Title Compliance ⇩ |
6. |
7. |
Kerry Perrett
Senior Property Officer (Tenure)
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Alicia Rieck
Property Services Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Anthony Dunleavy
Manager, Legal and Governance (General Counsel)
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Matt Smith
General Manager (Corporate Services)
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”