Thursday, 12 September 2024
at 9:00 AM
Council Chambers, Level 8
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
Chief Executive Officer
Council Meeting Agenda |
12 September 2024 |
Reverend David Fender – Ipswich Uniting Church
Condolence Motion – Councillor Paul Tully: Colleen Margaret Freeman (former Ipswich Mayoress)
12.1. Ipswich City Council - Minutes of Meeting of 22 August 2024............................................................................................... 5
Minutes Attachment 1 - Recent Achievements of Our Ipswich Sports Stars - Recent Achievements of our Ipswich Sports Stars at home and abroad........................................ 41
Minutes Attachment 2 - Development Application Recommendation 2129/2023/MCU - Material Change of Use - Intensive Animal Husbandry (Greyhound Dog Breeding and Training Facility) - QRIC Third Party Comment.................... 44
12.2. Ipswich City Council - Minutes of Special Meeting of 5 September 2024.................................................................. 57
15.1 Report
of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee
No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024..................................... 60
15.2 Report
of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(04) of
3 September 2024................................................................ 66
15.3 Report
of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(04) of
3 September 2024................................................................ 73
15.4 Report
of Economic and Cultural Development Committee
No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024..................................... 79
15.5 Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024............................................ 86
16.1 CEO Organisational Performance Report for August 2024. 91
16.2 Report
- Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(03) of
15 August 2024.................................................................. 125
Council Meeting Agenda |
12 September 2024 |
Unconfirmed Minutes of Council Ordinary Meeting
22 August 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am
1. Attendance At Commencement
Mayor Teresa Harding (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen, Pye Augustine, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Paul Tully, Marnie Doyle, Andrew Antoniolli, David Cullen (via audio-link) and Jim Madden
2. Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Pastor Laithe Greenaway – Bundamba Salvation Army
4. Apologies and Leave of Absence
5. Condolences
7. PresentATion OF Petitions
7.1 Petition - Consideration for a Memorial to honour Finn Martland |
Resolution C2024/06/166 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the petition be received and referred to the relevant Council department for investigation and report back to the appropriate council/committee meeting.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. PresentATions and Deputations
9. Public Participation
10. Matters of Public Interest
Recent Achievements of Our Ipswich Sports Stars |
Mayor Teresa Harding
Attachments 1. Recent Achievements of our Ipswich Sports Stars at home and abroad |
11. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
At Item 15.4 titled Report of Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024, Councillor Marnie Doyle made a declaration.
12. Confirmation of Minutes
12.1 Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting |
Resolution C2024/06/167 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 25 July 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
13. mayoral Minute
13.1 Potential Future Use for Rezoned Land acquired through the Voluntary Home Buy Back Program |
Resolution C2024/06/168 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That a workshop with Mayor and Councillors be conducted to discuss potential future uses for rezoned land acquired through the Voluntary Home Buy Back Program, as well as the proposed community engagement plan.
B. That
the potential future uses considered in this workshop include: · Sporting fields · Car parking · Maintained greenspace · Community garden · Walking and cycling paths · Dog off-leash park · New park · Any other options identified as being suitable and within the Program’s guidelines. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
13.2 Interim Safety Measures be Investigated for the area surrounding the Amberley Intersection, Cunningham Highway |
Resolution C2024/06/169 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding:
A. That
Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding write to the Queensland Minister for Transport
and Main Roads the Honourable Bart Mellish MP and Federal Minister for
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government the
Honourable Catherine King MP to implement interim safety measures to the
Amberley Intersection on the Cunningham Highway. B. That Ipswich City Council CEO Ms Sonia Cooper write to the Department of Transport and Main Roads Director-General Ms Sally Stannard to investigate options that will provide increased road safety for road users around the Amberley Intersection and implement those measures as a matter of urgency. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
14. Business Outstanding – iNCLUDING cONDUCT mATTERS AND Matters Lying on the Table to be Dealt With
15. Reception and Consideration of Committee Reports
15.1 Report of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/170 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 1 Response to Notice of Motion - Inclusion of Plaques for Dogs at Dog Parks |
Resolution C2024/06/171(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That the report be received and the contents noted. B. That Council does not permit the memorialising/commemorating of domestic pets and animals on Council-owned or managed land. C. That the Public Monuments and Memorials Policy and Personal Tributes in Council Open Space and Road Network Policy remain unchanged and continue to solely recognise people, groups, places, and events of significance to the Ipswich region. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 2 Response to notice of motion: Intersection of Redbank Plains Road and Greenwood Village Road, Redbank Plains |
Resolution C2024/06/172(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Council note the contents of this report. B. That Council proceed with the planning, design and construction of the ultimate works for Redbank Plains Road Stage 4 in accordance with current timelines, subject to keeping all Councillors updated on the progress of the planning and if budget opportunities arise, consider this project to be brought forward. C. That a further report be prepared to examine all alternatives to full prohibition of right hand turns at the corner of Greenwood Village Road and Redbank Plains Road. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee - Item 3 Confirmation of Minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/173 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee held on 16 July 2024 be confirmed. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 4 Provisional Projects Approval |
Resolution C2024/06/174(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That Council approve the Provisional Project listed below, in accordance with the Capital Investment in Provisional Projects Policy, allowing it to progress for design and construction: 1. Division 2 – Installation of an
electronic solar powered Speed Awareness Sign in Summit Drive, Springfield
Lakes $20,000. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 5 Cable Theft Across the LGA |
Resolution C2024/06/175(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That Council note the efforts taken by Council employees to minimise the theft of copper cable. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 6 Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/176(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 7 Development Application Recommendation 2129/2023/MCU - Material Change of Use - Intensive Animal Husbandry (Greyhound Dog Breeding and Training Facility) |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden:
That Council approve
Development Application
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli proposed the following amendment to the recommendation:
That the words ‘including the following two amended conditions of approval for 7 and 9 listed below:’
be included at the end of the recommendation.
The seconder of the motion agreed to the proposed amendment. |
Resolution C2024/06/177(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
Council approve Development Application AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Antoniolli (Abstain) Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Attachments 1. QRIC Third Party Comment |
Adjourn Meeting |
Resolution C2024/06/178 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the meeting be adjourned at 10.13 am to reconvene at 10.30 am. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting reconvened at 10.31 am. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 8 Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report |
Resolution C2024/06/179(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 9 Exercise of Delegation Report |
Resolution C2024/06/180(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the Exercise of Delegation report for the period 28 June 2024 to 29 July 2024 be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 10 Notice of Motion - Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
That Council consider the implications of the legislation change as a result of the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 as it relates to Council’s planning controls, advertising and any prohibited uses for example proximity to schools, churches etc.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed the following amendment:
That the following paragraph be added to Recommendation 10 and that the existing paragraph become paragraph A. B. That the Council make urgent representations to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works Meaghan Scanlon MP in relation to the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Act which became law on 2 August 2024 in relation to the following matters and legislative loopholes: 1. The former Prostitution Regulation 2014 prohibited brothels within 200 metres of a residential area, residential building or public building but that legislation is now repealed and legal brothels are now permitted adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, churches, schools, child care centres and other places where children congregate, subject to having a lawful commercial land use. Councils are unable to restrict or refuse such establishments, other than having planning controls which apply to all business uses. 2. That brothels may now be legally established as “home based businesses” in residential areas provided the workers reside on the premises with up to one non-resident worker. Under the new legislation, “home based businesses” cannot be made “impact assessable” and therefore do not require public notification, with the public having no formal right of objection or any right to appeal such matter to the Planning and Environment Court.
3. That “home based businesses” may operate lawfully between the hours of 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. Any applications to vary individual hours are deemed “code assessable” and therefore are not required to be advertised or notified to adjoining property owners or the general public, and with the public having no formal right of objection or any right to appeal the matter to the Planning and Environment Court.
4. Permitted signage advertising a lawful brothel in a residential area is allowed up to 0.5m2, being the equivalent of 1 metre by 0.5 metres. The wording is subject to the discretion of the brothel owner or operator as Councils do not control the wording and / or graphic content of advertisements for lawful businesses. Indiscreet or offensive advertising of brothels could occur in both residential and commercial areas. The mover of the original motion agreed to the proposed amendment. |
At 10.37am Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic left the meeting room. At 10.40 am Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic returned to the meeting room. At 10.48 am Councillor Marnie Doyle left the meeting room. At 10.48 am Councillor Marnie Doyle returned to the meeting room. |
Resolution C2024/06/181(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That Council consider the implications of the legislation change as a result of the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 as it relates to Council’s planning controls, advertising and any prohibited uses for example proximity to schools, churches etc.
B. That the Council make urgent representations to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works Meaghan Scanlon MP in relation to the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and Other Legislation Amendment Act which became law on 2 August 2024 in relation to the following matters and legislative loopholes: 1. The former Prostitution Regulation 2014 prohibited brothels within 200 metres of a residential area, residential building or public building but that legislation is now repealed and legal brothels are now permitted adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, churches, schools, child care centres and other places where children congregate, subject to having a lawful commercial land use. Councils are unable to restrict or refuse such establishments, other than having planning controls which apply to all business uses. 2. That brothels may now be legally established as “home based businesses” in residential areas provided the workers reside on the premises with up to one non-resident worker. Under the new legislation, “home based businesses” cannot be made “impact assessable” and therefore do not require public notification, with the public having no formal right of objection or any right to appeal such matter to the Planning and Environment Court.
3. That “home based businesses” may operate lawfully between the hours of 7am to 6pm Monday to Saturday. Any applications to vary individual hours are deemed “code assessable” and therefore are not required to be advertised or notified to adjoining property owners or the general public, and with the public having no formal right of objection or any right to appeal the matter to the Planning and Environment Court.
4. Permitted signage, advertising a lawful brothel in a residential area is allowed up to 0.5m2, being the equivalent of 1 metre by 0.5 metres. The wording is subject to the discretion of the brothel owner or operator as Councils do not control the wording and / or graphic content of advertisements for lawful businesses. Indiscreet or offensive advertising of brothels could occur in both residential and commercial areas. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
15.2 Report of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/182 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/183 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 16 July 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 2 Review of Chief Executive Officer Delegations |
Resolution C2024/06/184(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That the delegations to the Chief Executive Officer as detailed in Attachment 1 be repealed. B. That the delegations to the Chief Executive Officer as detailed in Attachment 2 be amended as detailed in Attachment 3. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 3 Concession for General Rates - 6 Krypton Court, CAROLE PARK QLD 4300 |
Resolution C2024/06/185(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That having satisfied the criteria in s120 of the of the Local Government Regulation 2012, as well as the Rates Concession Policy, the property at 6 Krypton Court CAROLE PARK QLD 4300, be granted a 100% concession on the differential general rate from the 26 April 2024, being the date of application. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 4 Lease over Freehold Land at 1 Turnberry Way, Brookwater - Oakmont Park |
Resolution C2024/06/186(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
the matter be deferred until the September meeting of the Finance and
Governance Committee. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 5 Procurement - Cohga Weave Mapping Subscription - 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/187(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised nature of the services that are sought and it would be
impractical and disadvantageous to invite quotes for the provision of the Weave Mapping Solution. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number 5251) with Cohga Pty Ltd for an approximate purchase price of $176,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of six (6) months, with options for extension at the discretion of Council, for an additional one (1) x six (6) month period. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 6 Procurement - articulate 360 teams licences subscription |
Resolution C2024/06/188(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised nature of the services that are sought and it would be
impractical and disadvantageous to invite quotes for the provision of Articulate 360 licences. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number fA614764) with The Trustee for THE DAVID LOOKE FAMILY TRUST trading as MICROWAY, at an approximate purchase price of $39,063.42 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of three (3) years, with no options for extension. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 7 Procurement - Telecommunications Services |
Resolution C2024/06/189(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 21786 for the provision of Telecommunication Services to Telstra Corporation Limited (Supplier). B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier at an approximate purchase price of twelve million six hundred thousand dollars ($12,600,000) excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of three (3) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) year and one (1) year term, for the total term of seven (7) years if all extension options are exercised. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 8 Procurement - Human Resource Information System |
Resolution C2024/06/190(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That pursuant to Section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies as it is satisfied that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available for the provision of the SAP HRIS system and associated components. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference 5083) with SAP Australia Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with an option for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional one (1) year term. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 9 Report - Regulation Advisory Committee No. 2024(01) of 5 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/191(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Regulation Advisory Committee No. 2024(01) of AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 10 Monthly Financial Report - July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/192(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on Council’s financial performance for the period ending 31 July 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, be considered and noted by Council. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
15.3 Report of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/193 Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(03) of AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee - Item 1 Confirmation
of Minutes of the Community and Sport Committee |
Resolution C2024/06/194 Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the minutes of the Community and Sport Committee held on 16 July 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 2 Redbank Plains and Riverview and District Community Centre Facility Activations |
Resolution C2024/06/195(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Redbank Plains and the Riverview and District Community Centre Activation report be received and its contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
In accordance with section 150ET(4) of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Marnie Doyle advised of a previously declared Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to matters concerning properties in the CBD owned by the family of Louise Wallace and her husband Dr Michael Fish. This declaration was made at the Ipswich Central Redevelopment Committee of 13 October 2022.
The previously declared nature of the related party’s interest in the matter was that Dr Michael Fish is the son of Gloria Fish (recently deceased). Gloria Fish is a part owner, with others, of properties in Ipswich Central specifically described as:
· Nolan’s Corner – 135–141 Brisbane Street, Ipswich, and
· Adjacent properties at 44-46 Nicholas Street, Ipswich.
Dr Michael Fish is the son of Gloria Fish (recently deceased). Gloria Fish is a partner with others, in the property known as Nolan’s Plaza, specifically described as:
· Nolan’s Plaza – 44 East Street, Ipswich.
The eligible councillors at that meeting resolved that Councillor Marnie Doyle may participate in any future decision process in relation to the matters, including by voting on the matters.
Councillor Marnie Doyle advised that she is declaring this matter again as the estate of Gloria Fish has now been finalised and the estate now sits with the four children of Gloria Fish.
Dr Michael Fish is one of those four children and is a close personal friend and Councillor Doyle is Godmother to his and his wife’s (Louise Wallace) son.
Dr Michael Fish now has 1/4th ownership in the ‘properties’ previously declared.
For context and background Councillor Doyle noted that the ownership of the properties described above lies with 5 separate owners. One of the owners was Gerry Nolan, and when he passed, his ownership of his part of the building transferred to his 4 daughters. One of those daughters is Gloria Fish who has sadly passed, leaving her share to her four children (beneficiaries of her estate) with one of those children being Dr Michael Fish.
Councillor Doyle explained that as a result, the ownership of the property that is the subject of the potential conflict of interest represents 1/5th of the entire building, and with respect to the ownership structure of that 1/5th, it is ¼ share of the ¼ ownership.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Paul Tully that Councillor Marnie Doyle participates and remains in the meeting including by voting on items related to the Nicholas Street Precinct because there is no personal or financial benefit to the Councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Marnie Doyle did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
15.4 Report of Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/196 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/197 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee held on 16 July 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 2 Confirmation of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 25 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/198 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the minutes of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee meeting held on 25 July 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 3 Galvanized - A festival Of Heritage 2024 Preview |
Resolution C2024/06/199(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the preview report for the Galvanized – A Festival of Heritage 2024 to be received and contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 4 Nicholas Street Precinct - July 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report |
Resolution C2024/06/200(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the July 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
15.5 Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/201 Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/202 Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
the minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee held on AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 2 SES Week 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/203(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 3 Get Ready Week 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/204(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 4 Notice of Motion - Proposed Western Resource Recovery Centre |
Resolution C2024/06/205(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the site at Mount Marrow identified as a proposed location for the Western Resource Recovery Centre be removed from consideration. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 5 Notice of Motion - Proposed Southern Resource Recovery Centre Facility |
Resolution C2024/06/206(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council Officers prepare a report relating to costings and a review as to the possibility of the following facilities at the proposed Southern Resource Recovery Centre:
· Tip Shop – where items that would otherwise go to landfill could be sold. · Tool Library - where residents can loan tools for use instead of buying cheap tools and disposing of them in landfill. · Toy Library - where residents can loan children’s educational toys & play equipment. · Repair Centre or Repair Cafe - where residents can take items to learn how to repair and reuse these items. · And any other relevant issues. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of SPECIAL Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 20 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/207 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 20 August 2024. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
SPECIAL Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 1 Nicholas Street Precinct - Approval of a Lease for Lower Ground Floor 143 Brisbane Street |
Resolution C2024/06/208(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: A. That Council enter into a Lease (and any ancillary documentation) with the proposed lessee of the Tenancy Lower Ground Floor, 143 Brisbane Street (impacting Lots 1 and 2 on RP50109) (“Tenancy Lower Ground Floor”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 12 August 2024). B. That Council note, that in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy Lower Ground Floor to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 (f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in the Tenancy Lower Ground Floor (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A. D. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
SPECIAL Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 2 Nicholas Street Precinct - Approval of an Agreement for Lease for Tenancy K1 Venue (37 Nicholas Street) |
Resolution C2024/06/209 (EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: A. That Council enter into
an Agreement for Lease and associated documentation of the Agreement for
Lease with the proposed lessee for Tenancy
K1 on the Ground Level of the Venue Building
(impacting part of Lot 1 on RP209886) (“Tenancy T5 and Tenancy
T6”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms
detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager
dated B. That conditional upon Council satisfactorily executing the Agreement to Lease with the proposed lessee, (contained in recommendation A of this report), Council enter into a lease for Tenancy K1 with the proposed lessee (as detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 4 August 2024). C. That Council note, in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy K1 to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 1(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in Tenancy K1 (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). D. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A and B. E. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
SPECIAL Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 3 Nicholas Street Precinct - Approval of an Agreement for Lease for Tenancy 2B16 Tulmur Walk (8 Nicholas Street) |
Resolution C2024/06/210 (EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: A. That Council enter into an Agreement for Lease and associated documentation of the Agreement for Lease with the proposed lessee for Tenancy 2B16, Tulmur Walk Building, 8 Nicholas Street (impacting part of Lot 1 RP157021) (“Tenancy 2B16”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 14 August 2024). B. That conditional upon Council satisfactorily executing the Agreement to Lease with the proposed sub-lessee, (contained in recommendation A of this report), Council enter into a sub-lease for Tenancy 2B16 with the proposed sub-lessee (as detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 14 August 2024) C. That Council note, that in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy 2B16 to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 1(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in Tenancy 2B16 (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). D. That
pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009,
Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take
“contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation,
in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A. E. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
16. Officers’ Reports
16.1 CEO Organisational Performance Report for July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/06/211 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of July 2024 be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.2 Q4 Annual Plan 2023-2024 Quarterly Performance Report |
Resolution C2024/06/212 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the Quarter 4 Annual Plan 2023-2024 Quarterly Performance Report be received and noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.3 Authorised Representative of Council for Body Corporate for Mihi Grove Community Titles Scheme 19470 |
Recommendation Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to nominate an Authorised Representative of Council to represent Council on the body corporate for Mihi Grove Community Titles Scheme 19470.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed that the words ‘a council officer as’ be included after the word ‘nominate’.
The mover and seconder agreed to the proposed inclusion of the words. |
Resolution C2024/06/213 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to nominate a council officer as an Authorised Representative of Council to represent Council on the body corporate for Mihi Grove Community Titles Scheme 19470. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
17. Notices of Motion
18. Questions on Notice
The meeting closed at 12.08 pm. |
“These minutes are subject to confirmation at the next scheduled Council Ordinary Meeting”
Meeting Agenda |
12 September 2024 |
Unconfirmed Minutes of Council Special Meeting
5 September 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 8.46 am
1. Attendance at Commencement
Mayor Teresa Harding (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen, Pye Augustine, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Paul Tully, Marnie Doyle, Andrew Antoniolli and Jim Madden
2. Welcome to Country Or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Opening Prayer
4. Apologies and Leave of Absence
5. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
6. Officer’s Reports
6.1 Filling a Councillor Vacancy in Division 4 |
Recommendation That the vacancy in the office of Councillor for Division 4 be filled in a way determined by the Council.
Recommendation Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That pursuant to section 166(2) of the Local Government Act 2009 Council fill the Division 4 vacancy as per s166A of the Local Government Act 2009 to appoint the runner-up.
Councillor Paul Tully foreshadowed that he would move an alternate motion in the event that Mayor Teresa Harding’s motion was lost.
A. That in accordance with section 163 of the Local Government Act 2009, in relation to the vacancy in Division 4 of the City of Ipswich following the resignation of Councillor David William CULLEN, Council decide to fill the vacancy in accordance with section 166(2)(a) of the Act. B. That in accordance with section 45AA(1)(b) of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, Council apply to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works (the Minister) for the poll referred to in Paragraph A. to be conducted by postal ballot for the whole of Division 4, unless the election is conducted on the same date as the state election. C. That Council immediately advise the Electoral Commission of Queensland of its decision under Paragraph A. D. That the Council immediately apply to the Minister in accordance with Paragraph B. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Madsen Augustine Jonic Doyle Tully Antoniolli Madden
The original motion was put and lost. |
Suspension of Meeting Procedures |
Moved by Mayor
Teresa Harding
That Council meeting procedures be suspended for the purpose of allowing Councillors to contribute to the debate more than once on the same motion. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and lost.
Resolution C2024/00/214 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That in accordance with section 163 of the Local Government Act 2009, in relation to the vacancy in Division 4 of the City of Ipswich following the resignation of Councillor David William CULLEN, Council decide to fill the vacancy in accordance with section 166(2)(a) of the Act. B. That in accordance with section 45AA(1)(b) of the Local Government Electoral Act 2011, Council apply to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works (the Minister) for the poll referred to in Paragraph A. to be conducted by postal ballot for the whole of Division 4, unless the election is conducted on the same date as the state election. C. That Council immediately advise the Electoral Commission of Queensland of its decision under Paragraph A. D. That the Council immediately apply to the Minister in accordance with Paragraph B. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Jonic Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting closed at 9.40 am. |
“These minutes are subject to confirmation at the next scheduled Council Ordinary Meeting”
3 September 2024 |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee NO. 2024(04)] |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli (Chairperson); Councillors Paul Tully (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Jim Madden and Councillor Marnie Doyle (Observer) and Councillor Pye Augustine (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Infrastructure and Asset Services (Matt Anderson), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Manager, Manager Infrastructure Strategy (Tony Dileo), Senior Transport Planner (James MacArthur), Team Lead, Transport and Traffic (Berto Santana), Team Lead Open Space and Facilities (Mark Bastin), Development Planning Services Manager (Anthony Bowles), Safe City and Asset Protection Manager (Larry Waite), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Coordinator, Communications (Lucy Stone), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Officers’ Reports
2. Response to Petition - Build a Playground in Woodend This is a report concerning a
petition received from the local community requesting Council build a
playground in the Ipswich suburb of Woodend. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That Woodend Park be supported as the preferred location for the future provision of a playground to service the needs of the local community of Woodend. B. That based on project prioritisations, funding for the planning, design and construction of a playground in Woodend Park, be given due consideration in the development of Council’s future capital works program. C. That the chief petitioner be advised of the outcome of this report.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried.
3. iGO Parking Action Plan This is a report concerning the development of the iGO Parking Action Plan (PAP), a key deliverable of iGO – The City of Ipswich Transport Plan. |
Recommendation A. That
the iGO Parking Action Plan and Summary Report – as detailed in
Attachments 1 and 2 of the report by the Senior Transport Planner dated B. That the outcomes and key messages of the iGO Parking Action Plan be communicated to the community.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed the following
recommendations: |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the iGO Parking Action Plan and Summary Report – as detailed in Attachments 1 and 2 of the report by the Senior Transport Planner dated 9 August 2024, be received. B. That a Councillor workshop be held to consider the report.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report July 2024 This is a report concerning the performance of the capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department for the month of July 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department for the month of July 2024 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
5. Exercise of Delegation Report This is a report concerning applications that have been determined by delegated authority for the period 29 July 2024 to 20 August 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the Exercise of Delegation report for the period 29 July 2024 to 20 August 2024 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6. Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report This is a report concerning a status update with respect to current court actions associated with development planning applications.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. Commencement of next meeting
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic:
That the Finance and Governance Committee commence at 10.10 am. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am.
The meeting closed at 9.50 am.
3 September 2024 |
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(04)] |
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Councillor Paul Tully (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Andrew Antoniolli, Jim Madden and Councillor Pye Augustine (Observer) and Councillor Marnie Doyle (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Property Services Manager (Alicia Rieck), Senior Property Officer Tenure (Kerry Perrett), Goods and Services Category Manager (Tim Steinhardt), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Manager, Media, Communications and Engagement (Mark D. Strong), Safe City and Asset Protection Manager (Larry Waite), Coordinator, Communications (Lucy Stone), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Officers’ Reports
2. PROCUREMENT - Security Services Contract Award This is a report concerning the establishment of contractual arrangements for the provision of Security Services including: • Safe City Control Room monitoring (Separable Portion 1) • Precinct Concierge and Security Patrols (by foot), mobile patrols (Separable Portion 2); and • Ad hoc Security services (Separable Portion 3)
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 1 - Safe City Monitoring Facility (Control Room) CCTV monitoring operations and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd (Supplier). B. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 2- Precinct Concierge and CBD Security Patrols (by foot), Mobile Patrols, and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Infront Security Pty Ltd (Supplier). C. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $5,520,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms. D. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Infront Security Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $9,130,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms. E. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
3. Procurement - VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse This is a report concerning the recommendation to award Tender VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse with the nominated supplier as per confidential Attachment 1 to undertake the construction works for the new Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse. After an open market request for tender process, an evaluation panel has recommended one supplier for the construction of the Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse as set out in Recommendation B below. The recommendation has been determined by the evaluation panel to offer Council the best value for money. If Council is satisfied with the nominated supplier, the name of the supplier will be included in the Council’s resolution at Recommendation B.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier identified in confidential Attachment 1 for the lump sum amount of two million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($2,699,517.90) excluding GST and the contingency amount as listed in confidential Attachment 1 C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. D. That owing to the confidential nature of the recommendations, that once adopted by Council, the recommendations be made public.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Surrender of 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla This is a report concerning the potential surrender of trusteeship over Reserve land located at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, described as Lot 557 CC3651 to the State of Queensland and recommend the Silver Lining Foundation Australia Ltd to take responsibility of the trusteeship.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.”
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council resolve to surrender the trusteeship of surplus land at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, more particularly described as Lot 557 and Plan CC3651 (Council file reference number 6221).
Councillor Jim Madden proposed the following amendment to the recommendation: That Council receive the
report regarding the trusteeship of surplus land at
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council receive the report regarding the trusteeship of surplus land at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, more particularly described as Lot 557 and Plan CC3651 (Council file reference number 6221) with the report to be held over to a future meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee to allow a time for the council officers to undertake community consultation via Shape Your Ipswich.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed the following variation to the motion to replace the words ‘via Shape Your Ipswich’ to ‘in line with the Community Engagement Policy’:
The mover and seconder of the amended motion agreed to the proposed variation.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council receive the
report regarding the trusteeship of surplus land at
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Finance and Governance Committee
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 10.11 am.
The meeting closed at 10.41 am.
3 September 2024 |
Community and Sport Committee NO. 2024(04)] |
Community and Sport Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson); Councillors Pye Augustine (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Jim Madden and Andrew Antoniolli
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Manager Marketing and Promotions (Carly Gregory), Manager Libraries and Customer Service (Samantha Chandler), Manager Community and Cultural Services (Don Stewart), Library Branch Services Manager (Gail Seeney), Library Branch Services Coordinator (Sharon Uthmann), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles), Coordinator Communications (Lucy Stone), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Manager Media, Communications and Engagement (Mark Strong) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Community and
Sport Committee |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Community and Sport Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Nil Augustine Harding Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
2. Ipswich Libraries Survey Report 2023-2024 This is a report concerning the Ipswich Libraries Survey 2023-2024 which provides a summary of the 1,464 responses from the community on council’s library services with respondents rating their overall satisfaction with Ipswich Libraries during this period at 92%, up by 1% compared to the 2022-2023 survey. Included in the report is a selection of comments. It is interesting to note that respondents indicated borrowing materials as the most important service provided by Ipswich Libraries followed closely by assistance from library staff and opening hours.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the Ipswich Libraries Survey Report 2023-2024 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Nil Augustine Harding Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
3. Notice of Motion - Establishment of Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee This is a notice of motion submitted by Councillor Jacob Madsen concerning the establishment of a Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee. Councillor Jacob Madsen gave notice of his intention to move the following motion at the Community and Sport Committee Meeting of 3 September 2024:
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect Recommendation B. |
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson) proposed that membership of the committee comprise the following:
The seconder of the original motion agreed to the proposed membership.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect Recommendation B.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
4. Notice of Motion - Establishment of Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee This is a notice of motion submitted by Councillor Jacob Madsen concerning the establishment of a Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee. Councillor Jacob Madsen gave notice of his intention to move the following motion at the Community and Sport Committee Meeting of 3 September 2024:
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic:
A. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect recommendation B.
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson) proposed that membership of the committee comprise the following:
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the proposed membership. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect recommendation B. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 10.50 am.
The meeting closed at 11.24 am.
3 September 2024 |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee NO. 2024(04)] |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Councillor Pye Augustine (Chairperson); Councillors Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Andrew Antoniolli and Councillor Marnie Doyle (Observer) and Councillor Jim Madden (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), Economic Development Manager (Dan Heenan), Manager Marketing and Promotions (Carly Gregory), Precinct Governance Manager – Nicholas Street (Mitchell Grant), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles), Coordinator, Communications (Lucy Stone), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Disaster and Natural Hazards Manager (Matthew Pinder) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Pye Augustine (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 20 August 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the minutes of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee meeting held on 20 August 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
3. 2025 Netball Queensland State Age Event Sponsorship This is a report concerning an Event Sponsorship application by Netball Queensland Ltd for $40,000 excl. GST in financial support and in-kind support by way of venue fees for the 2025 Senior Netball State Age competition to be held Saturday 12 to Tuesday 15 April 2025 at Limestone Park netball courts. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council provide Event Sponsorship of $25,000 (excl. GST) financial support and in-kind support to the value of $5,400 to Netball Queensland Ltd for the 2025 Senior Netball State Age competition.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
4. 2024 Celebrate '25 at Tivoli Drive-In - Major Community Event Sponsorship This is a report concerning a Major Community Event Sponsorship application by Tivoli Social Enterprises Limited for $20,000 ex GST financial support of Celebrate ’25! at the Tivoli Drive-In to be held on Sunday 31 December 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Tivoli Social Enterprises receive $15,000 ex GST financial support for the 2024 Celebrate ’25! at the Tivoli Drive-In.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
5. Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce Partnership Agreement FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026 This is a report concerning Council’s partnership with the Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce (IRCC) for the FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026 at $35,000 plus GST per annum.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council approve the partnership with the Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce for the FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026 at $35,000 plus GST per annum.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
6. Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group A report on the Nicholas Street Venue Building Contract Review was presented at the Council Ordinary Meeting held on 23 May 2024. The report made ten (10) recommendations all of which were approved by the Council. In response to approved Recommendations 4 and 5, this report now recommends the abolition of the Retail Sub Project Steering Committee and noting of the establishment of a Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group (NSP PCG). Subject to Council approval of recommendation B, this report also recommends that the Council write to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works to advise of the amended governance arrangements.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That Council note the establishment of the Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group and associated Terms of Reference in line with the Council resolution of 23 May 2024. B. That Council abolish the existing Retail Sub Project Steering Committee which is now replaced by the Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group. C. That Council write to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works to advise of the amended governance arrangements.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
7. Nicholas Street Precinct - August Retail Sub Project Steering Committee Report This is a report concerning the August 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee focussing on the status of the leasing program and associated developments for the retail component of the Nicholas Street Precinct redevelopment. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the August 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
8. Notice of Motion - Welcome Home Civic Event for Ipswich's Olympians and Paralympians This is a joint notice of motion submitted by Mayor Teresa Harding and Councillor Pye Augustine concerning a welcome home civic event for Ipswich’s Olympians and Paralympians. Mayor Teresa Harding and Councillor Pye Augustine gave notice of their intention to move the following motion at the Economic and Cultural Development Committee Meeting of 3 September 2024:
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That Ipswich City Council organise a civic event in September that provides the community an opportunity to honour the remarkable achievements of Ipswich’s Olympians and Paralympians.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
9. MEMBERSHIP OF THE Economic and Cultural Development Committee
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
Recommendation Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Environment and Sustainability Committee commence in 30 minutes. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 11.35 am.
The meeting closed at 12.15 pm.
3 September 2024 |
Environment and Sustainability Committee NO. 2024(04)] |
Environment and Sustainability Committee NO. 2024(04)
3 September 2024
Councillor Jim Madden (Chairperson); Councillors Andrew Antoniolli (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Jacob Madsen and Pye Augustine
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), Disaster and Natural Hazards Manager (Matthew Pinder), Manager Natural Environment (Phil A Smith), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Sustainability and Climate Change Coordinator (Heike Bell), Program Officer (Environmental Education) (Kimberley Hare), Team Leader - Environment and Sustainability Education and Awareness (Stephani Grove), Senior Media Officer (Darrell Giles), Coordinator Communications (Lucy Stone) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Jim Madden (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the minutes of the
Environment and Sustainability Committee held on
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
2. Queens Park Environmental Education Centre operational update This is a report concerning the Queens Park Environmental Education Centre, highlighting key changes from the past two years and the plan for the future. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jacob Madsen: That the report on the Queens Park Environmental Education Centre be received and its contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
3. Disaster Awareness Camera Network (DACN) Update This report concerns the progress in establishing and implementing the Disaster Awareness Camera Network (DACN), commonly called flood cameras. It describes the activities undertaken thus far and plans to roll out the DACN camera network across the Ipswich LGA.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the report titled Disaster Awareness Camera Network (DACN) Update be received and noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
4. Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive Update This is an update report on the continuing implementation of the Ipswich City Council Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive (the Directive) following the review of the Directive as presented to the Ordinary Council Meeting of 23 May 2024. As outlined in the attachment to this report, a significant body of work continues to implement actions against the ten (10) principles of the Directive. |
Recommendation Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the report on the Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive update be received and noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried. |
5. Ipswich City Council's Financial Contribution To The ResiliEnt Rivers InitIative Through South East Queensland Council Of Mayors This is a report concerning Ipswich City Council’s financial contribution to the Resilient Rivers Initiative through Council of Mayors (SEQ). |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Ipswich City Council pay Council of Mayors (SEQ) the sum of $224,263 as its financial contribution to the Resilient Rivers Initiative for the 2024-2025 financial year.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting commenced at 12.46 pm.
The meeting closed at 1.04 pm.
Council Meeting Agenda |
12 September 2024 |
ITEM: 16.1
SUBJECT: CEO Organisational Performance Report for August 2024
AUTHOR: Chief Executive Officer
DATE: 13 August 2024
This is a monthly report by the Chief Executive Officer focusing on a summary of organisational performance in the areas of workplace health and safety, progress in the delivery of Council’s Corporate and Operational Plans, our people and culture, financial management, capital program delivery, flood recovery, external funding, significant risks and legal matters.
This report is for the month of August 2024. The report for this period highlights current significant matters and progress on key performance indicators.
That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of August 2024 be received and the contents noted.
1. Current Significant Matters
Fire Station 101 evolution to include a creative hub
The transformation of Fire Station 101 into a dynamic multi-arts hub marks a significant milestone for Council. Leveraging insights from the Ipswich Arts Advisory Group and the 2023 Creators of Ipswich Summit, the venue now serves as a vibrant nucleus for the creative sector. The hub's role in fostering opportunities for local talent, further augmented by the new Content Room—a dedicated space for digital content creation. This initiative, integral to the Ipswich Central Revitalisation project, aims to cultivate a cultural epicentre within the community. The Ipswich Art Workshop's role in nurturing creative talents, underscored by events like The Drowsy Chaperone, aligns with the council's vision for a thriving artistic future in Ipswich.
Liveability boosted through community projects
Ipswich's commitment to enhancing community infrastructure and liveability has been bolstered with the recent funding allocation for two key projects: the Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve and Tivoli Sports Complex developments. This financial support, stemming from the SEQ City Deal Liveability Fund, underscores a collaborative effort among federal, state, and local governments. These developments are important in meeting the growing demand for sports facilities, fostering community spirit, and preparing for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. These initiatives are part of a broader strategy under the SEQ City Deal, aimed at supporting the health and wellbeing of residents amidst ongoing population growth.
The Ipswich & West Moreton BMX Club is also celebrating the completion of a $2.1 million upgrade to their Willey Street facility, including a new canteen, first aid room, toilets, and storage areas. The upgrade is seen as a strategic move to foster talent for the upcoming Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, with the improved facilities expected to attract more events and benefit rising stars, who are potential competitors in the Games.
Ipswich SES supported to be prepared
The Ipswich City SES Unit is set to enhance its operational capabilities with the addition of two new all-terrain vehicles and trailers, thanks to over $80,000 in funding from the State Government secured by Council. This investment, covering 75% of the costs, is a significant boost for the unit's 220+ volunteers who are dedicated to aiding the community during emergencies. The council's commitment to equipping the SES with the necessary tools underscores the vital role these volunteers play in maintaining safety and resilience in the face of extreme weather and disasters. This initiative is part of a broader state effort, with 76 SES units across Queensland benefiting from a collective $3.7 million in support for essential upgrades.
New Committee established for Local Law review
Council has established a new committee to spearhead the revision of the city's local laws. The Regulation Advisory Committee has embarked on a structured three-phase review process, crucial for addressing unique local governance issues such as animal control, parking, and environmental protection. The committee's inaugural meeting on August 5, 2024, marked the commencement of this significant undertaking, which will involve policy development, procedural updates, and a thorough examination of existing laws to reflect the evolving needs of Ipswich's diverse community. Additionally, the committee's insights will contribute to the formulation of the Ipswich Plan 2024, ensuring that regulatory measures align with the city's growth strategies.
2. Workplace Health and Safety
LGAQ LTIFR rate is calculated on a calendar year and not a 12-month rolling total which ICC uses. LTIFR data was not available for February, March and April due to the Fusion system upgrade.
The LTIFR rate equates to lost time injuries every six months. The State Average is the average of LTIFR across the 62 local councils within the Local Government Association
Queensland (LGAQ) scheme.
The physical and psycho-social safety and wellbeing of the workforce continues to be the CEO and the organisation’s first and foremost priority.
The LTSR rate equates to the number of days lost for each LTI. The State Average is the average of LTSR across the 62 local councils within the LGAQ scheme. The LGAQ rate is calculated on a calendar year and not a 12-month rolling total which ICC uses.
The Injury Incident Rate (IIR) is a new reporting indicator for Council as of June 2023. The IIR rate is the number of injury incidents per 100 workers. The State Average is the average of IIR across the 62 local councils within the LGAQ scheme.
3. Update on
Corporate/Operational Plans
The Quarterly Performance Report for July-September 2024 (Quarter 1 period) on the 2024-2025 Operational Plan will be presented to the 28 November 2024 Council meeting.
The Annual Plan and the last quarterly report are available on council’s website:
4. Major Key Performance Indicators
People and Culture
The total workforce for the council organisation ‘head count’ was 1588 in August 2024.
Staff turnover rate was at 10.83% in August 2024.
For interest, but not direct comparison due to the time and calculation differential, the annual average workforce attrition rate for South-East Queensland councils for 2023 reported by the Local Government Association of Queensland was 16%.
Due to the early timing of this Council meeting a financial performance comment is unavailable for this report. A financial performance report for the month of August 2024 will be provided to the Finance and Governance Committee at the meeting in October 2024.
Capital Delivery Program 2024-2025
Overall, it was a satisfactory performance for the month of August. Rain during the middle of the month delayed some work for a week. Otherwise, the projects progressed as expected.
5. Risk and Compliance Update
Council’s corporate risk register is reviewed every two months at the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Risk Committee meeting, Council’s corporate risk register will be fully reviewed at the ELT Risk Committee meeting to be held on 22 October 2024, with amendments agreed to, areas of responsibility, key mitigations, action plans and milestone progress.
Council’s corporate risk register and risk trends in these risks are reported through Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) which is held every quarter. The corporate risk register and risk trends in these risks are also circulated to all Councillors on a quarterly basis.
Council continues to seek to actively manage and mitigate its corporate risks.
Legal Matters
An overview of all active court proceedings is provided in a confidential
attachment to this report.
Matters that are not the subject of court proceedings will be considered for addition to the report where:
• they concern subject matter of significant public interest/concern; and/or
• where their outcome may present significant financial value/impact for Council; and/or
• where their outcome may set an important precedent for Council.
Generally significant non-court matters will only be reported where they are the subject of dispute and management of that dispute is being administered by Legal Services (as opposed to where Legal Services’ involvement is ad-hoc or limited to the provision of internal advice), or where they concern a significant project for Council. The detail reported in respect of each matter listed has been provided with privacy, confidentiality, and legal professional privilege (and the requirement to maintain same) in mind.
6. Current Consultation Matters
The following community engagement projects are included on Shape your Ipswich, the digital engagement platform that uses a range of digital techniques to connect with the community and promote consultation events.
Engagement data is indicative as consultation period is based on Shape Your Ipswich (SYI) data.
Description of metrics used:
· Contributors – The unique number of Visitors who have left feedback or contributions. Contributors is a unique value, and a Contributor who makes more than one contribution is only counted as a single Contributor.
· Visitors – Visitors is a unique user. A single visitor may make more than one visit to the site, but it is only counted once. A Visitor is not necessarily a single person, but rather a single browsing session that stores a user’s technical information. IP addresses are used to determine unique Visitors.
Engagement projects open on Shape Your Ipswich (August 2024):
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
Karalee Emergency Access Feasibility Study – hidden page |
Asset and Infrastructure Services Department
Project opened on 28 August 2024 and will close on 11 September 2024. The engagement aims to understand the community's experiences and needs regarding flood events and emergency accessibility in the suburbs of Karalee and Barellan Point.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 0 SYI contributors · 380 SYI visitors |
Local Laws and the new Ipswich Planning Scheme |
Corporate Services Department |
Project opened on 9 August 2024 and closed on 30 August 2024. The engagement aimed to seek feedback on the proposed amendments to local laws following on from a consistency review in preparation of the new planning scheme.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 0 SYI contributors · 1068 SYI visitors |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Project opened on 26 July 2024 and will close on 13 October 2024. Engagement aimed at hearing from the community on their experience commuting along East Street both before and after the installation of a green urban arbour.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 26 SYI contributors · 214 SYI visitors |
What’s the GO with Organics |
Environment and Sustainability Department and Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Project opened on 15 July 2024 and will close on 7 October 2024. Engagement is being undertaken to understand the best way to transition from FOGO to GO.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 29 SYI contributors · 341 SYI visitors
Springview Estate (information page) |
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
To provide information on Springview Estate, a staged mixed-use development in the Springfield area. Opened 31 May 2024. This is an inform page and no engagement expected from the community.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 510 SYI visitors |
Ipswich Youth Advisory Committee (IYAC) – closed member page (Communications hub)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
The communications and engagement ‘hub’ is for IYAC members. This page is continually updated on projects that IYAC members can be involved in. Project opened on 22 January 2024 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 32 SYI contributors · 56 SYI visitors |
Ripley Road & Fischer Road Upgrade |
Asset and Infrastructure Services Department |
Consultation opened on 23 January 2024 and will remain open until all work is completed.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 14 SYI contributors · 1,644 SYI visitors |
Heart Check: the facts about the Nicholas Street Precinct development (Information page)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Informing the community on the history and current state of the Nicholas Street Precinct development. Project opened on 24 November 2023.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 1,064 SYI visitors |
Waste Odours in Ipswich (Information page)
Environment and Sustainability Department and Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Informing the community on waste odours impacting Ipswich residents. Project opened on 14 September 2023.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 1,223 SYI visitors |
(main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Engagement on creative industries programs under the Arts and Cultural Strategy. Main project page Creative Industries opened on 14 April 2023 and will remain open.
Main page activities SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 36 SYI contributors (Most important current goal from Arts and Cultural Strategy) · 11 SYI contributors (Play a Part – how you see council supporting the Creative Industries)
Project subpages currently open and SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · ARTiculate main subpage activities: o 44 SYI contributors – opened 20 April 2023 (The skills I want to learn the most) o 21 SYI contributors - opened 24 April 2023 (Want to learn something else) · Ipswich Art Awards – subpage project o 15 SYI contributors – opened 14 May 2024 (2024 Ipswich Art Awards questions)
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024 for Creative Industries main page: · 194 SYI contributors (project total) · 20,314 SYI visitors (project total) |
Character Place Nomination
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
To seek nominations from the community on historical character places as part of the Planning Scheme. Project opened on 27 February 2023 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 6 SYI contributors · 578 SYI visitors |
The Ipswich Heritage Network Group – closed member page (Communications hub)
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Closed page for information sharing and discussion on our city’s heritage, history and conservation. Project opened 29 July 2022 and will remain open
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 6 SYI contributors · 20 SYI visitors |
Community Panel – closed member page
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
The communications and engagement ‘hub’ for the community panel. This page is continually updated with updates on projects the panel has been involved in. Project opened 20 December 2021 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 100 SYI contributors · 212 SYI visitors · 205 community panel members |
Community Panel
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Council’s community engagement program for future-focussed policy, strategy, projects and plans. Project opened 20 December 2021 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 234 SYI contributors · 26,181 SYI visitors · 205 total community panel members (3 new registrations 29 July – 29 August) |
E-scooters in Ipswich
Asset and Infrastructure Services Department |
Seeking feedback on the Beam e-scooter pilot scheme (2nd phase commenced 4 July 2023). Page has been updated to include extension to July 2024. Project opened on 22 September 2020 and 2nd phase on 4 July 2023.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 39 SYI contributors (second phase) · 1,194 SYI visitors (second phase) · 405 SYI contributors (project total) · 7,264 SYI visitors (project total) |
(main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Ipswich Central Revitalisation projects, communications, information sharing and public events. Main project page Ipswich Central opened on 28 November 2019 and will remain open.
Project page currently open and SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · Placemaking in Action o 2 SYI contributors
Project subpages currently open and SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · Light up Ipswich Central - subpage project opened 21 August 2023 o 3 SYI contributors · Out and About (event page) – subpage project opened 1 April 2022 o 8 SYI contributors (6 events shared in August) · Green Walkable Streets – Have you seen the new scramble crossing? – subpage project opened 29 November 2022 o 2 SYI contributors
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024 for Ipswich Central main page: · 766 SYI contributors (project total) · 25,937 SYI visitors (project total) |
Habitat Gardens Partnership – closed member page (Communications hub)
Environment and Sustainability Department
Platform for urban property owners to share their thoughts, ideas, successes, learnings and conservation aspirations. Project opened 11 November 2019 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 4 SYI contributors · 17 SYI visitors |
Engagement projects (new) that may open in the month of September 2024:
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
River Heart Parklands |
Strategy and Performance Branch, Office of the CEO |
Seeking feedback from the community on past and suggestions for future use. |
Engagement project updates August 2024
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
Ipswich Youth Advisory Committee (IYAC) – closed member page (Communications hub)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
The communications and engagement ‘hub’ is for IYAC members. This page is continually updated on projects that IYAC members can been involved in. Project opened on 22 January 2024 and will remain open.
Page update with Active and Healthy engagement questions to align with monthly meeting topic.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 32 SYI contributors · 56 SYI visitors |
Western Resource Recovery Centre Site Location
Environment and Sustainability Department |
Phase 1 of engagement opened on 17 July 2023 and closed 14 August 2023. Phase 2 of engagement opened on 18 July 2024 and closed on 26 August 2024 which sought feedback on shortlisted sites. Changes to the page included the addition of a discussion board, an update regarding the notice of motion to remove Mt Marrow as a potential site. Community feedback is being reviewed, collated and will be shared with the community.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 85 SYI contributors (second phase) · 1,194 SYI visitors (second phase) · 104 SYI contributors (project total) · 4,792 SYI visitors (project total) |
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Guide
Environment and Sustainability Department
Consultation opened on 12 December 2023 for the YUP Native Title Party and opened for general public on 18 December 2023.
Engagement closed on Monday 19 August 2024. Community feedback is being reviewed, collated and will be shared with the community.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 43 SYI contributors · 1,222 SYI visitors |
QLD Connects
Environment and Sustainability Department
This engagement was seeking feedback on the community’s experience of digital connectivity to inform the development of a model and basis for future grant funding applications. Engagement opened 3 June 2024 and closed on 30 June.
Page has been updated and moved to closed status on 13 August 2024.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 8 SYI contributors · 160 SYI visitors |
Off-street regulated parking area Parkland Drive Springfield Central (Subordinate Local Law 5.1 Parking proposed amendment)
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
This engagement was seeking feedback on the proposed new addition to Local Law 5.1 (Parking), to include off-street regulated parking on Parkland Drive in Springfield Central. Engagement opened 7 June 2024 and closed on 30 June 2024.
Page has been updated and moved to closed status on 5 August 2024.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 3 SYI contributors · 148 SYI visitors |
(main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Engagement on creative industries programs under the Arts and Cultural Strategy. Main project page Creative Industries opened on 14 April 2023.
Project subpages updated and SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · Ipswich Art Awards o Added drop in sessions to the support available for entrants to the awards. o Ipswich Art Awards opened on 1 August and close on 31 August 2024. · Live and Local o Added photos from the Forum and Circuit · ARTiculate Upcoming Workshops o Artwork Statements and Bios – 24 August o Creating your Electronic Press Kit – 31 August o Gig opportunities with Ipswich City Venues – 28 September o Applying for Ipswich Community Gallery Exhibition – 5 October o Leveraging AI for your arts practice – 24 October o Getting a gig – 26 October o Getting your music out there – 30 November
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024 for Creative Industries main page: · 194 SYI contributors (project total) · 20,314 SYI visitors (project total) |
Resource Recovery Infrastructure |
Environment and Sustainability Department
Project opened on 26 June 2023.
Project page updated on 8 August 2024 with new photo of construction works.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 32 SYI contributors · 672 SYI visitors |
What’s the GO with Organics |
Environment and Sustainability Department and Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Project opened on 15 July 2024 and will close on 7 October 2024. Engagement is being undertaken to understand the best way to transition from FOGO to GO.
Extended engagement from 19 August 2024 to 7 October 2024.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 29 SYI contributors · 341 SYI visitors |
Cooneana Heritage Centre |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Project opened 11 December 2019 and closed on 16 February 2020. Engagement sought feedback from the community on their experience visiting the site.
Community feedback and findings shared, along with a project update on works that have occurred.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 77 SYI contributors · 2,362 SYI visitors |
Walkability along East Street |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Project opened on 26 July 2024 and will close on 13 October 2024. Engagement aimed at hearing from the community on their experience commuting along East Street both before and after the installation of a green urban arbour.
Page updated by closing EOI for Community Experience Group on 12 August 2024. Changes to the page now the arbour has been installed including images and a new poll published on 30 August 2024.
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024: · 26 SYI contributors · 214 SYI visitors |
Ipswich Central (main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Ipswich Central Revitalisation projects, communications, information sharing and public events. Main project page Ipswich Central opened on 28 November 2019 and will remain open.
· Creating Places for People o Shared community feedback and findings on 13 August 2024 · Developing the Cultural Heart o Closed off engagement on 22 August 2024 · Shop Top Living o Added information on new funding program for Shop Top Living and link to ICC website for applications
SYI statistics as at 29 August 2024 for Ipswich Central main page: · 766 SYI contributors (project total) · 25,937 SYI visitors (project total) |
7. External Funding
Council utilises grant funding from various external sources, primarily Federal and State Government, to assist with the delivery of many projects and services across the organisation. These include operational programs from community development, libraries and sports, through to capital funding to assist with infrastructure projects delivery.
The below information summarises information related to:
· external funding revenue received by Council;
· any funding decisions received during August 2024;
· applications that have been submitted and are awaiting a decision;
· applications being prepared for submission to a funding body; and
· the grant opportunities suitable for local governments to apply.
Council’s External Funding Team works closely with our Capital Program Delivery Branch and other key stakeholders within council to identify opportunities and the management of successful applications between council and the funding body.
Grant Revenue as at 31 August 2024
Funding Type |
Total number of Grant projects |
Total External Funding Received |
Total Cost of Grant funded project/s (inc. Council & other Contributions) |
State Government |
43 |
$27,067,879 |
$46,701,079 |
Federal Government |
15 |
$26,941.949 |
Other |
2 |
$400,000 |
$907,500 |
Total |
60 |
$54,409,828 |
$88,448,362 |
Grant Decisions received
Grant Program |
Successful/ Unsuccessful |
Total Grant Funding |
Total Project Cost |
South East QLD Liveability Fund - Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Sports Facilities Development |
Successful |
$8,963,872 |
$11,273,712 |
South East QLD Liveability Fund - Tivoli Sport Facilities Development |
Successful |
$5,578,128 |
$7,437,504 |
Play Our way EOI – Limestone Park Netball Court Resurfacing |
Round 2 Invitation |
Grant Applications submitted and awaiting outcome
Grant Program / Funding Body |
Requested Grant Amount |
Total Est. Project Cost |
Project Submitted in Application |
Community Energy Upgrades Fund |
$458,212 |
$916,424 |
Energy Upgrades Fund |
Bike Riding Encouragement Program Community Grants Program - Stream 1 |
$5000 |
$6028 |
Bike Riding Encouragement Program |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$3,203,000 |
$3,203,000 |
Ripley Road and Reif Street Intersection Upgrade |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$550,000 |
$550,000 |
Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Carpark Extension |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$657,000 |
$657,000 |
Eastwood Street Kerb and Channel |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$415,000 |
$415,000 |
Shanahan Parade Footbridge Replacement |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$1,845,000 |
$1,845,000 |
Emery Street Kerb and Channel Rehabilitation |
Celebrating Multicultural QLD |
$20,000 |
$102,000 |
World of Music Ipswich 2025 |
Let’s get it sorted Partnership Program |
$768,060 |
$3,913,060 |
City of Ipswich Kerbside Co-mingled Collection Service Behaviour Change Interventions |
Queensland Destination Events Program |
$25,000 |
$147,800 |
Planes, Trains and Autos 2025 |
Growing Workforce Participation Fund Round 3
$170,000 |
$170,000 |
Ipswich Regional Skills Plan Development
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Competitive |
$1,888,737 |
$4,603,988 |
Limestone Park Netball Facilities Court Resurfacing
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Competitive |
$325,488 |
$488,687 |
Grande Park Playground Mountain Slide Replacement |
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
$609,600 |
$1,524,000 |
Limestone Park Community Infrastructure |
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
$1,465,410 |
$3,663,525 |
Ipswich Nature Centre Biosecurity Upgrade
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
$720,000 |
$1,200,000 |
Condition Assessment for Stormwater Network Assets |
Flood Risk Management Program |
$117,250 |
$132,250 |
Flood gauge site-specific Surveys |
Flood Risk Management Program |
$152,500 |
$172,500 |
Replicating Environmental date representation capability in Guardian MS |
HSP - Community Enabling Infrastructure Program |
$45,000,000 |
$97,748,608 |
The City of Ipswich Western Corridor Catalytic Infrastructure Solution |
Revive Live Program |
$99,051 |
$129,051 |
Retain Contemporary Live music in SPARK 2025 |
Thriving Suburbs Program |
$4,362,145 |
$8,724,290 |
Cultural Heart |
Thriving Suburbs Program |
$3,550,000 |
$7,101,000 |
Whiterock Boardwalk and Lookouts |
Unsubmitted Applications Currently in Progress
These applications have been internally identified and endorsed that are currently in development as at end of August 2024, pending submission. Requested funding and total project costs will be advised in future reports.
Grant Program |
Proposed Project |
Application/schedule due |
Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure program |
Purga School Road |
30 September 2024 |
Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program |
Opportunities currently being gathered and short-listed for consideration |
Accepting applications until funds are exhausted |
Play Our Way – Stage 2 |
Limestone Park Netball Court Resurfacing |
23 September 2024 |
Scheme Supply Fund |
16 September 2024 |
Grant Opportunities Communicated to the Organisation
The programs are communicated to council by the funding body or identified by council’s External Funding team. This information is shared across stakeholders in council for consideration.
Grant Program |
Funding Entity (Fed/State/Other) |
Closing Date |
Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure program |
Federal Government |
30 September 2024 |
Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program |
Federal Government |
Accepting applications until funds are exhausted |
Thriving Suburbs Program |
Federal Government |
2 September 2024 |
Local Government Flying Fox Roost Management |
State Government |
23 September 2024 |
Feral Pig Management Program |
State Government |
13 September 2024 |
Scheme Supply Fund |
State Government |
16 September 2024 |
8. Council Flood Recovery Coordination
Council is currently working with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) and other Departments regarding the costs associated with the February and May 2022 flooding and January 2024 flooding events.
The following tables provide an overview of the current status of claims:
9. Council Resolutions
Number of resolutions finalised since last report August 2024: 14
Number of resolutions in progress as of 4 September 2024: 85
The recommendation states that the report be received and the contents noted. The decision to receive and note the report does not limit human rights. Therefore, the decision is compatible with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Actions Report as at 4 September 2024 ⇩ |
2. |
Meeting Agenda |
12 September 2024 |
ITEM: 16.2
SUBJECT: Report - Audit and Risk Management Committee
No. 2024(03) of
15 August 2024
AUTHOR: Meeting Coordination Manager
DATE: 29 August 2024
This is the report of the Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(03) of 15 August 2024.
That Council adopt the
recommendations of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
No. 2024(03) of 15 August 2024.
1. |
Audit and Risk Management Committee Report No. 2024(03) of
15 August 2024 ⇩ |