25 July 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am
1. Attendance At Commencement
2. Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Pastor Robert Howells – Beacon Baptist Church, Brassall
4. Apologies and Leave of Absnence
5. Condolences
Resolution C2024/05/135 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
That Council convey condolences on behalf of the citizens of the City of Ipswich, to the family of the late Reginald Thomas O’Dea, who passed away on 28 June 2024. |
1. Condolence Motion Reginald Thomas
O'Dea ⇨
7. PresentATion OF Petitions
8. PresentATions and Deputations
Mayor Harding presented the Chief Executive Officer with the Minister’s Award for Urban Design and Movement and Place Award.
9. Public Participation
10. Matters of Public Interest
11. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 7 of Item 15.1 titled Provisional Projects Approval.
The nature of the interest is that he is a previous competitor of the Ipswich Touch Association and is currently a badged referee under the Australian Touch Association however due to an injury about two years he advised he won’t be running on fields in the near future.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Paul Tully that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
At Item 1 of Item 15.1 titled Stone Quarry Cemetery - Community Consultation, Councillor Paul Tully made a declaration.
At Item 3 of Item 15.4 titled Event Sponsorship - 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic made a declaration.
12. Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting |
Resolution C2024/05/136 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 20 June 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Confirmation of Minutes of Special Meeting |
Resolution C2024/05/137 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
13. mayoral Minute
14. Business Outstanding – iNCLUDING cONDUCT mATTERS AND Matters Lying on the Table to be Dealt With
Response to Mayoral Minute titled Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains |
Resolution C2024/05/138 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the letter of response from the Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice to the Mayoral Minute titled “Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains” be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
15. Reception and Consideration of Committee Reports
Report of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve.
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 1 Stone Quarry Cemetery - Community Consultation |
Moved by Councillor Andrew
Antoniolli: Recommendation A.
That the report on the Stone Quarry Cemetery community consultation be
received and noted. B. That the final designs come back to the Infrastructure Planning and Assets Committee for consideration. C. That all signage come back to the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee for consideration.
On the advice of Council officers,
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed an amendment to the recommendations. |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
B. That a masterplan for works and enhancements to further improve Stone Quarry Cemetery be provided to Council for consideration prior to further engagement in respect to this cemetery.
C. That the masterplan the subject of recommendation B includes proposed interpretive features including information signage (but excluding denominational and directional signage).
D. That the Shape Your Ipswich Page be updated to include the community consultation report.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Paul Tully informed the meeting that he has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 1 of Item 15.1 – titled Stone Quarry Cemetery - Community Consultation.
The nature of the interest is that he is a trustee of the Goodna Cemetery Trust appointed by the State Government.
Councillor Paul Tully invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Councillor Antoniolli and seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding that Councillor Paul Tully does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Paul Tully may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
Councillor Paul Tully did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed a variation to Recommendation C as follows:
C. That the masterplan the subject of recommendation B includes proposed interpretive features including information signage and that signage is to be considered by Council at a future meeting. The seconder of the amended motion agreed to the proposed variation.
Resolution C2024/05/140(IPAAC) Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
A. That Council Officers continue to progress the establishment of an Islamic burial section at an Ipswich City Council managed cemetery.
B. That a masterplan for works and enhancements to further improve Stone Quarry Cemetery be provided to Council for consideration prior to further engagement in respect to this cemetery.
C. That the masterplan the subject of recommendation B includes proposed interpretive features including information signage and that signage is to be considered by Council at a future meeting.
D. That the Shape Your Ipswich Page be updated to include the community consultation report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee - Item 2 Confirmation of Minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 3 Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report |
Resolution C2024/05/142(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 4 Exercise of Delegation Report |
Resolution C2024/05/143(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the Exercise of Delegation report for the period 27 May 2024 to 28 June 2024 be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 5 Personal Tributes in Councils Openspace and Road Network - Assessment of Application |
Resolution C2024/05/144(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That this matter be deferred for consideration at a future meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee and that consultation be undertaken with the divisional Councillors and Mayor.
B. That the applicant be invited to provide a finalised new application form. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 6 Public Monuments and Memorials - Assessment of Application |
Resolution C2024/05/145(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the matter be deferred for consideration at a future meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee and that consultation with the divisional Councillors and Mayor take place prior to the re-presentation of the report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 7 Provisional Projects Approval |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That Council approve the Provisional Projects listed below to design and construction in accordance with the Capital Investment in Provisional Projects Policy: 1. Division 1 – Extension of the existing storage facility within Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve, Redbank Plains $11,700. 2. Division
3 – Installation of bollards, associated slip rail and lighting for an
overflow carpark for Jim Finimore Park, Leichhardt $48,000. 3. Division
4 – Installation of footpath connection fronting Rosewood State School
at School Street, Rosewood $25,000. B. That the Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain as listed below, be deferred to the next meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee.
Division 2 – Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $15,000.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed an amendment to the recommendation to remove the current Recommendation B wording and incorporate the following into a single recommendation:
4. Division 2 – Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $6,292, subject to approval of the Rotary Club of Greater Springfield Board
Resolution C2024/05/146(IPAAC) Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: 1. Division 1 – Extension of the existing storage facility within Redbank
Plains Recreation Reserve, Redbank Plains $11,700. 2. Division 3 – Installation of bollards, associated slip rail and
lighting for an overflow carpark for Jim Finimore Park, Leichhardt $48,000. 3. Division 4 – Installation of footpath connection fronting Rosewood State School at School Street, Rosewood $25,000. 4. Division 2 – Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $6,292, subject to approval of the Rotary Club of Greater Springfield Board.
Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 8 Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report May 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/147(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 2 Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Policy |
Resolution C2024/05/150(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the policy titled ‘Artificial Intelligence Policy’ as set out in Attachment 1 be adopted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 3 Update on the iVolve Business Case |
Resolution C2024/05/151(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the update report on the iVolve Business Case be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 4 Urban Utilities Statement of Strategic Intent (SOSI) and Participations Returns Policy (PRP) and Participation Agreement (PA) |
Resolution C2024/05/152(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That Council approve the amendments to the Participation Agreement between the Central SEQ Distributor-Retailer Authority (trading as Urban Utilities) and Ipswich City Council as a Participant to the Participation Agreement as per Confidential Attachment 1 to this report. B. That Council approve the amended Participation Return Policy per Confidential Attachment 3 to this report. C. That Council approve Urban Utilities’ 2029 Statement of Strategic Intent contained in Confidential Attachment 4 to this report. D. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign a Variation Agreement that formalises the approved amendments to the Participation Agreement and Participation Returns Policy, and to do any other acts necessary to implement Council’s decisions in accordance with section 13(3) of the Local Government Act 2009. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 5 Procurement: CloudLibrary Library eResources |
Resolution C2024/05/153(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle:
A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it
would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for
the provision of CloudLibrary Library
eResources. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number 5185) with OCLC (UK) Limited, at an approximate purchase price of $600,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional two (2) X one (1) year terms. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 6 Procurement: Increase in Contract Value- Microsoft EA Licenceing |
Resolution C2024/05/154(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That Council approve an increase in expenditure for the provision of Microsoft EA Licencing Renewal with supplier Data#3 Limited from $4,431,000 to $4,845,000 excluding GST for the current contracted period up to 31 July 2025. This constitutes an increase of $414,000 excluding GST. B. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 7 Procurement: ArcGis Online Creator & Mobile Worker Software Licencing, Maintenance (2024) |
Resolution C2024/05/155(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for the provision of the ArcGIS Software licencing including, ArcGIS Online Creator and Mobile Worker licencing and maintenance of the software products and related ancillary items. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference 5186) with Esri, Australia Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of $35,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with no extension option. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 8 Procurement - Culture Amp Employee Experience Survey Platform |
Resolution C2024/05/156(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle:
A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it
would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for
the provision of an. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement Culture
Amp Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of $295,740.00
excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term one (1) year, with options for extension at the
discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional two (2) X one (1) year
terms. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Resolution C2024/05/157 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 9 of Item 15.2 titled Procurement: Extension and Increase in Spend on Commercial Cleaning – Contract 13902. The meeting moved into closed session at 9.56 am. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/05/158 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That
the meeting move into open session. The meeting moved into open session at 10.04 am. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 9 Procurement: Extension and Increase in Spend on Commercial Cleaning - Contract 13902 |
Resolution C2024/05/159(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That Council approve an increase in expenditure for the provision of Commercial Cleaning with the supplier, Total Building Maintenance (TBM) from $6,900,000 to $10,500,000 excluding GST for the current contracted period up to December 2024 and include future 1 x 12 month extension option to December 2025. This constitutes an increase of $3,600,000 excluding GST. B. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 10 Proposal to Acquire Property Located at 2B Thompson Street Bundamba for Drainage Purpose |
Resolution C2024/05/160(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That Council resolve to purchase or acquire land located at 2B Thompson Street, BUNDAMBA, more particularly described as Lot 4 on Registered Plan 116873 (Council file reference 6179), for drainage purpose. B. That in the first instance, the method of acquisition shall be as a purchase by agreement with the affected person/s pursuant to the Property Law Act 1974. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. D. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the acquisition. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 11 Amending Subordinate Local Law - Off Street Regulated Parking, 134 Parkland Drive Springfield Central |
Resolution C2024/05/161(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That it be noted that 4 submissions were received during the public consultation period for the proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 and actioned as per the report. B. That the proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 does not contain any anti-competitive provisions. C. That Council make proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report, as advertised. D. That pursuant to Section 32 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council adopt the consolidation version of Subordinate Local Law No.5.1 (Parking) 2013, as set out in Attachment 3 of the report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 12 Swifts Leagues Club Cameron Park |
Resolution C2024/05/162(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That the report in relation to Swifts Leagues Club Cameron Park, be received and noted. B. That Council approve the proposed framework and the commercial approach to any variations to the existing lease, as outlined in the confidential Attachment 1 to this report. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take action in relation to the variation of the existing Lease or the creation of a new Lease. D. That the matter be brought back to Council for approval of any amendments to the existing lease or new Lease. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Resolution C2024/05/163 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the meeting be adjourned at 10:10 am to reconvene at 10.40 am. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting reconvened at 10.40 am. |
Report of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(02) of Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee - Item 1 Confirmation
of Minutes of the Community and Sport Committee |
Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the minutes of the Community and Sport Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 2 Community Funding and Support Allocations Status Report - 1 April To 30 June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/166(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That
the report concerning the allocation of Council’s Community Funding and
Support Programs from Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic informed the meeting that she has a prescribed conflict of interest in Item 3 of Item 15.4 titled Event Sponsorship - 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival.
The nature of the prescribed conflict of interest as previously declared at the Economic and Cultural Development Committee, is that Deputy Mayor Jonic is on the Executive of the Ipswich Turf Club Board.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic advised that she will leave the meeting room (including any area set aside for the public) while this matter is being discussed and voted on.
Report of Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 2 Confirmation of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 20 June 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That
the minutes of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee
meeting held on Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
At 10.48 am Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic left the meeting via audio-link due to a previously declared interest in Item 3.
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 3 Event Sponsorship - 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival |
Resolution C2024/05/170(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That We Care Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for Aged and Disabled Associated Incorporated receive $21,500 excl. GST financial support for the 2024 Indigenous Wild Food & Cultural Festival. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
All Councillors except Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic were present when the vote was taken.
The motion was put and carried.
At 10.51 am Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic returned to the meeting room.
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 4 Quarterly Event Sponsorship and Ticket Allocation Report |
Resolution C2024/05/171(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That
Council receive and note the following event sponsorship allocations during
the 1 April 2024 to
Major Community Event Sponsorship Category 1 up to $15,000 excl. GST approved by the General Manager, Community Culture and Economic Development:
· Ipswich District Teacher-Librarian Network $13,636 (excl. GST) in cash support for the StoryArts Festival Ipswich 2024
Event Sponsorship Category 2 over $15,000 (excl. GST) endorsed by Council:
· Willowbank Raceway $35,000 (excl. GST) in cash support for the 2024 Gulf Western Oil Winternationals B. That Council receive and note that no event impact study support was confirmed during the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 period C. That Council receive and note that there were no event sponsorship ticket allocations made during the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 period Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 5 Ipswich Central Revitalisation - Six monthly Report - June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/172(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the report concerning the Ipswich Central Revitalisation progress since November 2023 be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 6 Nicholas Street Precinct - June 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report |
Resolution C2024/05/173(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the June 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 7 Nicholas Street Precinct - Approval of a Lease for Upper Ground Floor 143 Brisbane Street |
Resolution C2024/05/174(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That Council enter into a Lease (and any ancillary documentation) with the proposed lessee of the Tenancy Upper Ground Level, 143 Brisbane Street (impacting Lots 1 and 2 on RP50109) (“Tenancy Upper Ground Level”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 4 July 2024). B. That Council note, that in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy Upper Ground Level to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 (f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in the Tenancy Upper Ground Level (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A. D. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/175 Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That Council adopt the
recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
Environment and Sustainability Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That
the minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee held on Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 2 Support to the State Emergency Service Policy |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the revised Support to the State Emergency Service Policy as outlined in Attachment 3 be adopted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 3 Disaster Preparedness Market Research |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the report titled Disaster Preparedness Market Research be received and the content noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 4 Recommendation for Board Chair of Greenovate Pty Ltd |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That in accordance with Rule 7.2(a) of the Greenovate Constitution, together with Logan City Council and Redland City Council, Ipswich City Council appoint an independent director and chairperson* of Greenovate Pty Ltd A.C.N. 672 812 154 as outlined in the report. B. That it be recommended to maintain all attachments as confidential, as the information is subject to legally privileged as well as private and commercial in confidence. *Due to the confidential nature of this appointment and until such time as the other Councils have adopted their recommendations, the name of the proposed director will be held in confidence. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee NO. 2024(03) OF 25 JULY 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/180 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 25 July 2024. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/05/181 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That Council enter into an Agreement for Lease and associated documentation of the Agreement for Lease with the proposed lessee for Tenancy T2 of the Venue Building (impacting part of Lot 1 on RP209886) (“Tenancy T2”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 15 July 2024). B. That conditional upon Council satisfactorily executing the Agreement to Lease with the proposed lessee, (contained in recommendation A of this report), Council enter into a lease for Tenancy T2 with the proposed lessee (as detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 15 July 2024). C. That Council note, in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy T2 to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 1(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in Tenancy T2 (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). D. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A and B. E. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16. Officers’ Reports
CEO Organisational Performance Report for June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/182 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of June 2024 be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Advisory Panel for Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal |
Recommendation It is recommended that Council resolve: A. That the current CEO Performance Appraisal Panel Chair Mayor Teresa Harding and panel member Councillor Marnie Doyle complete the CEO Final Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024. B. That Council appoint an additional Councillor as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel, commencing duties for the FY2024-2025 CEO Performance Agreement and Appraisal.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed that in respect of Recommendation B, the third panel member be Councillor Paul Tully. B. That Council appoint Councillor Paul Tully as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel, commencing duties for the FY2024-2025 CEO Performance Agreement and Appraisal.
Resolution C2024/05/183 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That the current CEO Performance Appraisal Panel Chair Mayor Teresa Harding and panel member Councillor Marnie Doyle complete the CEO Final Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024. B. That Council appoint Councillor Paul Tully as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel, commencing duties for the FY2024-2025 CEO Performance Agreement and Appraisal. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Antoniolli (Abstain) Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Consistency Review - Draft Planning Scheme and Local Laws |
Resolution C2024/05/184 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
A. That Council propose to make: a. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report. b. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 2 of the report. c. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 3.1 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 3 of the report. d. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 4 of the report. e. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 5 of the report. f. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 6.1 (Animal Management) 2024 as set out in Attachment 6 of the report. g. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2024 as set out in Attachment 7 of the report. B. That Council undertake a preliminary assessment of any potentially anti-competitive provisions to determine whether the provisions will result in any significant impacts. C. If the preliminary assessment undertaken under Recommendation B identifies an anti-competitive provision that will result in a significant impact, Council undertake consultation on the anti-competitive provision as part of the public consultation process outlined in Recommendation D. D. That Council approve proceeding to public consultation for the proposed laws in Recommendation A of this report. E. That Council approve to proceed to State Government interest check on the below laws in accordance with section 29A of the Local Government Act 2009: a. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report. b. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 2 of the report. c. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 4 of the report. d. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2024 as set out in Attachment 7 of the report F. That, following completion of the actions identified in Recommendations B, C, D, and E, a report be provided to a future Council meeting to progress the proposed local laws and subordinate local laws in Clause A to the final stage of the formal local law-making process, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and Council’s Local Law-Making Process Policy. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Monthly Financial Performance Report - June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/05/185 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on Council’s financial performance for the period ending 30 June 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, be considered and noted by Council. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Motions for 2024 Local Government Association of Queensland Conference |
Resolution C2024/05/186 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That Council approve Motion 1 as detailed in Attachment 1 to be submitted to the 2024 LGAQ Conference. B. That Council approve Motion 2 as detailed in Attachment 2 to be submitted to the 2024 LGAQ Conference. C. That Council approve Motion 3 as detailed in Attachment 3 to be submitted to the 2024 LGAQ Conference. D. That Council approve Motion 4 as detailed in Attachment 4 to be submitted to the 2024 LGAQ Conference. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
17. Notices of Motion
Notice of Motion - City of Ipswich - Nuclear Free Zone |
Resolution C2024/05/187 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden:
That this Council reaffirms its long-held stance and historic declaration that the City of Ipswich remain a nuclear free zone. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/05/188 Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the provision of these meeting procedures be suspended, as is necessary, for the purpose of discussing an emergent matter relating to Greenwood Village Road/Redbank Plains Road Intersection Project.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Greenwood Village road/Redbank Plains Road Intersection Project to be delivered separate to Redbank Plains Road Stage 4 |
Resolution C2024/05/189 Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: A. That a report be provided to the next Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee regarding a proposal to deliver the Greenwood Village Road/Redbank Plains Road Intersection Upgrade as its own project, ahead of Redbank Plains Road Stage 4 (which currently is to include the works).
B. The report should include cost estimates, and detail infrastructure charges collected in the local area from the last 10 years.
C. The report should advise Council of what decisions and budget are required to commence design work and required property acquisitions to upgrade the intersection to either its ultimate design of a signalised intersection servicing two lanes of traffic either way on Redbank Plains Road, or an interim solution with limited redundancy in the future.
D. The intention of this resolution is to expedite such works on the intersection to alleviate significant safety concerns for the affected community. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Councillor Marnie Doyle gave notice of her intention to move the following Notice of Motion at the next Council Ordinary Meeting:
That Ipswich City Council make publicly available the recorded briefing session and other correspondence in relation to the “We Can’t Wait Campaign” underway noting there has been interest from media and ongoing calls for transparency.
Resolution C2024/05/190 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the provision of these meeting procedures be suspended, to enable the immediate consideration of Council’s “We Can’t Wait Campaign”. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden:
A. That Council immediately suspend all advertising, promotion and all other aspects of its “We Can’t Wait” campaign pending the following: - A formal Council resolution in support of the campaign; - A meeting of all Councillors, the CEO and relevant General Manager(s) with all local State Members to discuss Council’s nominated projects, convened as soon as possible by the Chief Executive Officer. B. That Council recommence regular meetings of the ‘Elected Representatives Working Group’, made up of elected representatives that represent the city of Ipswich, including all Councillors and State and Federal MPs.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed the following amendment to the original motion:
Delete the first two (2) clauses of paragraph A and insert:
Council continue to support the “We Can’t Wait” campaign.
That all specific advertising and promotion of the campaign be approved by the CEO in consultation with all Councillors.
Amend the third paragraph of A to insert the word “That” at the start and insert the “be” before the word “convened”.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to
the proposed amendment. |
Councillor Paul Tully proposed the following variation for Recommendation A.
A. That Council support the “We Can’t Wait” campaign.
Councillor Marnie Doyle proposed the following variation to Recommendation B:
B. That all specific advertising and promotion of the campaign, outside of what has already been provided to Councillors, be approved by the CEO in consultation with all Councillors.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed with the proposed amended motions.
Resolution C2024/05/191 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Council support the “We Can’t Wait” campaign.
B. That all specific advertising and promotion of the campaign, outside of what has already been provided to Councillors, be approved by the CEO in consultation with all Councillors.
C. That a meeting of all Councillors, the CEO and relevant General Manager(s) with all local State Members to discuss Council’s nominated projects, be convened as soon as possible by the Chief Executive Officer. D. That Council recommence regular meetings of the ‘Elected Representatives Working Group’, made up of elected representatives that represent the city of Ipswich, including all Councillors and State and Federal MPs. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
In considering the above resolution Councillor Marnie Doyle formally withdrew her proposed Notice of Motion.
Resolution C2024/05/192 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That provision of these meeting procedures be resumed to continue with the order of business. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
18. Questions on Notice
The meeting closed at 1.05 pm. |