MINUTES of Council Ordinary Meeting
12 September 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am
1. Attendance At Commencement
2. Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Reverend David Fender – Ipswich Uniting Church
4. Apologies and Leave of Absence
5. Condolences
Colleen Margaret Freeman (Former Mayoress of Ipswich) |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council convey
condolences, on behalf of the citizens of the City of Ipswich, to the family
of the late Colleen Margaret Freeman who passed away on |
1. Condolence
Motion ⇨ |
7. PresentATion OF Petitions
8. PresentATions and Deputations
9. Public Participation
10. Matters of Public Interest
11. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
During discussion of Item 16.6 titled Proposal to Acquire Industrial Property Located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose Councillors Jacob Madsen and Andrew Antoniolli made a declaration.
12. Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting |
Resolution C2024/07/217 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 22 August 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Confirmation of Minutes of Special Meeting |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Minutes of the Special
Meeting held on 5 September 2024 be confirmed. |
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment to the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 5 September 2024 as follows:
That, under Item 6.1 SUSPENSION OF MEETING PROCEDURES, delete all words after the motion moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine, up to and including the words "The motion was put and lost" and add the following words:
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment that Councillors be permitted to speak twice.
Mayor Teresa Harding stated she noted the proposed amendment but would say “No”.
The Mayor did not call for a seconder to Councillor Paul Tully’s proposed amendment.
The Mayor’s motion was put to the vote by the Mayor.
AFFIRMATIVE Councillors: Harding Augustine
The Mayor did not call for a vote by those AGAINST or those ABSTAINING from the Motion.
The motion was declared lost by the Mayor.
Councillor Paul Tully moved that the matter be adjourned until the last item on the agenda.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the matter being adjourned to the last item on the agenda.
It was agreed that a seconder to the proposed amendment would be called when discussion on the matter is resumed. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
At this point, after the last item on the agenda was resolved, discussion resumed on this matter. |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Minutes of the Special
Meeting held on 5 September 2024 be confirmed. |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden
That, under Item 6.1 SUSPENSION OF MEETING PROCEDURES, delete all words after the motion moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine, up to and including the words "The motion was put and lost" and add the following words:
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment that Councillors be permitted to speak twice.
Mayor Teresa Harding stated she noted the proposed amendment but would say “No”.
The Mayor did not call for a seconder to Councillor Paul Tully’s proposed amendment.
The Mayor’s motion was put to the vote by the Mayor.
AFFIRMATIVE Councillors: Harding Augustine
The Mayor did not call for a vote by those AGAINST or those ABSTAINING from the Motion.
The motion was declared lost by the Mayor.
Councillor Paul Tully agreed to the proposed amendment forwarded to all councillors by council administration staff for a further addition to his proposed amendment as follows:
That a full transcript of the discussion of Suspension of Meeting Procedures from timecode 47.12 of the livestream, where Councillor Paul Tully raised a Point of Order to timecode 50.56 of the livestream, be appended to the minutes.
The seconder of the original proposed amendment agreed to the addition of the further proposed amendment. |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden:
A. That, under Item 6.1 SUSPENSION OF MEETING PROCEDURES, delete all words after the motion moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine, up to and including the words "The motion was put and lost" and add the following words:
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment that Councillors be permitted to speak twice.
Mayor Teresa Harding stated she noted the proposed amendment but would say “No”.
The Mayor did not call for a seconder to Councillor Paul Tully’s proposed amendment.
The Mayor’s motion was put to the vote by the Mayor.
AFFIRMATIVE Councillors: Harding Augustine
The Mayor did not call for a vote by those AGAINST or those ABSTAINING from the Motion.
The motion was declared lost by the Mayor.
B. That a full transcript of the discussion of Suspension of Meeting Procedures from timecode 47.12 of the livestream, where Councillor Paul Tully raised a Point of Order to timecode 50.56 of the livestream, be appended to the minutes.
At 1.13 pm Councillor Marnie Doyle left the meeting room. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Tully Antoniolli Madden All Councillors except Councillor Marnie Doyle were present when the vote was taken.
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/218 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 5 September 2024 be confirmed subject to the following amendment:
A. That, under Item 6.1 SUSPENSION OF MEETING PROCEDURES, delete all words after the motion moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine, up to and including the words "The motion was put and lost" and add the following words:
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment that Councillors be permitted to speak twice.
Mayor Teresa Harding stated she noted the proposed amendment but would say “No”.
The Mayor did not call for a seconder to Councillor Paul Tully’s proposed amendment.
The Mayor’s motion was put to the vote by the Mayor.
AFFIRMATIVE Councillors: Harding Augustine
The Mayor did not call for a vote by those AGAINST or those ABSTAINING from the Motion.
Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Tully Antoniolli Madden All Councillors except Councillor Marnie Doyle were present when the vote was taken.
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/219 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
That the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 5 September 2024 be confirmed subject to the following amendment:
B. That a full transcript of the discussion of Suspension of Meeting Procedures from timecode 47.12 of the livestream, where Councillor Paul Tully raised a Point of Order to timecode 50.56 of the livestream, be appended to the minutes. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Antoniolli Madden All Councillors except Councillor Marnie Doyle were present when the vote was taken.
The motion was put and carried. |
1. Transcript - Timecode 47.12 - 50.56
of livestream ⇨
13. mayoral Minute
Mayor Teresa Harding gave notice of her intention to move a Mayoral Minute at the October Ordinary meeting of Council:
A. That Council honour Ipswich State High School with the Keys to the City to acknowledge and celebrate the school’s achievements in winning the NRL School Girls’ title yesterday.
B. That Council’s Events Team consult with the Mayor and Councillors to plan and deliver a suitable community function in which to present the Keys to the City to Ipswich State High School.
14. Business Outstanding – iNCLUDING cONDUCT mATTERS AND Matters Lying on the Table to be Dealt With
15. Reception and Consideration of Committee Reports
Report of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 2 Response to Petition - Build a Playground in Woodend |
Resolution C2024/07/222(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Woodend Park be supported as the preferred location for the future provision of a playground to service the needs of the local community of Woodend. B. That based on project prioritisations, funding for the planning, design and construction of a playground in Woodend Park, be given due consideration in the development of Council’s future capital works program. C. That the chief petitioner be advised of the outcome of this report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 3 iGO Parking Action Plan |
Resolution C2024/07/223(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That the iGO Parking Action Plan and Summary Report – as detailed in Attachments 1 and 2 of the report by the Senior Transport Planner dated 9 August 2024, be received. B. That a Councillor workshop be held to consider the report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 4 Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report July 2024 |
Resolution C2024/07/224(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department for the month of July 2024 be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 5 Exercise of Delegation Report |
Resolution C2024/07/225(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
the Exercise of Delegation report for the period AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 6 Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report |
Resolution C2024/07/226(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure Planning and Assets Committee Item 7 - Membership of Infrastructure Planning and Assets Committee |
Resolution C2024/07/227 (IpAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden:
That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(04) of Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 2 Procurement - Security Services Contract Award |
Resolution C2024/07/230(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 1 - Safe City Monitoring Facility (Control Room) CCTV monitoring operations and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd (Supplier). B. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240305-000344 for the provision of Security Services for Separable Portion 2- Precinct Concierge and CBD Security Patrols (by foot), Mobile Patrols, and Separable Portion 3 – Ad-hoc Security services as requested to Infront Security Pty Ltd (Supplier). C. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Securecorp (Qld) Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $5,520,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms. D. That Council enter into contractual arrangements with the Infront Security Pty Ltd at an approximate purchase price of $9,130,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional three (3) X one (1) year terms. E. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 3 Procurement - VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse |
Resolution C2024/07/231(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. VP420044 Construction of New Silver Jubilee Sports Facility Clubhouse. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier identified in confidential Attachment 1 for the lump sum amount of two million six hundred and ninety-nine thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and ninety cents ($2,699,517.90) excluding GST and the contingency amount as listed in confidential Attachment 1 C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. D. That owing to the confidential nature of the recommendations, that once adopted by Council, the recommendations be made public. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
In relation to Recommendation B and D above, the supplier is H & G Contractors Pty Ltd (ACN 088 421 550/ABN 39 088 421 550).
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 4 Surrender of 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla |
Resolution C2024/07/232(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council receive the report regarding the trusteeship of surplus land at 2 Tallegalla Two Tree Hill Road, Tallegalla, more particularly described as Lot 557 and Plan CC3651 (Council file reference number 6221) with the report to be held over to a future meeting of the Finance and Governance Committee to allow a time for the council officers to undertake community consultation in line with the Community Engagement Policy. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee - Item 5 Membership of Finance and Governance Committee |
Resolution C2024/07/233(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic:
That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Finance and Governance Committee. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed an amendment to the motion to adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee in two lots being Items 1 and 2 and then Items 3 and 4 to allow Mayor Harding to record her vote preference for Items 3 and 4.
Councillor Antoniolli seconded the proposed amendment.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the proposed amendment. |
Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 with the exception of Items 3 and 4. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee - Item 1 Confirmation
of Minutes of the Community and Sport Committee |
Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Community and Sport Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 2 Ipswich Libraries Survey Report 2023-2024 |
Resolution C2024/07/236(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the Ipswich Libraries Survey Report 2023-2024 be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Resolution C2024/07/237(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council adopt the recommendations of Items 3 and 4 of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024. Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 3 Notice of Motion - Establishment of Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee |
Resolution C2024/07/238(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Libraries and Customer Services Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect Recommendation B. Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 4 Notice of Motion - Establishment of Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee |
Resolution C2024/07/239(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be established. B. That the membership of the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
C. That the Sport and Recreation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, with the membership table amended to reflect recommendation B. Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Report of Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 2 Confirmation of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(03) of 20 August 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee meeting held on 20 August 2024 be confirmed. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 3 2025 Netball Queensland State Age Event Sponsorship |
Resolution C2024/07/243(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council provide Event Sponsorship of $25,000 (excl. GST) financial support and in-kind support to the value of $5,400 to Netball Queensland Ltd for the 2025 Senior Netball State Age competition. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 4 2024 Celebrate '25 at Tivoli Drive-In - Major Community Event Sponsorship |
Resolution C2024/07/244(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Tivoli Social Enterprises receive $15,000 ex GST financial support for the 2024 Celebrate ’25! at the Tivoli Drive-In. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 5 Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce Partnership Agreement FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026 |
Resolution C2024/07/245(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council approve the partnership with the Ipswich Region Chamber of Commerce for the FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026 at $35,000 plus GST per annum. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 6 Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group |
Resolution C2024/07/246(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That Council note the establishment of the Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group and associated Terms of Reference in line with the Council resolution of 23 May 2024. B. That Council abolish the existing Retail Sub Project Steering Committee which is now replaced by the Nicholas Street Precinct Project Control Group. C. That Council write to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works to advise of the amended governance arrangements. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 7 Nicholas Street Precinct - August Retail Sub Project Steering Committee Report |
Resolution C2024/07/247(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the August 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 8 Notice of Motion - Welcome Home Civic Event for Ipswich's Olympians and Paralympians |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic:
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic proposed an amendment to the recommendation with the inclusion of a Recommendation B and C as follows:
B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony.
C. That all Councillors are afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and that the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be given the opportunity to speak at both events.
Mayor Teresa Harding as the mover of the original motion, advised of her agreement with the proposed Recommendation B however stated she does not support Recommendation C.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli seconded the proposed amendment.
Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli
B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony.
C. That all Councillors are afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and that the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be given the opportunity to speak at both events.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed the following amendment to proposed Recommendation C:
C. That the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be given the opportunity to speak at both events.
The mover of the original proposed amendment (Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic) and the seconder of the original proposed amendment (Councillor Andrew Antoniolli) agreed to the inclusion of Councillor Paul Tully’s proposed amendment to Recommendation C. |
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed the inclusion of the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee as well as the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee in Recommendation B:
B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony and that the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at the awards.
The mover of the original proposed amendment to Recommendation B (Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic) agreed to the inclusion of Mayor Teresa Harding’s proposed amendment to Recommendation B.
Mayor Harding clarified that Recommendation C should include the notation of all councillors attending.
C. That the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Community and Sport Committee as well as all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and be given the opportunity to speak at both events.
Councillor Paul Tully noted that Recommendation C replicates Recommendation B.
Mayor Harding agreed and proposed that Recommendation C be removed and that Recommendations A and B remain.
C. That the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and Community and Sport Committee as well as all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and be given the opportunity to speak at both events.
The mover of the proposed amendment agreed to the removal of Recommendation C. |
Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli
A. That Ipswich City Council organise a civic event in September that provides the community an opportunity to honour the remarkable achievements of Ipswich’s Olympians and Paralympians.
B. That the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee as well as the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at both events and that all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic proposed the following:
That Ipswich City Council organise a civic event in September that
provides the community to honour the remarkable achievements of
Ipswich’s Olympians and Paralympians. B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony.
C. That the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at both events.
Councillor Paul Tully suggested the inclusion of the words ‘that all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events’ at the beginning of Paragraph C.
C. That all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and that the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at both events.
The mover and seconder of the proposed amendment agreed to
the proposal. |
Mayor Teresa Harding outlined that the vote on this matter would be to decide if the proposed amendment is to progress. |
Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony.
C. That all councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and that the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at both events.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Doyle Jonic Tully Antoniolli Madden
The proposed amendment to the motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/248(EACDC) Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
That Ipswich City Council organise a
civic event in September that provides the community to honour the remarkable
achievements of Ipswich’s Olympians and Paralympians. B. That Ipswich City Council recognise the Olympians and Paralympians at the 2024 Ipswich Sports Awards Ceremony.
C. That all Councillors be afforded the opportunity to attend both events, and that the Chairperson of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee and the Chairperson of the Community and Sport Committee be afforded the opportunity to speak at both events. Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Harding Augustine Doyle Jonic Tully Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/249 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That the meeting be adjourned at 10.15 am to reconvene at 10.45 am. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. The meeting reconvened at 10.52 am. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee - Item 9 Membership of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee |
That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle be appointed as a member of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic proposed an amendment to the motion to include Councillors Jim Madden and Jacob Madsen as members of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee.
Resolution C2024/07/250 Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That pursuant to section 7 of the Ipswich City Council Terms of Reference, Councillor Marnie Doyle, Councillor Jim Madden and Councillor Jacob Madsen be appointed as members of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(04) of 3 September 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Committee Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee - Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(03) of 13 August 2024 |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee held on 13 August 2024 be confirmed. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 2 Queens Park Environmental Education Centre operational update |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report on the Queens Park Environmental Education Centre be received and its contents noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 3 Disaster Awareness Camera Network (DACN) Update |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report titled Disaster Awareness Camera Network (DACN) Update be received and noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 4 Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive Update |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report on the Waste and Circular Economy Transformation Policy Directive update be received and noted. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 5 Ipswich City Council's Financial Contribution To The Resilient Rivers Initiative Through South East Queensland Council Of Mayors |
Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Ipswich City Council pay Council of Mayors (SEQ) the sum of $224,263 as its financial contribution to the Resilient Rivers Initiative for the 2024-2025 financial year. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
16. Officers’ Reports
CEO Organisational Performance Report for August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/07/257 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of August 2024 be received and the contents noted. At 11.20 am Councillor Andrew Antoniolli left the meeting room Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Madden All
Councillors except Councillor Andrew Antoniolli were present when the vote
was taken. The motion was put and carried. |
Report - Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(03) of 15 August 2024 |
Resolution C2024/07/258 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council adopt the recommendations of the Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(03) of 15 August 2024. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Madden All
Councillors except Councillor Andrew Antoniolli were present when the vote
was taken. The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/259 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
That in accordance with section 9.3.2 of Council’s Meetings Procedures Policy, Council grant permission for consideration of the following items:
· Item 16.3 – 2025 Ipswich Show Holiday · Item 16.4 – Late Motion for 2024 Local Government Association of Queensland Conference · Item 16.5 – Councillor Representation on The Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust · Item 16.6 – Proposal to Acquire Industrial Property Located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Madden All
Councillors except Councillor Andrew Antoniolli were present when the vote
was taken. The motion was put and carried. |
2025 Ipswich Show Holiday |
Resolution C2024/07/260 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That Council accept the recommendation of the Ipswich Show Society for Council’s Chief Executive Officer to apply to the Office of Industrial Relations for the Ipswich Show Public Holiday for Friday 16 May 2025.
At 11.26 am Councillor Andrew Antoniolli returned to the meeting room.
Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Late Motion for 2024 Local Government Association of Queensland Conference |
Resolution C2024/07/261 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That Council approve Motion 5 as detailed in Attachment 1 to be submitted to the 2024 LGAQ Conference as a late item for consideration. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Councillor Representation on the Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust |
Recommendation That Council nominate one of its Councillors to be appointed to the vacancy on the Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust as per part 3 division 1 section 5A(1) of the River Improvement Trust Act 1940.
Mayor Teresa Harding nominated Councillor Jim Madden to be appointed to the vacancy on the Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust. |
Resolution C2024/07/262 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That Council nominate Councillor Jim Madden to be appointed to the vacancy on the Ipswich Rivers Improvement Trust as per part 3 division 1 section 5A(1) of the River Improvement Trust Act 1940. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Proposal to acquire industrial property located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Council resolve to acquire land located at Flinders View (as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1), for a strategic purpose. B. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and execute the required documentation with the registered property owner/s for Council to acquire the land located at Flinders View, (as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1) and to do any other acts necessary to implement Council’s decision to acquire the land in accordance with the parameters set out in the accompanying report.
Resolution C2024/07/263 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(h) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 16.6 titled Proposal to Acquire Industrial Property located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose. The meeting moved into closed session at 11.45 am. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/07/264 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the meeting move into open session. The meeting moved into open session at 12.02 pm. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Mayor Teresa Harding advised that while in closed session two (2) declarations of interest were raised and that a motion to move into open session was agreed so that the councillors could make their declarations in open session.
In accordance with section 150EW of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Pye Augustine informed the Chairperson that they believe that Councillor Jacob Madsen has a declarable Conflict of Interest in Item 16.6 titled Proposal to Acquire industrial property located at Flinders View for a strategic purpose.
The Chairperson sought clarification from Councillor Jacob Madsen as to whether he believes he has a declarable Conflict of Interest in the matter.
Councillor Jacob Madsen clarified that he believes that he does not have a declarable Conflict of Interest in the matter.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Paul Tully that Councillor Jacob Madsen does not have a declarable Conflict of Interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Jacob Madsen does not have a declarable Conflict of Interest in the matter and may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Augustine
Jonic Antoniolli (Abstain)
Councillor Jacob Madsen did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EF of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he may have a perceived personal interest in Item 16.6 titled Proposal to Acquire industrial property located at Flinders View for a strategic purpose.
The nature of the personal interest is that the matter involves real estate and because it is a listed property, he possesses a real estate salesperson certificate although not operational as he is not attached to any firm. He advised that he is not familiar with the property in any way nor the owner nor the agents involved.
Councillor Antoniolli advised that he has previously declared this interest before in relation to properties that Council already owns however this matter is private property of which the Council has an interest so therefore declaring again as the circumstances are slightly different.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Jim Madden
that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Madsen (Abstain)
Augustine Antoniolli (Abstain)
The motion was put and carried.
Resolution C2024/07/265 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(h) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 16.6 titled Proposal to Acquire Industrial Property located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose. The meeting moved into closed session at 12.10 pm. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
During closed session:
Councillor Jacob Madsen left the meeting room at 12.11 pm.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic left the meeting room at 12.12 pm.
Councillor Jacob Madsen returned to the meeting room at 12.16 pm.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic returned to the meeting room at 12.17 pm.
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the closed session of the meeting be adjourned at 12.21 pm to reconvene at 12.50 pm. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The closed session of the meeting reconvened at 12.50 pm. |
Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the meeting move into open session. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting moved into open session at 12.53 pm. |
Proposal to acquire industrial property located at Flinders View for a Strategic Purpose |
Resolution C2024/07/266 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Council resolve to acquire land located at Flinders View (as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1), for a strategic purpose. B. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate and execute the required documentation with the registered property owner/s for Council to acquire the land located at Flinders View, (as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1) and to do any other acts necessary to implement Council’s decision to acquire the land in accordance with the parameters set out in the accompanying report. Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
At this point in the meeting discussion on Item 12.2 – Confirmation of Minutes of Special Meeting of 5 September 2024 was resumed.
17. Notices of Motion
18. Questions on Notice
The meeting closed at 1.17 pm |