Thursday, 25 July 2024
at 9:00 AM
Council Chambers, Level 8
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
Chief Executive Officer
Council Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
Pastor Roelof Buitendag - St Johns Lutheran Church
Condolence Motion - Councillor Paul Tully: Reginald Thomas O'Dea
12.1. Ipswich City Council - Minutes of Meeting of 20 June 2024. 5
Minutes Attachment 1 - Condolence - Keiron Patrick Butler - Condolence Motion - Keiron Patrick Butler......................... 43
12.2. Ipswich City Council - Minutes of Special Meeting of 27 June 2024..................................................................................... 45
Minutes Attachment 1 - Budget Speech for the Adoption of the 2024-2025 Budget - Mayor's 2024-2025 Budget Speech............................................................................................. 74
Minutes Attachment 2 - Adoption of refuse and recycling centre fees and other minor fee amendments - Updated page 4 of Attachment 1....................................................... 81
14.1 Response to Mayoral Minute titled Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains........................ 83
15.1 Report
of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee
No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024............................................... 87
15.2 Report
of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(02) of
16 July 2024......................................................................... 97
15.3 Report of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024....................................................................... 111
15.4 Report
of Economic and Cultural Development Committee
No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024............................................. 114
15.5 Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(02) of 16 July 2024.................................................... 123
16.1 CEO Organisational Performance Report for June 2024... 129
16.2 Advisory Panel for Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal...................................................... 167
16.3 Consistency Review - Draft Planning Scheme and Local Laws........................................................................................... 175
16.4 Monthly Financial Performance Report - June 2024......... 333
LATE REPORT: (to be provided prior to the meeting)
16.5 ... Motions for 2024 Local Government Association of Queensland Conference
17.1 Notice of Motion - City of Ipswich - Nuclear Free Zone.... 347
Council Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
Unconfirmed Minutes of Council Ordinary Meeting
20 June 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 9.20 am
1. Attendance At Commencement
Mayor Teresa Harding (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen, Pye Augustine, Paul Tully, Marnie Doyle, Andrew Antoniolli, David Cullen and Jim Madden
2. Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Mayor Teresa Harding delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Pastor John Meadth – Vision Christian Family
4. Apologies and Leave of Absence
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic
Leave of Absence - Deputy Mayor |
Resolution C2024/04/077 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That a leave of absence be granted for Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
5. Condolences
5.1 Condolence - Keiron Patrick Butler |
Resolution C2024/04/078 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli:
That Council convey condolences on behalf of the citizens of the City of Ipswich, to the family of the late Keiron Patrick Butler, who passed away on 29 May 2024. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Attachments 1. Condolence Motion - Keiron Patrick Butler |
7. PresentATion OF Petitions
7.1 Petition - Enforce stricter penalties for uncontrolled and threatening dogs in Riverview, Queensland |
Resolution C2024/04/079 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the petition be received and referred to the relevant Council department for investigation and a report back to the appropriate council/committee meeting. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
7.2 Response to Petition - Odour issues at Swanbank Industrial Area |
Resolution C2024/04/080 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the response to the petition titled ‘Odour Issues at Swanbank Industrial Area’ be received and noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. PresentATions and Deputations
Mayor Teresa Harding passed on her congratulations to Ipswich City Council teams on being recognised as a Queensland Disaster Resilience Champion. Mayor Harding acknowledged four Ipswich City Council representatives that took part in the LGAQ Council to Council support program that worked with other Council’s during their time of need.
· Ms Kellie Burchmann and Ms Annabelle Johnstone answered neighbouring Councils’ calls for support during the SEQ severe thunderstorms and floods last year.
· Mr Matthew Pinder and Ms Kristie McKenna, Council’s team that spearhead Council’s response and recovery during disaster and provided immediate operational support to Cairns during and after Tropical Cyclone Jasper.
· Mayor Harding also acknowledged Ms Melissa Dower, Council’s Community Services Manager who travelled to the Douglas Shire Council to assist in the aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Jasper with a human and social recovery.
· Mayor Harding also acknowledged Tanya Appleton, Johanne Lofgren, Sarah Smith and Maddison Watson who provided support in the evacuation centres in the Western Downs Regional Council area during the bushfires in October last year.
Mayor Harding presented the Chief Executive Officer with the Small Business Commissioner’s Award to Council as Innovator of the Year 2024 for the Ipswich Central Revitalisation Project.
9. Public Participation
10. Matters of Public Interest
11. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he has a general declarable conflict of interest in relation to matters involving real estate.
The nature of the interest is that Cr Antoniolli has a real estate certificate that enables him to act as a salesperson in the real estate industry. It is limited by the fact that Councillor Antoniolli has to be attached to an agency which he is not presently.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process in relation to matters involving real estate.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Jim Madden that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in matters relating to real estate because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to matters relating to real estate, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 5 of Item 15.1 (titled Report of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024).
The nature of the interest is that Councillor Antoniolli has received a donation to a past election campaign, outside of the legislated declaration period, who may be associated with this report.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 1 of Item 15.5 (Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024 (01) of 11 June 2024) titled Amendment of FOGO to GO and Associated Expansion of Go Collection Services.
The nature of the interest is that Councillor Antoniolli has received a donation to a past election campaign, outside of the legislated declaration period, who may be associated with this report.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Jim Madden that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he may have a declarable conflict of interest in Item 8 of Item 15.2 (Report of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024) titled Nicholas Street Precinct Tender Consideration Plan.
The nature of the interest is that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli’s daughter’s partner, the father of his grandchild, is engaged with the principal contractor of the Nicholas Street Precinct.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Jim Madden that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli informed the meeting that he may have a declarable conflict of interest in Item 1 of Item 15.6 (Report of Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 20 June 2024) titled Nicholas Street Precinct – Approval of an Agreement for Lease for Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6 Venue (37 Nicholas Street).
Councillor Antoniolli informed the meeting he cannot disclose the nature of the conflict of interest due to the confidential nature of the report. Councillor Antoniolli invited the Chairperson to determine whether to close the meeting to allow him to declare the conflict.
Move into Closed Session |
Resolution C2024/04/081 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Councillor Antoniolli’s conflict of interest. The meeting moved into closed session at 9.58 am. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Resolution C2024/04/082 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That
the meeting move into open session. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Mayor Teresa Harding informed the meeting that due to the confidential nature of the report that Councillor Antoniolli disclosed his conflict of interest in closed session.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
Adjourn Meeting |
Resolution C2024/04/083 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the meeting be adjourned at 10.07 am to reconvene at 10.37 am. The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting reconvened at 10.38 am. |
12. Confirmation of Minutes
12.1 Confirmation of Minutes of Ordinary Meeting |
Resolution C2024/04/084 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
13. mayoral Minute
14. Business Outstanding – iNCLUDING cONDUCT mATTERS AND Matters Lying on the Table to be Dealt With
15. Reception and Consideration of Committee Reports
15.1 Report of Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/085 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 1 Proposed Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No 1) 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/086(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That Council adopt the proposed Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution as detailed in Attachment 1 pursuant to s113 of the Planning Act 2016 as the Ipswich Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 1) 2024. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 2 River Heart - Proposed Removal of Over-Water Structures |
Resolution C2024/04/087(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That Council approve the removal of the overwater structures as detailed on page 2 of this report. B. That Council note that the western deck will be retained which provides protection and housing for the irrigation pump and associated infrastructure. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 3 Springfield Central E-Scooter Pilot |
Resolution C2024/04/088(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That the report be received and the contents noted.
B. That Council approve the extension of the current AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 4 Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report April 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/089(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 5 Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report |
Resolution C2024/04/090(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee – Item 6 Exercise of Delegation Report |
Resolution C2024/04/091(IPAAC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That
the Exercise of Delegation report for the period AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
15.2 Report of Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/092 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(01) of AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 1 Regulation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference |
Resolution C2024/04/093(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That the membership of the Regulation Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
B. That the Regulation Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1, amended to reflect the detail in Recommendation A above, be adopted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 2 Procurement - VP401352 East Ipswich Drainage Upgrade - Stage 1 |
Resolution C2024/04/094(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. VP401352 East Ipswich Drainage Upgrade – Stage 1. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier identified in confidential Attachment 1 for the lump sum amount of two million four hundred and sixty-three thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and seventy-seven cents ($2,463,660.77) excluding GST and the contingency amount as listed in confidential Attachment 1. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. D. That owing to the confidential nature of the recommendations, that once adopted by Council, the recommendations be made public. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 3 Procurement - Parking Machines and Communication and Management System |
Resolution C2024/04/095(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That pursuant to Section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies as it is satisfied that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available for the provision of maintenance of the current parking meter system. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with Australian Parking and Revenue Control Pty Limited, at an approximate purchase price of $340,000 per annum excluding GST, or $1,020,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), for an additional two (2) X one (1) year terms. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 4 Procurement - Pedestrian and People Counters |
Resolution C2024/04/096(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised nature of the services that are sought and it would be
impractical to invite quotes or tenders for the provision of pedestrian and people counter technology. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with Cohera-Tech Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of $100,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional two (2) X one (1) year terms. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 5 Procurement - Quote Consideration Plan for Procurement of Artworks for Ipswich Art Gallery |
Resolution C2024/04/097(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That
pursuant to Section 230(1)(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve to prepare a Quote Consideration
Plan for the procurement of artworks
for Ipswich Art Gallery. B. That pursuant to Section 230(1)(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve to adopt the Quote Consideration Plan that was prepared for the procurement of artworks for Ipswich Art Gallery. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 6 Procurement - Regional Ecosystem and BioCondition Assessment training |
Resolution C2024/04/098(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That pursuant to Section 235(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies as it is satisfied that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available for the provision of Regional Ecosystem and BioCondition Assessment training. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement CO2 Australia Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of $20,000.00 excluding GST to undertake the proposed training. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 7 Procurement - Waste Transport Services |
Resolution C2024/04/099(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 22524 for the provision of Waste Transport Services to Remondis Australia Pty Ltd (Supplier). B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier at an approximate purchase price of $9,000,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of two (2) years, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional one (1) X two years term, plus a one (1) X one (1) year term. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 8 Nicholas Street Precinct Tender Consideration Plan |
Resolution C2024/04/100(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That
pursuant to Section 230(1)(a) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve to prepare a Tender Consideration
Plan for the engagement of suppliers
listed within the plan for the provision of goods and services as listed in
the plan, for the Nicholas Street Precinct. B. That pursuant to Section 230(1)(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve to adopt the Tender Consideration Plan for the engagement of suppliers listed within the plan for the provision of goods and services as listed in the plan for the Nicholas Street Precinct.
C. That in accordance with the Tender Consideration Plan, Council enter into contractual arrangements with the listed suppliers on a schedule of rates with options to request fixed pricing, and it is envisaged that each individual engagement will not exceed $2,000,000 excluding GST during the term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with an option to extend at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), for an additional one (1) year term.
D. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee – Item 9 Councillor Expenses Reimbursement Policy |
Resolution C2024/04/101(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That the revised Policy titled ‘Councillor Expenses Reimbursement and Administrative Support Policy’ as detailed in Attachment 1 be adopted, for commencement on 1 July 2024. B. That
in accordance with s226 (3)(a) of the Local Government Act 2009, the
rate of superannuation for Councillors be linked to the rate of
superannuation payable to council employees, for commencement on AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Finance and Governance Committee - Item 10 Change to committee membership |
Resolution C2024/04/102(FAGCC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That Councillor Jim Madden be appointed as a member of the Finance and Governance Committee.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
15.3 Report of Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/103 Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Community and Sport Committee No. 2024(01) of AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Community and Sport Committee – Item 1 Ipswich Community Recovery and Resilience Officer Program |
Resolution C2024/04/104(CASCC) Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Community Recovery and Resilience Officer Program report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
15.4 Report of Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That Council adopt the
recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee
Councillor Paul Tully advised of a proposed amendment to Item 5 of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee titled Advocacy Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.
As the original motion to adopt the recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee had already been moved and seconded the following amendment was proposed:
That Council adopt the
recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee
No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 with the exception of
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the amendment. |
Resolution C2024/04/105 Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 1 City of Ipswich Economic Update |
Resolution C2024/04/106(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the report concerning the release of updated key economic data for the City of Ipswich be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 2 SPARK Ipswich Festival 2024 Preview |
Resolution C2024/04/107(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the preview report for the SPARK Ipswich Festival 2024 be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 3 Quarterly Event Sponsorship and Ticket Allocation Report |
Resolution C2024/04/108(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen:
A. That
Council receive and note the following event sponsorship allocations during
the 1 January to 1. Pink Flamingo Productions Pty Ltd $10,000 (excl. GST) in cash support for Queerswich 2024 2. Pacific Action Sports $10,000 (excl. GST) in cash support for the 2024 Eastern Rumble; and $8,000 (excl. GST) in cash support for the 2025 Eastern Rumble 3. Ipswich Jets Rugby League Club Ltd $14,990 (excl. GST) in cash support for the 2024 Gold Coast Titans vs Parramatta Eels Trial Match B. That
Council receive and note that no event impact study support was confirmed
during the 1 January to C. That
Council receive and note that there were no event sponsorship ticket
allocations made during the AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 4 Nicholas Street Precinct - May 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report |
Resolution C2024/04/109(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: That the May 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee – Item 5 Advocacy Advisory Committee Terms of Reference |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: A. That the membership of the Advocacy Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
B. That the Advocacy Advisory Committee takes on the purpose and role of the existing Advocacy Steering Group.
C. That the Advocacy Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1, amended to reflect the detail in Recommendation A and B above, be adopted.
D. That the Advocacy for Regionally Significant Projects Policy be amended to reflect the revised governance arrangements.
Councillor Paul Tully proposed an amendment to Item 5 as follows:
That Councillor Jim Madden be included as a member of the Advocacy Advisory Committee.
The mover and seconder agreed to the proposed amendment. |
Resolution C2024/04/110(EACDC) Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor David Cullen: A. That the membership of the Advocacy Advisory Committee be appointed as follows:
B. That the Advocacy Advisory Committee takes on the purpose and role of the existing Advocacy Steering Group.
C. That the Advocacy Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as detailed in Attachment 1, amended to reflect the detail in Recommendation A and B above, be adopted.
D. That the Advocacy for Regionally Significant Projects Policy be amended to reflect the revised governance arrangements.
E. That Councillor Jim Madden be included as a member of the Advocacy Advisory Committee. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
15.5 Report of Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/111 Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Environment and Sustainability Committee AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 1 Amendment of FOGO to GO and associated expansion of GO collection services |
Resolution C2024/04/112(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That Council agree to return the current Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) service back to a Garden Organics (GO) only service and provide the required communication and education program. B. That during the 2025-2026 financial year Council expand the core kerbside waste collection service to include a Garden Organics service and cease the current Opt-in Garden Organics collection program. C. That the Garden Organics Service be provided on a fortnightly basis to all eligible domestic residents. D. That Council consider the budget implications of these recommendations in developing the 2024-2025 and ongoing Budgets. E. That the utility charge policies for the 2025-2026 Budget be developed to reflect the recommendations of this report, including provisions for prorating any utility charges, subject to the commencement date of the Garden Organics service. F. That Council continue to actively pursue the funding opportunities to support the implementation of this new service through the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation and Australian Carbon Credit Units under the Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 2 Sub-Regional Alliance Material Recovery Facility Update |
Resolution C2024/04/113(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That, subject to resolutions of Logan City Council and Redland City Council supporting the share subscriptions in Greenovate Pty Ltd as specified in the Securityholders Agreement as attached in the Confidential Attachment, and the grant funding agreement being executed by the Company for at least the grant funding amount specified in the report titled Sub-Regional Waste Alliance Materials Recovery Facility Update, Council resolves to:
a) subscribe for the number of shares in the Company as specified in the Securityholders Agreement as attached in the Confidential Attachment; and b) enter into the Securityholders Agreement between Council, Logan City Council and Redland City Council as attached in the Confidential Attachment. B. That as part of the next budget / budget amendment, Council allocates funding in accordance with the payment schedule set out in the Securityholders Agreement as attached in the Confidential Attachment to fulfil its share subscription in the Company as set out in the Sub-Regional Waste Alliance Materials Recovery Facility Project Update. C. That upon expiry of a future Materials Recovery Facility contract, the confidential report titled Sub-Regional Waste Alliance Materials Recovery Facility Project Update, be placed into the public records. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 3 Red Imported Fire Ant Update |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the update report on the Red Imported Fire Ant be received and the contents noted.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed the following additional recommendation to Item 4 of the Environment and Sustainability Committee:
B. That the Council write a letter to the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner MP outlining that Ipswich City Council believes the success of the program does need a coordinated approach and that cost shifting to Council and the community without appropriate consultation is not acceptable.
Councillor Antoniolli proposed the following additional wording to the end of the recommendation:
and with a significant impost to ratepayers.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the proposed amendments. |
Resolution C2024/04/114(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That the update report on the Red Imported Fire Ant be received and the contents noted. B. That the Council write a letter to the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner MP outlining that Ipswich City Council believes the success of the program does need a coordinated approach and that cost shifting to Council and the community without appropriate consultation is not acceptable and with a significant impost to ratepayers. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 4 Proposed updates to Disaster Management Policy and the Local Disaster Management Plan |
Resolution C2024/04/115(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That the revised Local Disaster Management Plans as outlined in Attachment 5, be adopted. B. That the revised Disaster Management Policy as outlined in Attachment 4, be adopted. C. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to make amendments deemed necessary on the basis of further comments received from members of the Local Disaster Management Group and Local Recovery and Resilience Group, who form part of the governance arrangements for the adoption of the Local Disaster Management Plan. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 5 SES Local Controller Honorarium Payments |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Recommendation That Council pay the Ipswich
City SES Unit Local Controller an honorarium of $35,000 per year, ongoing. |
Councillor Antoniolli proposed an amendment to the wording of Item 6 and the Chief Executive Officer proposed the following wording after receiving advice from council officers: That Council pay the Ipswich City SES Unit Local Controller an annual honorarium.
The mover and seconder of the original motion agreed to the proposed amendment. |
Resolution C2024/04/116(ESC) Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That Council pay the Ipswich City SES Unit Local Controller an annual honorarium. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Environment and Sustainability Committee – Item 6 WaterFest Campaign |
Resolution C2024/04/117(ESC) Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That the report on the WaterFest Program be received and its contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried by block resolve. |
Move into Closed Session |
Resolution C2024/04/118 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Items 1 and 2 of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(01) of 20 June 2024 titled Nicholas Street Precinct – Approval of an Agreement for Lease for Tenancy T5 and T6 Venue (37 Nicholas Street) and Nicholas Street Precinct – Approval of an Agreement for Lease for Tenancy MM2 Venue (37 Nicholas Street). The meeting moved into closed session at 11.26 am. The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Resolution C2024/04/119 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
the meeting move into open session. The motion was put and carried. |
15.6 Report of Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 20 June 2024 |
That Council adopt the recommendations
of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed that Items 1 and 2 of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2023(02) of 20 June 2024 be dealt with separately. |
Resolution C2024/04/120 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: A. That
Council enter into an Agreement for Lease and associated documentation of the
Agreement for Lease with the proposed lessee for Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6 in
Level 1 of the Venue Building (impacting part of Lot 1 on RP209886)
(“Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct
(under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and
attachments by the Leasing Manager dated
B. That conditional upon Council satisfactorily executing the Agreement to Lease with the proposed lessee, (contained in recommendation A of this report), Council enter into a lease for Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6 with the proposed lessee (as detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 14 June 2024).
C. That Council note, in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6 to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 1(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in Tenancy T5 and Tenancy T6 (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report).
D. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A and B.
E. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Madsen Augustine Tully Antoniolli Doyle Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/04/121 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine:
A. That Council enter into an Agreement for Lease and associated documentation of the Agreement for Lease with the proposed lessee for Tenancy MM1 of the Venue Building (impacting part of Lot 1 on RP209886) (“Tenancy MM1”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 14 June 2024).
B. That
conditional upon Council satisfactorily executing the Agreement to Lease with
the proposed lessee, (contained in recommendation A of this report), Council
enter into a lease for Tenancy MM2 with the proposed lessee (as detailed in
the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated
C. That Council note, in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy MM2 to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 1(f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in Tenancy MM2 (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report).
D. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A and B.
E. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16. Officers’ Reports
16.1 CEO Organisational Performance Report for May 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/122 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of May 2024 be received and the contents noted. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.2 Report - Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(02) of 30 May 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/123 Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That
Council adopt the recommendations of the Audit and Risk Management Committee No. 2024(02) of AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.3 Monthly Financial Performance Report - May 2024 |
Resolution C2024/04/124 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the report on Council’s financial performance for the period ending 31 May 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, be considered and noted by Council. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.4 Appointment of Urban Utilities Board Members |
Resolution C2024/04/125 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That Council endorse the appointment of Paul Vincent as a Board Chair of Urban Utilities from 1 July 2024, for a term of three (3) years, to 30 June 2027. B. That Council endorse the appointment of Peter Hyland and Andrea Kenafake as Board Members of Urban Utilities, effective from 1 July 2024, for a term of three (3) years, to 30 June 2027. C. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign an Instrument of Appointment of Board Members to Urban Utilities and to do any other acts necessary to implement Council’s decision in accordance with section 13(3) of the Local Government Act 2009. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Resolution C2024/04/126 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully:
That in accordance with section 9.3.2 of Council’s Meetings Procedures Policy, Council grant permission for consideration of Item 16.5 titled Procurement: Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
16.5 Procurement - Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement |
Resolution C2024/04/127 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: A. That pursuant to Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council award Tender No. 240102-000318 for the provision of Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to Tenderer A (Supplier). B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement with the Supplier for a term of seven (7) years and three (3) months, with no options for extension. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
17. Notices of Motion
18. Questions on Notice
The meeting closed at 12.10 pm |
“These minutes are subject to confirmation at the next scheduled Council Ordinary Meeting”
Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
Unconfirmed Minutes of Council Special Meeting
27 June 2024
Held in the Council Chambers, Administration Building
1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am
Resolution C2024/00/128 Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That Councillor Paul Tully be appointed as Acting Chairperson in the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s absence. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Councillor Paul Tully assumed the Chair at 9.03 am.
1. Attendance at Commencement
Councillor Paul Tully (Acting Chairperson); Mayor Teresa Harding (via audio-link); Councillors Jacob Madsen, Pye Augustine, Nicole Jonic (Deputy Mayor)(via audio-link), Marnie Doyle, Andrew Antoniolli, David Cullen and Jim Madden
2. Welcome to Country Or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Paul Tully (Acting Chair) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
3. Opening Prayer
Councillor Jacob Madsen delivered the opening prayer
4. Apologies and Leave of Absence
5. Declarations of Interest in matters on the agenda
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor David Cullen informed the meeting that he has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 16.5 titled Rates Concessions – Charitable, Non Profit/Sporting Organisations.
The nature of the interest is that he is a board member of Goodness Enterprises Limited - Tivoli Drive in.
Councillor David Cullen invited the other councillors to determine if he can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Tully and seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli that Councillor David Cullen does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because
there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor David Cullen may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor David Cullen did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Marnie Doyle informed the meeting that she has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 16.5 titled Rates Concessions – Charitable, Non Profit/Sporting Organisations.
The nature of the interest is that Councillor Doyle’s sister’s father in-law is a Director on the Committee of the North Ipswich Bowls Club and she has a close family relationship with him.
Councillor Marnie Doyle invited the other councillors to determine if she can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Councillor Paul Tully and seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli that Councillor Marnie Doyle does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because
there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Councillor Marnie Doyle may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Harding Nil
Councillor Marnie Doyle did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
6. Officers’ Reports
6.1 Annual Plan 2024-2025 |
Resolution C2024/00/129 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: That in accordance with section 104(5)(a) of the Local Government Act 2009 and sections 174 and 175 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council adopt the Annual Plan 2024-2025, which includes the Annual Operational Plan 2024-2025 from page 19 (the annual operational plan) and the Ipswich Waste Services Performance Plan 2024-2025 from page 89 (the annual performance plan for a commercial business unit) but excluding the City Annual Budget 2024-2025 from page 97, which has been detailed in a separate report from the Chief Financial Officer.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Budget Speech for the Adoption of the 2024-2025 Budget |
Councillor Paul Tully (Acting Chair) invited the Mayor to deliver the 2024-2025 budget speech.
Attachments 1. Mayor's 2024-2025 Budget Speech |
6.2 Adoption of the 2024-2025 Budget and associated matters |
Resolution C2024/00/130 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That Ipswich City Council receive and note the contents of this report concerning the 2024-2025 Budget and associated matters. B. That Ipswich City Council receive and note the Statement of Estimated Financial Position for the previous financial year 2023-2024, outlined in Attachment 1. C. That in accordance with section 81 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide the different rating categories of rateable land in the local government area as follows: (a) the rating categories of rateable land in the local government area are in column 1 of the table below which is stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2; (b) the description of each of the rating categories of rateable land in the local government area are in column 2 of the table below which is stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2; (c) the rating category to which each parcel of rateable land in the local government area belongs, is the rating category which is included in the Council’s rating files at the date of issue of a relevant quarterly rating assessment notice.
D. That in accordance with section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, Ipswich City Council delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to identify the rating category to which each parcel of rateable land belongs under section 81(4) and (5), section 82 and any other applicable provision of Chapter 4 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. E. That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009 and section 80 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide to levy differential general rates on rateable land in the local government area, on the basis stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. F. That in accordance with section 74 and section 76 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide that the rateable value of land for the financial year will be the three (3)-year averaged value of the land, on the basis stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. G. That in accordance with section 80 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide that the differential general rates for each rating category of rateable land in the local government area is that in column 2 of the table below which is stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2.
H. That in accordance with section 77 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide that the minimum amount of general rates for certain rating categories of rateable land in the local government area is to be fixed to that amount in column 3 of the table in Resolution G, on the basis stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. I. That in accordance with section 116 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide to limit the increase in the differential general rates for certain rating categories of rateable land in the local government area to not more than the differential general rates for the last financial year increased by the percentage stated in column 4 of the table in Resolution G, on the basis stated in Part 2 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. J. That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009 and section 99 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide to levy utility charges for waste management services on rateable land in the local government area that are in column 2 of the table below, on the basis stated in Part 3 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2.
K. That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009, section 94 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and section 128A of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, Ipswich City Council decide to levy a special charge of $39 per annum for the Rural Fire Brigades Services for the services, facilities or activities identified in the Rural Fire Resources Levy Special Charge Overall Plan, on rateable land in the local government area that specially benefits from the Rural Fire Brigades Services, on the basis stated in Part 4 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. L. That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009, section 103 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and section 128A of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, Ipswich City Council decide to levy a separate charge of $3 per annum for the Rural Fire Brigades Services on rateable land in the local government area, on the basis stated in Part 5 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. M. That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009 and section 103 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide to levy a separate charge of $58 per annum for the Ipswich Enviroplan on rateable land in the local government area, on the basis stated in Part 6 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. N. That in accordance with section 107 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and section 114 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990, Ipswich City Council decide that rates and charges (including the Emergency Management Levy) will be levied quarterly on the basis stated in Part 7 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. O. That Ipswich City Council decide on the basis stated in Part 7 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2: (a) the period within which rates and charges (including the Emergency Management Levy under section 115 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990) must be paid in accordance with section 118 of the Local Government Regulation 2012; (b) to allow ratepayers to pay rates and charges (including the Emergency Management Levy) by instalments in accordance with section 129 of the Local Government Regulation 2012; (c) to allow a discount for payment of rates and charges before the end of a period that ends on or before the due date for payment in accordance with section 130 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. P. That in accordance with section 133 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide that interest is payable on overdue rates and charges, at an annual rate of 12.35%, on the basis stated in Part 8 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. Q. That in accordance with Chapter 4, Part 10 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide to grant a concession for rates and charges to an eligible pensioner who owns and occupies rateable land, on the basis stated in Part 9 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. R. That in accordance with section 192 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council adopt the Debt Policy for 2024-2025 which is stated in Part 11 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. S. That in accordance with section 191 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council adopt the Investment Policy for 2024-2025 which is stated in Part 12 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. T. That Ipswich City Council adopt the Financial Management Policy for 2024-2025 which is stated in Part 13 of the 2024-2025 Budget in Attachment 2. U. That in accordance with section 104 of the Local Government Act 2009 and section 170 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council consider and adopt the 2024-2025 Budget, which is Attachment 2, that includes the following: (a) the Budget and Long-Term Financial Forecast which is stated in Part 1, including the Forecast Financial Statements: Statement of Income and Expenditure, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Changes in Equity; (b) the Revenue Statement which is stated in Part 10; (c) the Revenue Policy which is stated in Part 15; (d) the relevant measures of financial sustainability which is stated in Part 1; (e) the total value of the change, expressed as a percentage, in the rates and utility charges levied for the financial year compared with the rates and utility charges levied in the previous budget which is stated in Part 1. V. That it be recorded that in each case where a preceding Resolution refers to the whole or a part of a document which is in Attachment 1 or Attachment 2, the whole or part of the document is incorporated by reference into and forms part of the terms and content of the Resolution. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6.3 Overall Plan for the Rural Fire Resources Levy Special Charge |
Resolution C2024/00/131 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That in accordance with section 94 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council adopt the Overall Plan, as detailed in this report, for the Rural Fire Resources Levy Special Charge. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6.4 Rates Timetable for 2024-2025 |
Resolution C2024/00/132 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That in accordance with section 118 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Ipswich City Council decide the dates by which rates and charges for 2024-2025 must be paid, as detailed in Table 1
Table 1
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6.5 Rates Concessions - Charitable, Non Profit/Sporting Organisations |
Resolution C2024/00/133 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Marnie Doyle: A. That having satisfied the criteria in s120 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, as well as the Rates Concession Policy, the properties as detailed in Attachment 1 be granted a 100% concession of the differential general rates for the 2024-2025 financial year. B. That having satisfied the criteria in s120 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, as well as the Rates Concession Policy, the properties as detailed in Attachment 2 be granted a 100% concession of the differential general rates for the 2024-2025 financial year. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6.6 Adoption of refuse and recycling centre fees and other minor fee amendments |
Resolution C2024/00/134 Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That the proposed revised Fees and Charges, as detailed in Attachment 1, be adopted with an effective date of 1 July 2024 AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Harding Nil Madsen Augustine Jonic Tully Doyle Antoniolli Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Attachments 1. Updated page 4 of Attachment 1 |
The meeting closed at 9.50 am. |
“These minutes are subject to confirmation at the next scheduled Council Ordinary Meeting”
Council Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 14.1
SUBJECT: Response to Mayoral Minute titled Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains
AUTHOR: Meeting Coordination Manager
DATE: 4 July 2024
Executive Summary
This is a report providing an update on a response received to the Mayoral Minute titled “Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains” which was submitted to Council on 15 February 2024.
That the letter of response from the Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice to the Mayoral Minute titled “Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains” be received and the contents noted.
At the 25 February 2024 Council Ordinary Meeting a Mayoral Minute was tabled titled “Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank Plains”.
The final resolution to this Mayoral Minute is listed below:
A. That Ipswich City Council writes to Minister for Police and Community Safety, the Honourable Mark Ryan MP, and Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll, for the installation of a permanent Police shopfront at Town Square Redbank Plains.
Further to this we also request the installation of the mobile police facility indefinitely pending the establishment of a permanent facility.
B. That Council officially write to the Attorney General of Queensland to enact a new law called “Vyleen’s Law” to implement all relevant initiatives to identify and reduce youth crime in Queensland.
This legislation would also grant judges the authority to impose stricter sentences on serious youth repeat offenders and that bail conditions be reviewed for those who have previously offended.
By swiftly implementing “Vyleen’s Law” which provides wraparound services and spearheads a national youth crime intervention framework, the Queensland Government can effectively combat youth crime and build safer communities.
A response from the Minister for Education and Minister for Youth Justice, Di Farmer MP on behalf of the Attorney General, Minister for Justice and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, The Honourable Yvette D’Ath MP, is attached.
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Response to Mayoral Minute from Council Ordinary Meeting
25 February 2024 - 'Permanent Police Shopfront for Town Square Redbank
Plains' ⇩ |
Vicki Lukritz
Meeting Coordination Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Sonia Cooper
Chief Executive Officer
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee NO. 2024(02)] |
Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee NO. 2024(02)
16 July 2024
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli (Chairperson); Councillors Paul Tully (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, David Cullen (via audio-link), Jim Madden, Pye Augustine (Observer) and Marnie Doyle (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Infrastructure and Asset Services (Matt Anderson), General Manager Planning and Regulatory Services (Brett Davey), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Manager Capital Program Delivery (Graeme Martin), Manager Infrastructure Strategy (Tony Dileo), Infrastructure Strategy and Planning Manager (Mary Torres), Team Lead Open Space and Facilities (Mark Bastin), Acting Manager, Strategy and Performance (Haiden Taylor), Acting General Manager Environment and Sustainability (Phil A Smith), Manager Development Planning (Greg Potter), Principal Officer Projects (Graham Schultz), Manager, Resource Recovery (David McAlister), Manager, Compliance (Alisha Connaughton), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Manager Media, Communications and Engagement (Mark Strong), Coordinator Communication (Lucy Stone), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
In accordance with section 150ET(4) of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Andrew Antoniolli advised of a previously declared Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 3 titled Planning and Environment Court Action in relation to one of the companies listed within the report (Nugrow). This was declared at the previous Infrastructure Planning and Assets Committee meeting dated 11 June 2024.
The eligible councillors at that meeting of 11 June 2024 resolved that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli could remain in that meeting, including by voting on the matter.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Paul Tully that Councillor Andrew Antoniolli does not have a declarable conflict of interest in the matter because there is no personal or financial benefit to the councillor and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
Councillors: Councillors:
Tully Nil
Councillor Antoniolli did not take part in the vote on this matter.
The motion was put and carried.
1. Stone Quarry Cemetery - Community Consultation A report to the Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee of 12 October 2023 outlined the establishment of an Islamic faith burial section at Stone Quarry Cemetery. The report recommended: A. That Council Officers continue to progress the establishment of an Islamic burial section at an Ipswich City Council managed cemetery. B. That council consults with Mr George Hatchman and the Willowbank Area Residents Group as part of the process in establishing an Islamic Burial section. C. That council reports back to a future Growth, Infrastructure and Waste Committee with the results of the consultation. D. That the email from Mr George Hatchman and the associated correspondence and images be tabled and attached. The recommended consultation has been undertaken as well as additional community consultation and engagement. This report provides an update on the outcome of the consultation and the progress to establish an Islamic Faith burial section at the Stone Quarry Cemetery.
Recommendation Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the report on the Stone Quarry Cemetery community consultation be received and noted.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed the inclusion of the following recommendations:
B. That the final designs come back to the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee for consideration.
C. That all signage come back to the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee for consideration.
The mover of
the original motion agreed to the inclusion of Recommendations B and C. |
Recommendation Moved by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A.
That the report on the Stone Quarry Cemetery community
consultation be received and noted. B. That the final designs come back to the Infrastructure Planning and Assets Committee for consideration. C. That all signage come back to the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee for consideration.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Confirmation of Minutes
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That the minutes of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Officers’ Reports
Move into Closed Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Paul Tully: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(e) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 3 titled Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report. The meeting moved into closed session at 9.21 am. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Recommendation Moved by Mayor Teresa Harding: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the
meeting move into open session. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
3. Planning and Environment Court Action Status Report This is a report concerning a status update with respect to current court actions associated with development planning applications. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the Planning and Environment Court Action status report be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Exercise of Delegation Report This is a report concerning applications that have been determined by delegated authority for the period 27 May 2024 to 28 June 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the Exercise of Delegation report for the period 27 May 2024 to 28 June 2024 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried.
5. Personal Tributes in Councils Openspace and Road Network - Assessment of Application This is a report concerning a ‘Personal Tribute in Council’s Open space and Road Network’ application which has been received by Council from Mr Glen Park, in memory of his late father, Mr Graeme Park. |
Recommendation That the personal tribute noted in the application detailed in Attachment 1, be approved by Council.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That this matter be deferred for consideration at a future meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee and that consultation be undertaken with the divisional Councillors and Mayor.
B. That the applicant be invited to provide a finalised new application form.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6. Public Monuments and Memorials - Assessment of Application This is a report concerning a ‘Public Monuments and Memorials’ application which has been received by Council from Mrs Luise Manning, Chair of the Springfield Lakes Nature Care Incorporated, proposing the installation of a commemorative plaque to recognise the Queen’s Jubilee Grant from the late Queen Elizabeth II, which funded the planting of 2000 trees in Opossum Creek Parklands, Brookwater. |
Recommendation That the commemorative plaque in the application detailed in Attachment 1, be approved by Council.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the matter be deferred for consideration at a future meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee and that consultation with the divisional Councillors and Mayor take place prior to the re-presentation of the report. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
7. Provisional Projects Approval This is a report seeking Council consideration of, and capital funding for, the Provisional Projects listed in this report. The projects have been suggested by the Councillors for assessment against the Capital Investment in Provisional Projects Policy. The projects noted in this report have been assessed by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department and are considered consistent with the policy and are tabled for consideration by Council to progress. |
Recommendation That Council approve the Provisional Projects listed below to design and construction in accordance with the Capital Investment in Provisional Projects Policy: 1. Division 1 – Extension of the existing storage facility within Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve, Redbank Plains $11,700. 2. Division 2 – Installation of a Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $15,000. 3. Division 3 – Installation of bollards, associated slip rail and lighting for an overflow carpark for Jim Finimore Park, Leichhardt $48,000. 4. Division 4 – Installation of footpath connection fronting Rosewood State School at School Street, Rosewood $25,000.
Mayor Teresa Harding proposed that the item for Division 2 relating to the Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain as listed below, be deferred to the next meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee: Division 2 – Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $15,000.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That Council approve the Provisional Projects listed below to design and construction in accordance with the Capital Investment in Provisional Projects Policy: 1. Division 1 – Extension of the existing storage facility within Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve, Redbank Plains $11,700. 2. Division
3 – Installation of bollards, associated slip rail and lighting
for an overflow carpark for Jim Finimore Park, Leichhardt $48,000. 3. Division 4 – Installation of footpath connection fronting Rosewood State School at School Street, Rosewood $25,000.
B. That the Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain as listed below, be deferred to the next meeting of the Infrastructure, Planning and Assets Committee. Division 2 – Installation of a Rotary Peace Pole within Robelle Domain, Springfield Central $15,000.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. Asset and Infrastructure Services Department Capital Delivery Report May 2024 This is a report concerning the performance of the capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department for the month of May 2024. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the report on capital delivery by the Asset and Infrastructure Services Department be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried.
9. Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 changes and guidelines for local government Councillor Antoniolli (Chair) tabled the letter from LGAQ (on behalf of the Animal Management Taskforce) to the Hon. Mark Furner MP, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities in relation to proposed amendments to the Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 for noting of the committee.
10. Commencement of Next Meeting |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding:
That the Finance and Governance Committee commence at 10.40 am. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Antoniolli Nil Tully Harding Jonic Cullen Madden
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 9.00 am.
The meeting closed at 10.18 am.
16 July 2024 |
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(02)] |
Finance and Governance Committee NO. 2024(02)
16 July 2024
Councillor Paul Tully (Chairperson); Councillors Jacob Madsen (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Andrew Antoniolli, Jim Madden, David Cullen (Observer via audio-link), Marnie Doyle (Observer), Pye Augustine (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), Acting General Manager Environment and Sustainability (Phil A Smith), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), General Manager Planning and Regulatory Services (Brett Davey), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), ICT Category Specialist (Earaj Khan), Chief Information Officer (Angela Jackson), ERP Program Manager (Gerard Nelson), Corporate Governance Manager (Shasha Ingbritsen), Senior Governance Officer (Melissa Friske), Acting Procurement Manager (Ross Muller), Property Services Manager (Alicia Rieck), Manager, Legal and Governance (General Counsel) (Tony Dunleavy), Manager, Libraries and Customer Services (Samantha Chandler), Manager, Resource Recovery (David McAlister), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Jacob Madsen delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the minutes of the Finance and Governance Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Officers’ Reports
2. Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Policy This is a report concerning the adoption of an Artificial Intelligence Policy. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the policy titled ‘Artificial Intelligence Policy’ as set out in Attachment 1 be adopted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
3. Update on the iVolve Business Case This is a report concerning the review and updating of the iVolve Business Case. The amendments to the Business Case aim to guide Council toward successful adoption while addressing risks, maintaining continuity with the original Business Case, and ensuring financial prudence. The report provides a concise overview of these updates and associated risk and impacts. |
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the update report on the iVolve Business Case be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Urban Utilities Statement of Strategic Intent (SOSI) and Participations Returns Policy (PRP) and Participation Agreement (PA) This is a report in relation to the following two matters regarding Urban Utilities (UU): 1. Approval of proposed amendments to the Participation Agreement and the Participation Returns Policy. 2. Approval of UU’s Statement of Strategic Intent 2029 (“SOSI”)
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(i) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.”
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That Council approve the amendments to the Participation Agreement between the Central SEQ Distributor-Retailer Authority (trading as Urban Utilities) and Ipswich City Council as a Participant to the Participation Agreement as per Confidential Attachment 1 to this report. B. That Council approve the amended Participation Return Policy per Confidential Attachment 3 to this report. C. That Council approve Urban Utilities’ 2029 Statement of Strategic Intent contained in Confidential Attachment 4 to this report. D. That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign a Variation Agreement that formalises the approved amendments to the Participation Agreement and Participation Returns Policy, and to do any other acts necessary to implement Council’s decisions in accordance with section 13(3) of the Local Government Act 2009.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
5. Procurement: CloudLibrary Library eResources This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to enter into a contractual arrangement with OCLC (UK) Limited (OCLC) for the provision of electronic Resource (eResources) platforms CloudLibrary, CloudLink and ComicsPlus. As a result of an acquisition of the suite of CloudLibrary products by OCLC UK Limited from previous owners, Bibliotheca Australia Pty Ltd in April 2024, a Council resolution for an exception under Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applying to specialised services is sought to ensure continuity of service under the new product owners. The product has been part of library offerings to borrowers since 2017 and enjoys solid and increasing usage. Previously the supply of CloudLibrary platforms was contracted under Contract 21689 Cloud Library Electronic Library Resources with Bibliotheca Australia Pty Ltd, under exception s234 of the Local Government Regulations – engaged via the Local Buy Local Government Arrangement. OCLC acquired the CloudLibrary elements of Bibliotheca Australia Pty Ltd organisation, and Contract 21689, following Legal advice, was novated to OCLC in May 2024 for the remaining two (2) months of the Contract to ensure continuity of these library e-resources. OCLC assumed all rights, benefits, and obligations associated with the previous contract. OCLC is a nonprofit organisation who have maintained the same user-friendly interface, extensive catalogue, and convenient access to digital content through CloudLibrary and have assured customer experience will not be impacted in any way. OCLC do not hold a Local Government Arrangement membership with LocalBuy. This subscription product is utilised by multiple Australian Libraries to provide content to their communities and Council is able to leverage consortia agreements with other south-east Queensland Libraries, thereby rendering it more costly and disadvantageous to Council to tender for other products. A resolution of Council is sought to approve the annual subscription for the CloudLibrary eResources with OCLC for a term of up to three (3) years as an initial one (1) year term with an additional two (2) X one (1) year options to allow annual analysis of utility and value for money. This is an estimated total cost of approximately six-hundred thousand dollars ($600,000) excluding GST for the term of the three year contract. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it
would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for
the provision of CloudLibrary Library eResources. B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference number 5185) with OCLC (UK) Limited, at an approximate purchase price of $600,000 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser), of an additional two (2) X one (1) year terms.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
6. Procurement: Increase in Contract Value- Microsoft EA Licenceing This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to increase the approved value of existing contract 18620 for the provision of Microsoft Enterprise Licencing by $414,000+GST. The contract commenced 1 August 2022 and since this time the number of Council Full Time Employees has increased further than initially estimated. Council’s original estimated expenditure was approved at $4.431M excluding GST for the total contract period of 3 years with no option for extension. This was adopted at Council Ordinary Meeting of 30 June 2022. The new estimated sum is $4,845,000 excluding GST and does not affect the term of the contract. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That Council approve an increase in expenditure for the provision of Microsoft EA Licencing Renewal with supplier Data#3 Limited from $4,431,000 to $4,845,000 excluding GST for the current contracted period up to 31 July 2025. This constitutes an increase of $414,000 excluding GST. B. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
7. Procurement: ArcGis Online Creator & Mobile Worker Software Licencing, Maintenance (2024) This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to enter into a contract with Esri Australia Pty Ltd for the provision of ArcGIS Online Creator and Mobile Worker software licencing, maintenance that are operationally utilised as part of Council’s existing spatial services. This matter is required as officers seek Council resolution that the exception under section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the specialised nature of the ArcGIS Online Creator and Mobile Worker licencing, maintenance and other related ancillary items for these operationally necessary products. The proprietary nature of the incumbent supplier’s products means that the products are specialised in nature and Esri Australia Pty Ltd are the only supplier able to provide the support and maintenance for the products. It would be impractical and disadvantageous for Council to invite quotes or tenders as no other supplier is able to provide these specialised products. Further, due to the current implementation of an enterprise spatial solution by Council, it is more costly and disadvantageous to Council to tender for other software products when delivery of the enterprise spatial project will provide a replacement solution. A resolution of Council is
sought to approve the continuation of the licencing and maintenance for the
ArcGIS software products including Online Creator and Mobile Worker licencing
with Esri Australia Pty Ltd for a term of one (1) year (commencing 14 August
2024), with no extension option. This is an estimated total cost of
approximately thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) excluding GST for the
full term of the contract. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for the provision of the ArcGIS Software licencing including, ArcGIS Online Creator and Mobile Worker licencing and maintenance of the software products and related ancillary items.
B. That Council enter into a contractual arrangement (Council file reference 5186) with Esri, Australia Pty Ltd, at an approximate purchase price of $35,000.00 excluding GST over the entire term, being an initial term of one (1) year, with no extension option.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
8. Procurement - Culture Amp Employee Experience Survey Platform This is a report seeking a resolution by Council to engage Culture Amp Pty Ltd. Culture Amp has been contracted with Council (contract 16674) for the past three (3) years to provide a platform supporting improved Employee Experience (EX) through whole of Council employee satisfaction surveys, benchmarking analysis, results and support. The annual Employee Experience Survey is a deliverable under the People and Culture Strategy 2021 - 2026 and is also a key focus of our CEO and Executive Leadership Team. This matter is required as officers seek Council resolution that the exception under section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the specialised services provided by the Culture Amp platform. The proprietary nature of the incumbent supplier’s product means that there is only one supplier who is reasonably available to provide the required product.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jacob Madsen: A. That
pursuant to Section 235(b) of the Local Government Regulation 2012
(Regulation), Council resolve that the exception applies because of the
specialised AND/OR confidential nature of the services that are sought and it
would be impractical AND/OR disadvantageous to invite quotes OR tenders for
the provision of an. B. That
Council enter into a contractual arrangement Culture Amp Pty Ltd, at an
approximate purchase price of $295,740.00 excluding GST over
the entire term, being an initial term one (1)
year, with options for extension at the discretion of Council (as purchaser),
of an additional two (2) X one (1) year terms. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
9. Procurement: Extension and Increase in Spend on Commercial Cleaning - Contract 13902 This is a report concerning the recommendation to approve the final one (1) year extension (December 2024 to December 2025) option and increased expenditure under contract 13902 Commercial Cleaning. This increase is due to a growth in scope and inclusion of additional assets along with an increase in CPI costs which have risen above the anticipated forecast. Council’s original estimated expenditure was approved at $6.9M excluding GST for the total contract period of two (2) years with the option to extend the contract by three (3) x one (1) year periods. This was adopted at Council Ordinary Meeting of 22 October 2020 (Objective ID. A10327181) Prior to the contract execution it was proposed to extend the scope of the contract to include the cleaning of, the then soon to be opened, Tulmur Place. The estimated new sum of the contract including all extensions was estimated to be $8,331,317.82 ex. GST. This proposal was approved under a CEO Briefing Note in November 2020 (Objective ID. A6646565).
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That Council approve an increase in expenditure for the provision of Commercial Cleaning with the supplier, Total Building Maintenance (TBM) from $6,900,000 to $10,500,000 excluding GST for the current contracted period up to December 2024 and include future 1 x 12 month extension option to December 2025. This constitutes an increase of $3,600,000 excluding GST. B. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Jonic (Abstain) Madsen Harding Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
10. Proposal to Acquire Property Located at 2B Thompson Street Bundamba for Drainage Purpose This is a report concerning the proposed acquisition of a residential property in Bundamba. The property is encumbered by drainage infrastructure that has been the subject of historical and ongoing concerns to the land.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(h) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: A. That Council resolve to purchase or acquire land located at 2B Thompson Street, BUNDAMBA, more particularly described as Lot 4 on Registered Plan 116873 (Council file reference 6179), for drainage purpose. B. That in the first instance, the method of acquisition shall be as a purchase by agreement with the affected person/s pursuant to the Property Law Act 1974. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision. D. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the acquisition. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
11. Amending Subordinate Local Law - Off Street
Regulated Parking, This is a report concerning the proposal to make Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 and a consolidated version of Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2013 following public consultation on one proposed amendment. The purpose of the amendment is
to regulate off street parking at 134 Parkland Drive Springfield Central
pursuant to the resolution of Council on 23 May 2024. Regulated off street
parking has been in place at this site since January 2024 when Interim Local
Law No.1 (Parking) 2024 commenced. It is due to expire on
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That it be noted that 4 submissions were received during the public consultation period for the proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 and actioned as per the report. B. That the proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 does not contain any anti-competitive provisions. C. That Council make proposed Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report, as advertised. D. That pursuant to Section 32 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council adopt the consolidation version of Subordinate Local Law No.5.1 (Parking) 2013, as set out in Attachment 3 of the report.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Closed Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Councillor Jim Madden: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 12 titled Swifts Leagues Club Cameron Park. The meeting moved into closed session at 11.12 am. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Paul Tully: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the meeting
move into open session. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Nil Madsen Harding Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
12. Swifts Leagues Club Cameron Park This is a report concerning potential revised terms to the existing Lease to Swifts Leagues over part of freehold land located at 95A Brisbane Road Booval.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: A. That the report in relation to Swifts Leagues Club Cameron Park, be received and noted. B. That Council approve the proposed framework and the commercial approach to any variations to the existing lease, as outlined in the confidential Attachment 1 to this report. C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take action in relation to the variation of the existing Lease or the creation of a new Lease. D. That the matter be brought back to Council for approval of any amendments to the existing lease or new Lease.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Tully Harding Madsen Jonic Antoniolli Madden
The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting commenced at 10.42 am.
The meeting closed at 11.30 am.
16 July 2024 |
Community and Sport Committee NO. 2024(02)] |
Community and Sport Committee NO. 2024(02)
16 July 2024
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson); Councillors Pye Augustine (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Jim Madden, Andrew Antoniolli, Marnie Doyle (Observer), Paul Tully (Observer) and David Cullen (Observer) (via audio-link)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), General Manager Planning and Regulatory Services (Brett Davey), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), Acting General Manager Environment and Sustainability (Phil A Smith), Chief Financial Officer (Jeff Keech), Senior Communications and Policy Officer (Jodie Richter), Precinct Director – Nicholas Street Precinct (James Hepburn), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Resource Recovery Manager (David McAlister), Manager Marketing and Promotions (Carly Gregory), Precinct Governance Manager (Mitchell Grant), Manager Community and Cultural Services (Don Stewart), Senior Community Funding Officer (Sarah Sheehy), Community Services Manager (Melissa Dower) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Jacob Madsen (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Community and
Sport Committee |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the minutes of the Community and Sport Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Nil Augustine Harding Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
2. Community Funding and Support Allocations Status Report – 1 April To 30 June 2024 This is a report concerning the allocation of Councillor’s Community Funding and Support Programs from 1 April to 30 June 2024. In the three months from 1 April to 30 June 2024, Council approved 81 applications across 74 unique applicants, allocating a total of $303,565.71 to a variety of community events and projects. All successful applicants and projects are detailed in Attachment 1 and reported online on the Transparency and Integrity Hub in accordance with Council’s principle of transparency and the Community Funding and Support Policy.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the report concerning the allocation of Council’s Community Funding and Support Programs from 1 April to 30 June 2024 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madsen Nil Augustine Harding Jonic Madden Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 11.42 am.
The meeting closed at 11.49 am.
16 July 2024 |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee NO. 2024(02)] |
Economic and Cultural Development Committee NO. 2024(02)
16 July 2024
Councillor Pye Augustine (Chairperson); Councillors David Cullen (Deputy Chairperson) (via audio-link), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Andrew Antoniolli, Marnie Doyle (Observer) and Jim Madden (Observer)
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), Acting General Manager Environment and Sustainability (Phil A Smith), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald), Economic Development Manager (Dan Heenan), Place Manager – Ipswich Central (Erin Marchant), Acting Disaster and Natural Hazards Manager (Kristie Mckenna), Manager Marketing and Promotions (Carly Gregory), Precinct Governance Manager (Mitchell Grant), Resource Recovery Manager (David McAlister) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Adjourn Meeting |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the meeting be adjourned at 12.01 pm to reconvene at 12.30 pm. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting reconvened at 12.32 pm. |
All councillors except Councillor Antoniolli were present when the committee reconvened.
Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Pye Augustine (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic informed the meeting that she has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 4 titled Quarterly Event Sponsorship and Ticket Allocation Report.
The nature of the declarable conflict of interest is that Deputy Mayor Jonic is a life member of the Willowbank Raceway.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic invited the other councillors to determine if she can continue to participate in the decision process.
It was moved by Mayor Teresa Harding and seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine that Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic does not have a declarable conflict in Item 4 titled Quarterly Event Sponsorship and Ticket Allocation Report because there is no personal or financial benefit to Deputy Mayor Jonic and therefore a reasonable person would trust that the final decision is made in the public interest.
The eligible councillors present at the meeting decided that Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic may participate in the meeting in relation to the matter, including by voting on the matter.
Councillors: Councillors:
Deputy Mayor Jonic did not take part in the vote.
The motion was put and carried.
At Item 3 titled Event Sponsorship - 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic made a declaration.
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the minutes of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee held on 11 June 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic
The motion was put and carried.
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economic and Cultural Development Committee No. 2024(02) of 20 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the minutes of the Special Economic and Cultural Development Committee meeting held on 20 June 2024 be confirmed.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic
The motion was put and carried.
Councillor Antoniolli arrived at the meeting at 12.37 pm.
Officers’ Reports
In accordance with section 150EQ of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor Nicole Jonic informed the meeting that she has a declarable conflict of interest in Item 3 titled Event Sponsorship – 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival.
The nature of the interest is that the location proposed for the event is at the Ipswich Turf Club and she is on the board of the Ipswich Turf Club.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic came to the conclusion that because of the nature of the conflict, she will exclude herself from the meeting while this matter is debated and the vote taken.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic left the meeting at 12.42 pm.
3. Event Sponsorship - 2024 Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival This is a report concerning an Event Sponsorship Application by We Care Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for Aged and Disabled Associated Incorporated for $30,000 ex GST financial support of the Indigenous Wild Food and Cultural Festival on Saturday 31 August 2024 at the Ipswich Turf Club. |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That We Care Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for Aged and Disabled Associated Incorporated receive $21,500 excl. GST financial support for the 2024 Indigenous Wild Food & Cultural Festival.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Antoniolli All Councillors except Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic were present when the vote was taken.
The motion was put and carried.
Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic returned to the meeting at 12.48 pm.
4. Quarterly Event Sponsorship and Ticket Allocation Report This is a report concerning event sponsorship approved in the period of 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 as required under the Event Sponsorship Policy.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: A. That Council receive and note the following event sponsorship allocations during the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 period:
Major Community Event Sponsorship Category 1 up to $15,000 excl. GST approved by the General Manager, Community Culture and Economic Development:
· Ipswich District Teacher-Librarian Network $13,636 (excl. GST) in cash support for the StoryArts Festival Ipswich 2024
Event Sponsorship Category 2 over $15,000 (excl. GST) endorsed by Council:
· Willowbank Raceway $35,000 (excl. GST) in cash support for the 2024 Gulf Western Oil Winternationals B. That Council receive and note that no event impact study support was confirmed during the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 period C. That Council receive and note that there were no event sponsorship ticket allocations made during the 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 period
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
5. Ipswich Central Revitalisation - Six monthly Report - June 2024 This is a report concerning the Ipswich Central Revitalisation, a catalyst project identified in the iFuture Corporate Plan 2021-2026. This report highlights the progress that has been made since November 2023 and showcases key deliverables and case studies.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the report concerning the Ipswich Central Revitalisation progress since November 2023 be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
6. Nicholas Street Precinct - June 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report This is a report concerning the June 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee focussing on the status of the leasing program and associated developments for the retail component of the Nicholas Street Precinct redevelopment.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the June 2024 Retail Sub-Project Steering Committee Report be received and the contents noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
Move into Closed Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That in accordance with
section 254J(3)(c, g and i) of the Local Government Regulation 2012,
the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 7 titled Nicholas Street
Precinct – Approval of a Lease for Upper Ground Floor The meeting moved into closed session at 1.08 pm. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That the
meeting move into open session. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried.
7. Nicholas Street Precinct - Approval of a Lease for Upper Ground Floor 143 Brisbane Street This is a report concerning a lease for Council’s consideration associated with the Upper Ground Floor Tenancy at 143 Brisbane Street, Nicholas Street Precinct, Ipswich.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(c), (g), (i) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That Council enter into a Lease (and any ancillary documentation) with the proposed lessee of the Tenancy Upper Ground Level, 143 Brisbane Street (impacting Lots 1 and 2 on RP50109) (“Tenancy Upper Ground Level”) within the Nicholas Street Precinct (under the commercial terms detailed in the confidential report and attachments by the Leasing Manager dated 4 July 2024). B. That Council note, that in relation to Council’s disposal of its leasehold interest in the Tenancy Upper Ground Level to the proposed lessee, that the Ministerial exemption under s236 (f) of the Local Government Regulation 2012 applies to the disposal of Council’s interest in the Tenancy Upper Ground Level (Ministerial exemption contained in Attachment 1 of this report). C. That pursuant to Section 257(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolve to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer the power to take “contractual action” pursuant to section 238 of the Regulation, in order to implement Council’s decision at Recommendation A. D. That Council be kept informed as to the progress and outcome of the execution and publication of details.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Augustine Nil Cullen Harding Jonic Antoniolli
The motion was put and carried. |
The meeting commenced at 12.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 1.24 pm.
16 July 2024 |
Environment and Sustainability Committee NO. 2024(02)] |
Environment and Sustainability Committee NO. 2024(02)
16 July 2024
Councillor Jim Madden (Chairperson); Councillors Andrew Antoniolli (Deputy Chairperson), Mayor Teresa Harding, Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic, Jacob Madsen and Pye Augustine
Chief Executive Officer (Sonia Cooper), General Manager Asset and Infrastructure Services (Matt Anderson), General Manager Planning and Regulatory Services (Brett Davey), General Manager Community, Cultural and Economic Development (Ben Pole), General Manager Corporate Services (Matt Smith), Acting General Manager Environment and Sustainability (Phil A Smith), Resource Recovery Manager (David McAlister), Chief of Staff – Office of the Mayor (Melissa Fitzgerald) and Theatre Technician (Harrison Cate)
Acknowledgement of Country
Councillor Jim Madden (Chairperson) delivered the Acknowledgement of Country
Confirmation of Minutes
1. Confirmation of Minutes of the Environment and Sustainability Committee No. 2024(01) of 11 June 2024 |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the minutes of the
Environment and Sustainability Committee held on
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
Officers’ Reports
2. Support to the State Emergency Service Policy This is a report concerning the review and update of the Support to the State Emergency Service Policy.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jacob Madsen: Seconded by Councillor Pye Augustine: That the revised Support to the State Emergency Service Policy as outlined in Attachment 3 be adopted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
3. Disaster Preparedness Market Research This is a report concerning the outcomes of a market research that was conducted to explore the Ipswich community’s disaster risk perceptions, preparedness levels, and communication preferences. This research was conducted as part of an overall package of works that is being funded through the Preparing Australian Communities (Local) Program (PACP). Further work packages are currently being finalised and will be presented at a future Environment and Sustainability Committee following completion of the program reports as at 30 June 2024.
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Pye Augustine: Seconded by Mayor Teresa Harding: That the report titled Disaster Preparedness Market Research be received and the content noted.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
Move into Closed Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: That in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012, the meeting move into closed session to discuss Item 4 titled Recommendation for Board of Greenovate Pty Ltd. The meeting moved into closed session at 1.43 pm. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried. |
Move into Open Session |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Deputy Mayor Nicole Jonic: That the
meeting move into open session. |
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried. |
4. Recommendation for Board Chair of Greenovate Pty Ltd This paper serves as a covering report for the Council to resolve to appoint the preferred candidate for the Board Chair of Greenovate Pty Ltd, the personal and private details of the candidate and recruitment process are detailed in the multiple attached confidential papers.
“The attachment/s to this report are confidential in accordance with section 254J(3)(g) of the Local Government Regulation 2012.” |
Recommendation Moved by Councillor Jim Madden: Seconded by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli: A. That in accordance with Rule 7.2(a) of the Greenovate Constitution, together with Logan City Council and Redland City Council, Ipswich City Council appoint an independent director and chairperson* of Greenovate Pty Ltd A.C.N. 672 812 154 as outlined in the report. B. That it be recommended to maintain all attachments as confidential, as the information is subject to legally privileged as well as private and commercial in confidence. *Due to the confidential nature of this appointment and until such time as the other Councils have adopted their recommendations, the name of the proposed director will be held in confidence.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Councillors: Councillors: Madden Nil Antoniolli Harding Jonic Madsen Augustine
The motion was put and carried.
The meeting commenced at 1.34 pm.
The meeting closed at 2.06 pm.
Council Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 16.1
SUBJECT: CEO Organisational Performance Report for June 2024
AUTHOR: Chief Executive Officer
DATE: 19 June 2024
This is a monthly report by the Chief Executive Officer focusing on a summary of organisational performance in the areas of workplace health and safety, progress in the delivery of Council’s Corporate and Operational Plans, our people and culture, financial management, capital program delivery, flood recovery, external funding, significant risks and legal matters.
This report is for the month of June 2024. The report for this period highlights current significant matters and progress on key performance indicators.
That the Chief Executive Officer Organisational Performance Report for the month of June 2024 be received and the contents noted.
1. Current Significant Matters
Better Bus Network for Ipswich
The State Government has recognised the Ipswich City Council's persistent advocacy for enhanced bus services in its 2024-2025 Budget. The budget incorporates a series of upgrades to the bus network, marking the introduction of new services and the expansion of existing ones to rapidly developing suburbs such as Redbank Plains, Collingwood Park, and Deebing Heights. This substantial investment of $36 million is viewed as an essential initial stride towards rectifying the deficiencies in Ipswich’s bus network. These enhancements, scheduled for implementation over a three-year period, are also expected to bolster connectivity to rail services and the Ipswich Hospital.
Renewable Power Purchase Agreement
Council has made progress in its commitment to sustainability, embarking on negotiations to shift towards renewable energy. This transition is projected to significantly decrease operational emissions by an estimated 13,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. Council is formulating plans to power a substantial number of streetlights, nearly 30,000, and key city buildings using renewable energy sources.
A new Power Purchase Agreement is under negotiation, which is anticipated to further diminish emissions by approximately 90,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over a span of several years. As the existing contract, which constitutes about 90% of council's total electricity supply, approaches its expiration, council recognises an opportune moment to transition towards a more sustainable alternative.
2024-2025 Annual Plan and Budget finalised
The 2024-2025 Annual Plan and Budget, adopted 27 June 2024, is focused on sustainable growth, planning and delivery of critical infrastructure and continued provision of the broad array of quality services and programs to the Ipswich community. Council will continue to offer rebates, concessions (including an increase in the pensioner rates concession), discounts, and a variety of free activities, events, programs, and services. Council is committed to providing value-for-money by delivering efficient services and maintaining low-cost programs across the city.
2. Workplace Health and Safety
LGAQ LTIFR rate is calculated on a calendar year and not a 12-month rolling total which ICC uses. LTIFR data was not available for February, March and April due to the Fusion system upgrade.
The LTIFR rate equates to lost time injuries every six months. The State Average is the average of LTIFR across the 62 local councils within the Local Government Association
Queensland (LGAQ) scheme.
The physical and psycho-social safety and wellbeing of the workforce continues to be the CEO and the organisation’s first and foremost priority.
The LTSR rate equates to the number of days lost for each LTI. The State Average is the average of LTSR across the 62 local councils within the LGAQ scheme. The LGAQ rate is calculated on a calendar year and not a 12-month rolling total which ICC uses.
The Injury Incident Rate (IIR) is a new reporting indicator for Council as of June 2023. The IIR rate is the number of injury incidents per 100 workers. The State Average is the average of IIR across the 62 local councils within the LGAQ scheme.
3. Update on
Corporate/Operational Plans
The Quarterly Performance Report for April - June 2024 (Quarter 4 period) on the 2023-2024 Operational Plan will be presented to the 22 August 2024 Council meeting.
Delivery of the new Operational Plan for 2024-2025 is now underway.
The Annual Plan and the last quarterly report are available on council’s website:
4. Major Key Performance Indicators
People and Culture
The total workforce for the council organisation ‘head count’ was 1564 in June 2024 holding steady over the past eight months.
Staff turnover rate was at 11.24% in June 2024 similar to the previous month of May 2024.
For interest, but not direct comparison due to the time and calculation differential, the annual average workforce attrition rate for South-East Queensland councils for 2023 reported by the Local Government Association of Queensland was 16%.
The full financial performance report for June 2024 is a separate report on the Council agenda.
Council’s draft end of financial year result is significantly below the budgeted forecast primarily due to the advance payment of the Federal Government’s Financial Assistance Grant of $8 million being not received in June as expected based on the prior financial year and additional depreciation expense. Council’s June year to date (YTD) operating deficit is $11.2 million compared to a budgeted surplus of $451k. The results continue to reflect the same year to date trends of higher employee and materials and services expenses, including employee overtime. The increased costs of materials and services has contributed to these higher than forecast expenses. Offsetting these greater than budgeted expenses has been additional interest revenue, rates revenue, and Urban Utilities tax revenue.
As the Finance Branch is now preparing the annual financial statements, there will be further accounting adjustments made which will impact final year end results and operating position, for example, the expensing of software as a service projects and the Urban Utilities share of profit from the 2023-2024 financial year.
The whole of council capital program (excluding Voluntary Home Buy Back and flood recovery) actual spending for June YTD was $177 million, compared to a budget of $211 million. The underspend of $33 million is mainly due to delays in the Nicholas Street Precinct Venue and Commonwealth Hotel construction projects.
Capital Delivery Program 2023-2024
There was another good result for the month of June 2024 and for the financial year as a whole. The capital delivery program saw the close-out of a number of projects and a significant delivery of waste vehicles in June. Most projects with delivery milestones by June 2024 (including design and construction milestones) were completed with few required to be carried over into the new financial year.
There is a strong delivery program in the first quarter of the new financial year that will provide a solid spend profile early in the year.
5. Risk and Compliance Update
Council’s corporate risk register is reviewed every two months at the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Risk Committee meeting, Council’s corporate risk register will be again fully reviewed at the ELT Risk Committee meeting to be held on 28 August 2024, with amendments agreed to, areas of responsibility, key mitigations, action plans and milestone progress.
Council’s corporate risk register and risk trends in these risks are reported through Council’s Audit and Risk Management Committee (ARMC) which is held every quarter. The corporate risk register and trends in these risks are also circulated to all Councillors on a quarterly basis.
Council continues to seek to actively manage and mitigate its corporate risks.
Legal Matters
An overview of all current active court proceedings and all significant legal
matters that are not the subject of court proceedings is provided in a
confidential attachment to this report.
Matters that are not the subject of court proceedings will be considered significant where:
• they concern subject matter of significant public interest/concern; and/or
• where their outcome may present significant financial value/impact for Council; and/or
• where their outcome may set an important precedent for Council.
Generally significant non-court matters will only be reported where they are the subject of dispute and management of that dispute is being administered by Legal Services (as opposed to where Legal Services’ involvement is ad-hoc or limited to the provision of internal advice), or where they concern a significant project for Council. The detail reported in respect of each matter listed has been provided with privacy, confidentiality, and legal professional privilege (and the requirement to maintain same) in mind.
6. Current Consultation Matters
The following community engagement projects are included on Shape your Ipswich, the digital engagement platform that uses a range of digital techniques to connect with the community and promote consultation events.
Engagement data is indicative as consultation period is based on Shape Your Ipswich (SYI) data.
Description of metrics used:
· Contributors – The unique number of Visitors who have left feedback or contributions. Contributors is a unique value, and a Contributor who makes more than one contribution is only counted as a single Contributor.
· Visitors – Visitors is a unique user. A single visitor may make more than one visit to the site, but it is only counted once. A Visitor is not necessarily a single person, but rather a single browsing session that stores a user’s technical information. IP addresses are used to determine unique Visitors.
Engagement projects open on Shape Your Ipswich (June 2024):
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement Guide
Environment and Sustainability Department
Consultation opened on 12 December 2023 for the YUP Native Title Party and opened for general public on 18 December 2023. Engagement has been extended and will close on Monday 19 August 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 42 SYI contributors · 1,051 SYI visitors |
Ipswich Youth Advisory Committee (IYAC) – closed member page (Communications hub)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
The communications and engagement ‘hub’ is for IYAC members. This page is continually updated on projects that IYAC members can been involved in. Page opened on 22 January 2024 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 32 SYI contributors · 55 SYI visitors |
Critical and Enabling Infrastructure (Information only page)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Information on the funding of the three major roads in Ipswich. Page opened on 13 February 2024 and will close early July 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: • 0 SYI contributors (information page only) • 530 SYI visitors |
Heart Check: the facts about the Nicholas Street Precinct development (Information page)
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Informing the community on the history and current state of the Nicholas Street Precinct development. Page opened on 24 November 2023.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 874 SYI visitors |
Waste Odours in Ipswich (Information page)
Environment and Sustainability Department and Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Informing the community on waste odours impacting Ipswich residents. Page opened on 14 September 2023.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 1,042 SYI visitors |
E-scooters in Ipswich
Asset and Infrastructure Services Department |
Seeking feedback on the Beam e-scooter pilot scheme (2nd phase commenced 4 July 2023). Page has been updated to include extension to July 2024. Page opened on 22 September 2020 and 2nd phase on 4 July 2023.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 34 SYI contributors (second phase) · 1,012 SYI visitors (second phase) · 402 SYI contributors (project total) · 7,083 SYI visitors (project total) |
Character Place Nomination
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
To seek nominations from the community on historical character places as part of the Planning Scheme. Page opened on 27 February 2023 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 5 SYI contributors · 634 SYI visitors |
Creative Industries (main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Engagement on creative industries programs under the Arts and Cultural Strategy. Main project page Creative Industries opened on 14 April 2023 and will remain open.
Main page activities SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 34 SYI contributors (Most important current goal from Arts and Cultural Strategy) · 10 SYI contributors (Play a Part – how you see council supporting the Creative Industries)
Project subpages currently open and SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · ARTiculate main subpage activities: o 41 SYI contributors – opened 20 April 2023 (The skills I want to learn the most) o 19 SYI contributors - opened 24 April 2023 (Want to learn something else) · ARTiculate Upcoming Workshops booked through Humanitix: o Yarn and Yarn – 4 July · Ipswich Art Awards – subpage project o 3 SYI contributors – opened 14 May 2024 (2024 Ipswich Art Awards questions)
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024 for Creative Industries main page: · 172 SYI contributors (project total) · 14,145 SYI visitors (project total) |
Ipswich Central (main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Ipswich Central Revitalisation projects, communications, information sharing and public events. Main project page Ipswich Central opened on 28 November 2019 and will remain open.
Project subpages currently open and SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · Light up Ipswich Central - subpage project opened 21 August 2023 o 3 SYI contributors · Creating Places for People not cars – subpage project opened 31 March 2023 o 52 SYI contributors · Out and About (event page) – subpage project opened 1 April 2022 o 7 SYI contributors (7 events) · Green Walkable Streets – Have you seen the new scramble crossing? – subpage project opened 29 November 2022 o 2 SYI contributors
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024 for Ipswich Central main page: · 702 SYI contributors (project total) · 22,969 SYI visitors (project total) |
Community Panel
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Council’s community engagement program for future-focussed policy, strategy, projects and plans. Page opened 20 December 2021 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 222 SYI contributors · 25,999 SYI visitors · 199 total community panel members (2 new registrations 28 May – 26 June) |
Community Panel – closed member page
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
The communications and engagement ‘hub’ for the community panel. This page is continually updated with updates on projects the panel has been involved in. Page opened 20 December 2021 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 96 SYI contributors · 206 SYI visitors · 199 community panel members |
The Ipswich Heritage Network Group – closed member page (Communications hub)
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Closed page for information sharing and discussion on our city’s heritage, history and conservation. Page opened 29 July 2022 and will remain open
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 6 SYI contributors · 20 SYI visitors |
Habitat Gardens Partnership – closed member page (Communications hub)
Environment and Sustainability Department
Platform for urban property owners to share their thoughts, ideas, successes, learnings and conservation aspirations. Project opened 11 November 2019 and will remain open.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 4 SYI contributors · 17 SYI visitors |
QLD Connects |
Environment and Sustainability Department
Seeking feedback on the community’s experience of digital connectivity to inform the development of a model and basis for future grant funding applications. Opened 3 June 2024 and will close on 30 June.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 8 SYI contributors · 124 SYI visitors |
Off-street regulated parking area Parkland Drive Springfield Central (Subordinate Local Law 5.1 Parking proposed amendment) |
Planning and Regulatory Services |
Seeking feedback on the proposed new addition to Local Law 5.1 (Parking), to include off-street regulated parking on Parkland Drive in Springfield Central. Opened 7 June 2024 and will close on 30 June 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 3 SYI contributors · 108 SYI visitors |
Springview Estate (information page) |
Planning and Regulatory Services |
To provide information on Springview Estate, a staged mixed-use development in the Springfield area. Opened 31 May 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 193 SYI visitors |
Engagement projects (new) that may open in the month of July 2024:
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
River Heart Parklands |
Strategy and Performance Branch, Office of the CEO |
Seeking feedback from the community on past use and suggestions for future use. |
Engagement project updates June 2024:
Project Name |
Project Lead (Council Department) |
Purpose of engagement |
Bell Street Overpass Removal Project (Information page only)
Asset and Infrastructure Services Department |
Information on the Bell Street pedestrian overpass removal. Project opened on 27 February 2024 and closed 25 June 2024. The project has been completed and moved to closed on SYI.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 0 SYI contributors (information page only) · 578 SYI visitors |
Stone Quarry Cemetery
Planning and Regulatory Services Department |
Feedback sought on the proposed design. Survey opened 17 April 2024 and closed 9 June 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 24 SYI contributors · 2,423 SYI visitors |
Libraries Annual Survey
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Feedback sought from the community on Ipswich Libraries. Engagement opened 13 May 2024 and closed on 17 June 2024.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 1,396 SYI contributors · 3,133 SYI visitors |
(main page) |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Engagement on creative industries programs under the Arts and Cultural Strategy. Main page Creative Industries opened on 14 April 2023.
Project subpages updated and SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · Ipswich Art Workshop o 7 workshops and 4 talks have been added as a result of EOI received to be held in July. All bookings made through Humanitix.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024 for Creative Industries main page: · 172 SYI contributors (project total) · 14,145 SYI visitors (project total) |
Resource Recovery Infrastructure |
Environment and Sustainability Department
Page updated on 25 June 2024 with new photo added.
SYI statistics as at 26 June 2024: · 32 SYI contributors · 518 SYI visitors |
Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) – closed member page |
Community, Cultural and Economic Development Department |
Page updated with engagement question regarding community centre usage and open engagement links on SYI updated.
7. External Funding
Council utilises grant funding from various external sources, primarily Federal and State Government, to assist with the delivery of many projects and services across the organisation. These include operational programs from community development, libraries and sports, through to capital funding to assist with infrastructure projects delivery.
The below information summarises information related to:
· external funding revenue received by council;
· any funding decisions received during June 2024;
· applications that have been submitted and are awaiting a decision;
· applications being prepared for submission to a funding body; and
· the grant opportunities suitable for local governments to apply.
Council’s External Funding Team works closely with our Capital Program Delivery Branch and other key stakeholders within council to identify opportunities and the management of successful applications between council and the funding body.
Grant Revenue as at 30 June 2024
Funding Type |
Total number of Grant projects |
Total External Funding Received |
Total Cost of Grant funded project/s (inc. Council & other Contributions) |
State Government |
44 |
$12,632,079 |
$28,575,563 |
Federal Government |
15 |
$24,061,613 |
$35,960,924 |
Other |
3 |
$430,000 |
$1,269,500 |
Total |
62 |
$37,123,692 |
$65,805,987 |
Grant Decisions received
Grant Program |
Successful/ Unsuccessful |
Total Grant Funding |
Total Project Cost |
Active Women and Girls |
Successful |
$25,554 |
$25,554 |
QRRRF – Community Resilience Reduction Fund (QRRRF) |
Unsuccessful |
$300,000 |
$300,000 |
QRRRF – Community Resilience Reduction Fund (QRRRF) |
Unsuccessful |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
Regional Arts Development Fund 24/25-27/28 |
Successful |
$210,000 |
$293,750 |
Grant Applications submitted and awaiting outcome
Grant Program / Funding Body |
Requested Grant Amount |
Total Est. Project Cost |
Project Submitted in Application |
Community Energy Upgrades Fund |
$458,212 |
$916,424 |
Energy Upgrades Fund |
Housing Support Program - Stream 1 |
$100,000 |
$100,000 |
Diverse and Quality Housing Project |
Housing Support Program - Stream 1 |
$500,000 |
$500,000 |
The City of Ipswich Western Corridor Housing |
Housing Support Program - Stream 1 |
$170,000 |
$170,000 |
Building transport planning capacity for housing in the Ipswich LGA |
Housing Support Program - Stream 1 |
$274,728 |
$273,728 |
DA Business Improvement |
South East QLD Liveability Fund |
$8,963,872 |
$11,273,712 |
Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Sports Facilities Development |
South East QLD Liveability Fund |
$5,578,128 |
$7,437,504 |
Tivoli Sport Facilities Development |
Heavy Vehicle Program |
$3,904,203 |
$4,880,254 |
Purga School Road |
Bridges Renewal Program |
$5,000,000 |
$8,185,876 |
Purga School Road |
Bike Riding Encouragement Program Community Grants Program - Stream 1 |
$5000 |
$6028 |
Bike Riding Encouragement Program |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$3,203,000 |
$3,203,000 |
Ripley Road and Reif Street Intersection Upgrade |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$550,000 |
$550,000 |
Redbank Plains Recreation Reserve Carpark Extension |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$657,000 |
$657,000 |
Eastwood Street Kerb and Channel |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$415,000 |
$415,000 |
Shanahan Parade Footbridge Replacement |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Allocated |
$1,845,000 |
$1,845,000 |
Emery Street Kerb and Channel Rehabilitation |
Celebrating Multicultural QLD |
$20,000 |
$102,000 |
World of Music Ipswich 2025 |
Let’s get it sorted Partnership Program |
$768,060 |
$3,913,060 |
City of Ipswich Kerbside Co-mingled Collection Service Behaviour Change Interventions |
Queensland Destination Events Program |
$25,000 |
$147,800 |
Planes, Trains and Autos 2025 |
Unsubmitted Applications Currently in Progress
These applications have been internally identified and endorsed that are currently in development as at end of June 2024, pending submission. Requested funding and total project costs will be advised in future reports.
Grant Program |
Proposed Project |
Application/schedule due |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Competitive |
Limestone Park Netball Facilities Court Resurfacing |
12 July 2024 |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program – Competitive |
Grande Park Playground Mountain Slide Replacement |
12 July 2024 |
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
Asset Condition Assessment Project |
9 August |
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
9 August |
Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure program |
30 September 2024 |
Workforce Participation Fund |
Ipswich Regional Skills Development |
9 July 2024 |
Grant Opportunities Communicated to the Organisation
The programs are communicated to council by the funding body or identified by council’s External Funding team. This information is shared across stakeholders in council for consideration.
Grant Program |
Funding Entity (Fed/State/Other) |
Closing Date |
Celebrating Multicultural QLD Program |
State Government |
30 June 2024 |
South East QLD Community Stimulus Program |
State Government |
5 July 2024 |
Workforce Participation Fund |
State Government |
9 July 2024 |
Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program 2024-28 |
State Government |
9 August 2024 |
Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure program |
Federal Government |
30 September 2024 |
8. Council Flood Recovery Coordination
Council is currently working with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) and other Departments regarding the costs associated with the February 2022, May 2022 and January 2024 flooding and significant rain events.
The following tables provide an overview of the current status of claims:
9. Council Resolutions
Number of resolutions finalised since last report June 2024: 54
Number of resolutions in progress as of 17 July 2024: 69
The recommendation states that the report be received and the contents noted. The decision to receive and note the report does not limit human rights. Therefore, the decision is compatible with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Actions report as at 17 July 2024 ⇩ |
2. |
Legal Services Confidential Attachment for CEO Organisational Performance Report for June 2024 |
Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 16.2
SUBJECT: Advisory Panel for Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal
AUTHOR: Manager, People and Culture
DATE: 25 June 2024
Executive Summary
This is a report concerning the Advisory Panel for the Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal.
The Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal Policy (Attachment 1) sets out the way in which the performance appraisal is to be conducted.
The Policy details the responsibilities of the Mayor, Council and of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel.
The CEO Performance Appraisal Panel (the Panel) is chaired by the Mayor and has a minimum of two (2) councillors as members, who are resolved by Council. Councillor Marnie Doyle is currently one of the Panel members and there is a vacancy for the other position, vacated by Mr Fechner. The adopted policy stipulates that the members of the Advisory Panel are to be resolved by Council.
This report recommends that the Council consider and resolve to appoint an additional Councillor as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel for FY2024-2025, and that Council consider and resolve that the current CEO Performance Appraisal Panel members complete the CEO Final Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024.
It is recommended that Council resolve:
A. That the current CEO Performance Appraisal Panel Chair Mayor Teresa Harding and panel member Councillor Marnie Doyle complete the CEO Final Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024.
B. That Council appoint an additional Councillor as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel, commencing duties for the FY2024-2025 CEO Performance Agreement and Appraisal.
There was no declaration of conflicts of interest.
ifuture Theme
A Trusted and Leading Organisation.
Purpose of Report/Background
Under the Local Government Act 2009 (12 (4) (d)), the Mayor has an additional responsibility for “conducting a performance appraisal of the chief executive officer, at least annually, in the way that is decided by the local government (including as a member of a committee, for example)”.
Council has a CEO Annual Performance Appraisal Policy (refer attached) that details the agreed approach for conducting the CEO performance appraisal process on an annual basis.
Each year, the Panel prepares the CEO Performance Agreement which includes the annual performance objectives and key performance indicators, and then is responsible for completing a performance appraisal including an end of financial year review in July. To strengthen the annual performance appraisal process with a view to providing ongoing feedback to the CEO, the Panel has implemented a quarterly performance appraisal process for the CEO where they provide proactive feedback to the CEO regarding their performance.
The Panel invites feedback from all Councillors prior to each quarterly performance appraisal, and the final end of financial year performance appraisal. Feedback is also invited annually on the priorities for inclusion in the CEO Performance Agreement. Once the Panel has completed the end of year performance appraisal, the Panel Chair (the Mayor) prepares and submits a confidential report to the Finance and Governance Committee on the appraisal including any matters associated with possible remuneration review, with the report discussed and the result resolved at a full meeting of the council.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Local Government Act 2009
policy implications
Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal Policy.
The Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Appraisal Policy requires the Mayor to sign a performance agreement with the CEO by 1 July annually, conduct an annual performance appraisal of the CEO, including an end of financial year review in July. The Policy requires the Mayor to be supported by the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel to complete these requirements, and as such, they cannot be completed without the recommendations being resolved by council.
Not applicable.
On 19 June 2024 Mayor Teresa Harding provided background information on this matter to councillors and sought guidance regarding completing the CEO Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024 and the third panel member for the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel FY2024-2025, and ongoing.
On 26 June 2024, Tony Dunleavy (General Counsel, Ipswich City Council) reviewed the draft Council paper.
The CEO Performance Appraisal Panel (the Panel) is chaired by the Mayor and has a minimum of two (2) councillors as members, who are resolved by Council. Councillor Marnie Doyle is currently one of the Panel members and there is a vacancy for the other position, vacated by Mr Fechner. The adopted policy stipulates that the members of the Advisory Panel are to be resolved by Council.
(a) What is the Act/Decision being made? |
It is recommended that Council resolve: A. That the current CEO Performance Appraisal Panel Chair Mayor Teresa Harding and panel member Councillor Marnie Doyle complete the CEO Final Performance Appraisal for FY2023-2024. B. That Council appoint an additional Councillor as the third panel member of the CEO Performance Appraisal Panel, commencing duties for the FY2024-2025 CEO Performance Agreement and Appraisal.
(b) What human rights are affected? |
No human rights are affected by the decisions recommended.
(c) How are the human rights limited? |
Not applicable.
(d) Is there a good reason for limiting the relevant rights? Is the limitation fair and reasonable? |
Not applicable.
(e) Conclusion |
The decision is consistent with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
CEO Annual Performance Appraisal Policy ⇩ |
Talia Love-Linay
Manager, People and Culture
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Teresa Harding
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 16.3
SUBJECT: Consistency Review - Draft Planning Scheme and Local Laws
AUTHOR: Senior Project Manager (Corporate Services)
DATE: 11 July 2024
Executive Summary
Council is preparing to implement a new planning scheme (the draft scheme) later this year. As a result of this, a project is being undertaken comparing the draft scheme with Council’s current local laws to determine any critical gaps or inconsistencies that could impede regulatory functions once the draft scheme commences.
A review has identified key changes to the local laws that are needed as a result of changes in the draft scheme, recognising that the draft scheme has completed a robust public and State Government consultation process over the last 12-18 months. Out of Council’s 14 Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws only 7 require changes – with 18 key changes identified. This report is seeking approval to commence the formal local law-making process to enable those key changes to the identified local laws to be made in a timely manner and coincide with the commencement of the draft scheme.
A. That Council propose to make:
a. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report.
b. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 2 of the report.
c. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 3.1 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 3 of the report.
d. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 4 of the report.
e. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 5 of the report.
f. Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 6.1 (Animal Management) 2024 as set out in Attachment 6 of the report.
g. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2024 as set out in Attachment 7 of the report.
B. That Council undertake a preliminary assessment of any potentially anti-competitive provisions to determine whether the provisions will result in any significant impacts.
C. If the preliminary assessment undertaken under Recommendation B identifies an anti-competitive provision that will result in a significant impact, Council undertake consultation on the anti-competitive provision as part of the public consultation process outlined in Recommendation D.
D. That Council approve proceeding to public consultation for the proposed laws in Recommendation A of this report.
E. That Council approve to proceed to State Government interest check on the below laws in accordance with section 29A of the Local Government Act 2009:
a. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2024 as set out in Attachment 1 of the report.
b. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 as set out in Attachment 2 of the report.
c. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2024 as set out in Attachment 4 of the report.
d. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2024 as set out in Attachment 7 of the report.
F. That, following completion of the actions identified in Recommendations B, C, D, and E, a report be provided to a future Council meeting to progress the proposed local laws and subordinate local laws in Clause A to the final stage of the formal local law-making process, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 and Council’s Local Law-Making Process Policy.
There are no known conflicts of interest.
ifuture Theme
A Trusted and Leading Organisation
Purpose of Report/Background
Council is preparing to implement the draft scheme later this year. As part of the implementation plan for the draft scheme, a sub-project was identified and is underway to do a consistency review of council’s current local laws with the draft scheme to identify any critical gaps or inconsistencies that could affect ongoing regulatory functions under Council’s local laws.
A tight project scope is required to enable Council to make any amendments to the laws in a timely manner so they align with a new scheme commencing later this year. It is recognised that Council’s local laws need a comprehensive review and this will be explored as a separate project at a later date.
In analysing Council’s current planning scheme, the draft scheme and Council’s current local laws, 18 key changes have been identified. The changes do not alter Council’s policy intent or current regulation practices relating to those matters. The majority relate to changing definitions to align with the draft scheme, minor word changes to provide clarity and minor changes to adhere with drafting standards for local laws.
It is important to note that the changes identified are a direct result of the draft scheme. Any feedback received through the public consultation period on the local law changes needs to be considered in terms of the draft scheme, noting public consultation has already been completed and it is now with the State Government at the time of writing. This is why the proposed changes to the local laws are only those required in response to the draft scheme. Additional amendments will be considered separately as part of a more comprehensive review of local laws at a later date.
Out of Councils 14 Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws, 7 need to have changes made. The table below highlights which local laws and the processes that will be triggered/required to be undertaken.
Local Law Name |
Changes Required |
Processes that are triggered under Local Government Act 2009 and Council Policy |
Public Consultation |
Anti-Competitive Review |
State Interest |
Local Law 1 (Administration) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Local Law 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Subordinate Local Law 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
N/A |
Local Law 4 (Permits) 2013 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Local Law 5 (Parking) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Subordinate Local Law 5.1 (Parking) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
N/A |
Local Law 6 (Animal Management) 2013 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Subordinate Local Law 6.1 (Animal Management) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
N/A |
Local Law 7 (Local Govt Controlled Areas and Roads) 2013 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Subordinate Local Law 7.1 (Local Govt Controlled Areas and Roads) 2013 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Local Law 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2013 |
Yes |
ü |
ü |
ü |
Subordinate Local Law 8.1 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2013 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Local Law 49 (Protection of Important Vegetation) |
No |
- |
- |
- |
Subordinate Local Law 49.1 (Protection of Important Vegetation) 2019 |
No |
- |
- |
- |
The Explanatory Notes (Attachment 8) explain the changes being made to each local law and will be used in the public consultation and State Government Interest check processes to assist in understanding the changes being made to the local laws because of the draft scheme.
Heavy Vehicle Parking
One change of note is in relation to implementation guidelines. Council’s current scheme includes implementation guidelines, whereas the draft scheme will not. During the review of the current scheme, draft scheme and the local laws, it was identified that the Heavy Vehicle Parking Implementation Guideline (No.16)(the guideline) in the current scheme is used by the public and Council officers to:
(a) assess criteria for parking single heavy vehicles; and
(b) identify where the parking of two or more heavy vehicles may require a development permit[1].
Currently a local law permit may be required to park a single heavy vehicle outside of the preferred heavy vehicle areas identified in the guideline. Therefore, it is necessary to transition the content of the guideline into Local Law No. 5 (Parking). The guideline has been updated to reflect the necessary changes as a result of the draft scheme (definition, zones etc). The changes made to the guideline, and its insertion into the local law, means that there is no change to current regulatory practices for heavy vehicle parking. Heavy vehicle parking could be explored further as part of a more comprehensive review of the local laws at a later date. To assist in understanding the changes made see:
· Attachment 10 for the Heavy Vehicle Parking Implementation Guideline (No.16) from the current scheme
· Attachment 11 for a track changed version of the guideline with the necessary changes as indicated above. A lot of formatting changes are also tracked.
· Attachment 12 for a clean version of the changes to make reading easier. This is the version that is inserted in the relevant local law i.e. Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.5(Parking) 2024 (Attachment 4)
Copies of the above will be made available through the public consultation period to assist in understanding.
Local Law-Making Process
Council needs to commence the local law-making process as directed by the Local Government Act 2009 and identified in Council’s Local Law-Making Policy (Attachment 9). In summary the required steps are:
Step 1 – Council, by resolution, proposes to make the proposed Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws Subordinate Local Law (this report). Those laws are:
· Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2024 [Attachment 1]
· Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 3 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 [Attachment 2]
· Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 3.1 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 [Attachment 3]
· Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2024 [Attachment 4]
· Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 5.1 (Parking) 2024 [Attachment 5]
· Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law No. 6.1 (Animal Management) 2024[Attachment 6]
· Local Law (Amending) Local Law No. 8 (Nuisances and Community Health and Safety) 2024 [Attachment 7]
Step 2 –Public consultation (and notification) is undertaken for 21 days and proposed to commence on Friday 9 August until Friday 30 August 2024. (Page on Shape Your Ipswich, notice in local paper, notice on display at 1 Nicholas Street, copy available at concierge, physical copies available on request) Noting that properly made submissions must be in writing as per the policy.
Step 3 – Undertake Anti-competitive consultation in accordance with the National Competition Policy: Guidelines for conducting reviews on anti-competitive provisions in local laws for any provisions that will result in a significant impact (should they be identified). [A review of anti-competitive provisions is underway at the time of writing with no significant provisions identified to date. State legislation and guidelines provide that only provisions that will create a significant impact require public consultation].
Step 4 – Accept and consider properly made submissions received.
Step 4a – undertake State Government Interest checks (30 days) for local laws [State interest checks are not required for changes made to subordinate local laws]
Step 5 – by council resolution, decide to make the local laws (as advertised or with any changes arising from public consultation and State Government interest checks)
Step 6 – Let the public know that the laws have been made including a notice in the Gazette.
Step 7 – Ensure copies of the laws and the consolidated versions are available on Council’s website and available at concierge if requested.
Step 8 – Within 7 days of Step 5 provide a copy of consolidated laws to the Minister and within 14 days of Step 5 provide a copy of the Gazette notice and electronic versions of the amending local laws.
Step 9 – Update Council’s registers for local laws.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Local Government Act 2009
Local Government Regulation 2012
Local Law-Making Policy
Competition Policy: Guidelines for conducting reviews on anti-competitive provisions in local laws
policy implications
The changes identified in the local laws do not change Council’s policy intent or current regulation practices. The majority relate to changing definitions to align with the draft scheme, minor word changes to provide clarity and minor changes to adhere with drafting standards for local laws.
Without making changes to the local laws there is a risk that regulatory functions may be impeded due to definitions, zones etc not being in alignment with the draft planning scheme (once adopted). Critical inconsistencies/gaps have been identified.
The changes do not impact current regulation practices. The legal costs to review, analyse, and draft amending local laws and consolidated local laws is $47,000. There are some minor costs associated with advertising the public consultation notice and gazettal notice that is less than $1,500 in total. The funding for this project has been split between last financial years budget and this financial years budget.
Councillors have received a briefing note on the project and the review and were advised that the next steps would be the presentation of this report proposing the adoption of the local law package effecting the amendments.
Consultation about the required amendments has been undertaken with key Council staff, including those in the City Design and Compliance areas.
The community will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed local laws as part of the public consultation process discussed above. As this is essentially a consistency exercise, it is expected that there may not be extensive feedback given the draft scheme has been subject to a robust public consultation exercise. The community will be given the opportunity to comment on the local laws more broadly when the more comprehensive review is undertaken at a later date.
A review has been undertaken to identify key changes to the local laws that are needed because of changes in the planning scheme. This report is seeking approval to commence the formal local law-making process to enable those key changes to be made in a timely manner.
(a) What is the Act/Decision being made? |
Acknowledging amendments to existing local laws and subordinate so they align with the draft planning scheme and to commence the formal local law-making processes (Public consultation; state interest check; possible anti-competitive review) before a report comes back to Council later in the year. |
(b) What human rights are affected? |
The amendments being made to local laws are only being proposed. The decision if they are to be made will occur after public consultation etc. Freedom of Expression and Taking Part in Public Life are the human rights that could potentially be affected by the act/decision of this report. As per legislation and council policy there is a public consultation period for people to express their feedback and participate in public governance processes. Therefore, human rights are not restricted or interfered with. |
(c) How are the human rights limited? |
(d) Is there a good reason for limiting the relevant rights? Is the limitation fair and reasonable? |
(e) Conclusion |
The decision is consistent with human rights. |
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2024 ⇩ |
2. |
Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.3 (Commercial Licensing)
2024 ⇩ |
3. |
Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law
No.3.1 (Commercial Licensing) 2024 ⇩ |
4. |
Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.5 (Parking) 2024 ⇩ |
5. |
Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law
No.5.1 (Parking) 2024 ⇩ |
6. |
Subordinate Local Law (Amending) Subordinate Local Law
No.6.1 (Animal Management) 2024 ⇩ |
7. |
Local Law (Amending) Local Law No.8 (Nuisances and
Community Health and Safety) 2024 ⇩ |
8. |
Explanatory Notes for local law changes ⇩ |
9. |
ICC Local Law Making Policy ⇩ |
10. |
Heavy Vehicle Parking Implementation Guideline (No. 16)
from current scheme ⇩ |
11. |
Updated Heavy Vehicle Parking Guideline 2024 for local law
(with tracked changes) ⇩ |
12. |
Updated Heavy Vehicle Parking Guideline 2024 for local law
(clean version) ⇩ |
Barbara Dart
Senior Project Manager (Corporate Services)
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Shasha Ingbritsen
Corporate Governance Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Matt Smith
General Manager (Corporate Services)
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 16.4
SUBJECT: Monthly Financial Performance Report - June 2024
AUTHOR: Financial Accounting Manager
DATE: 12 July 2024
Executive Summary
This is a report concerning Council’s financial performance for the period ending 30 June 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.
That the report on Council’s financial performance for the period ending 30 June 2024, submitted in accordance with section 204 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, be considered and noted by Council.
Not applicable
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A Trusted and Leading Organisation
Purpose of Report/Background
This report outlines the financial results for Ipswich City Council as of 30 June 2024.
The total net result (including capital revenue) for Ipswich City Council as of 30 June 2024 is $159.2 million compared to the year to date (YTD) budget of $241.2 million.
Council’s YTD operating deficit (excluding capital revenue) is $11.2 million compared to the YTD budget surplus of $451k. One of the key items impacting Council’s YTD operating position was the timing of the receipt of the Commonwealth Government’s Financial Assistance Grant (FAG). The FAG advance payment of approximately $8 million was forecast to be received in June 2024 (consistent with previous years), however the advance payment was not received until 2 July 2024. Under Australian Accounting Standards this is required to be recorded as revenue in the financial year it is received (ie the 2024-25 financial year).
Taking into consideration the $8 million timing impact of the FAG mentioned above, the underlying operating deficit was approximately $3.2 million. The operating deficit was also impacted by the non-cash depreciation expense - which is $5.6 million higher than budget – and additional costs associated with the declared flood events of 2022 and other significant weather events in December 2023 and January 2024. While Council applies for funding relief from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority wherever possible and applicable, there are still base costs unable to be recovered.
Council continued to receive revenue in excess of forecast budgets, which has offset the majority of additional operating expenses.
Overall, capital expenditure including the Nicholas Street Precinct Redevelopment but excluding the flood buy-back and flood recovery works is below budget by $33.8 million. Asset donations as of 30 June 2024 are over budget by $8.5 million.
Council continues to review the financial year’s results, ensuring appropriate financial management and assessment of Council’s financial performance. This includes a focus on ensuring efficiency and financial sustainability whilst maintaining visibility of results through regular reporting and assessment at both an officer and Council level.
Operating revenue is $2.7 million (0.7%) ahead of the YTD budget (including general rate revenue and interest revenue) noting the impact of not receiving the FAG funding budgeted for receipt in June.
Rates and utilities revenue is ahead of budget by $2.3 million, resulting from residential growth being slightly higher than forecast and adjustments due to valuation objections, being lower than anticipated.
Fees and charges are ahead of budget by $297k, with the favourable variances relating to town planning development fees and property search fees.
Grants revenue is below budget by $67.2 million and is primarily due to less flood recovery capital grant revenue received as a result of less flood recovery works requiring completion than forecast.
Other revenue ahead of budget is primarily due to additional interest revenue of $1.9 million and additional tax revenue from Urban Utilities of $1.8 million.
Overall operating expenses are approximately $14.3 million over the YTD budget primarily due to employee expenses including labour contracts being $6.1 million over budget and depreciation being $5.6 million over budget.
Employee expenses including labour contracts are over budget by $6.1 million driven by higher expenditure on labour contracts, less employees taking annual leave than budgeted, overtime being incurred related to mowing and additional significant weather events, and less employees working on capital projects compared to budget (being costed instead to operational delivery).
Labour contracts are $2.5 million over the YTD budget. This is mainly due to the unbudgeted contingent workers used to support the additional mowing and maintenance works due to adverse effect of weather events ($849k), contingent workers to support ICT procurements, in addition to contingent workers utilised to support the iVolve program in ($1.2 million).
Materials and services (excluding labour contracts) is over budget by $2.6 million. The variance is primarily related to unbudgeted operational flood recovery costs, the impacts of weather events (not declared disasters) and fleet maintenance and fuel costs. These overspends are partially offset by underspends in the Nicholas Street Precinct, as well as the timing of the Environment and Sustainability Department’s delivery of initiatives.
Council over the last couple of financial years has delivered significant capital projects required to support the growth of the city. In addition, Council continues to receive assets constructed by developers, also associated with the growth of the city, which exceeded forecast donated assets. Overall, Council’s capital expenditure for the 2023-2024 financial year was $330 million impacted by a significant capital program to support city growth and donated assets exceeding forecast volumes. Council is also required under the accounting standards to revalue its assets based on what it would cost Council to replace its assets. The addition of new assets coupled with the significant increases in construction costs over recent years has resulted in the value of Council’s asset base continuing to increase. As a result of this increase in asset value, depreciation is over budget by $5.6 million YTD (noting depreciation is a “non-cash” expenditure).
Capital Expenditure
The total YTD capital expenditure (including the Nicholas Street Redevelopment and excluding home buy back) is $207.8 million compared to the YTD budget of $285.9 million. This variance is primarily as a result of actual capital expenditure on flood recovery projects in 2023-24 year being considerably lower than originally forecast. As noted earlier in the report, this is offset by QRA grants reimbursing these costs being less than forecast.
The Nicholas Street Precinct Redevelopment is under budget by approximately $19.9 million due to site delays caused by severe weather.
Asset and Infrastructure Services June YTD capital expenditure is $83.9 million compared to a budget of $81.1 million. This is mainly due to overspends in parks, sport, and environment due to contract variations and works carried over from the prior year.
Environment and Sustainability June YTD capital expenditure is $16.1 million compared to the budget of $17.3 million. This underspend is predominantly due to delays in the parks, sports, and environment projects, as well as solar projects.
Cash Balances
Council’s cash and cash equivalents balance as at 30 June 2024 was $184.0 million. Council’s investments are made in accordance with Council’s Investment Policy (adopted as part of the annual budget) with an average return percentage of 4.9%.
Council received $61 million in borrowings during the month in accordance with the amended 2023-2024 Budget. These loans were drawn down late in June to minimise the interest expense for 2023-2024.
Statutory Financial Statements Adjustments
As part of finalising the statutory financial statements, which will be reviewed by the Audit and Risk Management Committee and audited by the Queensland Audit Office, the Finance Branch is reviewing certain expenditure incurred by Council during the financial year to ensure the correct accounting treatment in accordance with the accounting standards.
Council’s expenditure on its enterprise resource planning project, iVolve, and other ICT projects is being reviewed with reference to the recently issued software and services Agenda Decisions, issued by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Interpretations Committee. This review of expenditure will likely result in Council being unable to create intangible assets for the majority of costs (estimated to be approximately $6 million). This will likely result in the expenditure being included in Council’s operating statement for the financial year and also likely impact Council’s reported operating ratio and position for the year.
This report and its recommendations are consistent with the following legislative provisions:
Local Government Regulation 2012
policy implications
Council’s financial position is managed in accordance with the Financial Management Policy.
The draft operating result being an $11.2 million deficit against a budgeted surplus of $451k is unfavourable and is mainly driven by the forward payment of the FAG of $8 million not being received as expected, and $5.6 million of additional non-cash depreciation expense. For the 2023-2024 financial year Council will report an unfavourable operating surplus ratio for the year, however when considering and reviewing Council’s overall financial sustainability, the QAO use a 5 year average to take into consideration the impacts of these timing differences.
The Finance Branch will work towards completing the annual financial statements including adjustments relating to the accounting treatment of iVolve costs and other non-current assets. These accounting adjustments will also unfavourably impact the operating surplus as outlined above.
There are no specific financial implications as a result of this report.
2023-2024 was another difficult financial year from an operational and capital program delivery perspective. The increased costs of labour, contractors, materials and services and continuing severe weather events continues to impact Council’s financial management and service delivery. While best endeavours are applied to forecast expenditure and revenue, timing differences are to be expected. The delayed receipt of the FAG funding is an issue that has affected all local governments, not just Ipswich City Council. Despite all of this, the organisation has delivered a significant capital and flood recovery program and continued to deliver the array of services to the Ipswich community across the financial year.
The Recommendation states that the report be received and the contents noted. The decision to receive and note the report does not limit human rights. Therefore, the decision is compatible with human rights.
Attachments and Confidential Background Papers
1. |
Monthly Financial Performance Report - June 2024 ⇩ |
Christina Binoya
Financial Accounting Manager
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Jeffrey Keech
Chief Financial Officer
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Matt Smith
General Manager (Corporate Services)
I concur with the recommendations contained in this report.
Sonia Cooper
Chief Executive Officer
“Together, we proudly enhance the quality of life for our community”
Council Meeting Agenda |
25 July 2024 |
ITEM: 17.1
RE: Notice of Motion - City of Ipswich - Nuclear Free Zone
DATE: 17 July 2024
This is a notice of motion submitted by Councillor Andrew Antoniolli concerning Council reaffirming its commitment to remain a nuclear free zone.
Councillor Andrew Antoniolli gave notice of his intention to move the following motion at the Council Meeting of 25 July 2024:
That this Council reaffirms its long-held stance and historic declaration that the City of Ipswich remain a nuclear free zone.
At the Health and Environmental Protection Committee held on 2 March 1999 and subsequent Council Ordinary Meeting held on 10 March 1999, Council adopted the following resolution:
At the Council Ordinary Meeting held on 26 October 2023, Council adopted the following resolution:
Letters were sent in line with the Council resolution at point B.
[1] This was the only Implementation Guideline attached to the current scheme that required any changes in the local laws.